[24s] P: people know the scientific and technical issue is excluded from the jury if the jury is about this issue. C: the trail is not fair. Weaken: the people have the knowledge about the scientific and technical will can not judge the issue fair. A: (A) The more complicated the issue being litigated, the less likely it is that a juror without specialized knowledge of the field involved will be able to comprehend the testimony being given.-->support (B) The more a juror knows about a particular scientific or technical issue involved in a trial, the more likely it is that the juror will be prejudiced in favor of one of the litigating parties before the trial begins.-->R (C) Appointing an impartial arbitrator is not a fair means of settling disputes involving scientific or technical issues, because arbitrators tend to favor settlements in which both parties compromise on the issues.-->irrelevant with the arbitrators. (D) Experts who give testimony on scientific or technical issues tend to hedge their conclusions by discussing the possibility of error.-->not refute the fairness (E) Expert witnesses in specialized fields often command fees that are so high that many people involved in litigation cannot afford their services.-->irrelevant with the money
逻辑链: 1.【19s】 P:Catfish swimming erratically before the earthquake?scientists think it’s a good way to predicted the earthquake and decrease the property and life loss weaken: the Cat fish only behave erratically just a few minutes before the earthquake, the time is too short for people get out of danger. A: (A) In Japan, which is subject to frequent earthquakes, the behavior of catfish has long been associated with earthquakes.-->support (B) Mechanical methods for detecting earthquakes have not proved effective.-->support (C) Tremors lead to the release of hydrogen sulfide gas into water, thereby causing various fish and shellfish to behave erratically.-->supprt (D) Careful construction can reduce the dangers posed by earthquakes.-->irrelevant with the construction (E) Even very slight, fleeting tremors cause catfish to swim erratically.-->R
2.[20s] P: the city plan to sell buildings with entertainment facilities to attract citizens? one component of this plan the additional facilities will have no cost to the city. Flaw: when people come to use the facility, it will bring the environment cost of the city. A: (A) Developers would pass along their costs to the buyer, thereby raising the cost of housing units beyond the ability of likely purchasers to afford them.-->R (B) Light, nonpolluting industries have located in the area, offering more jobs and better-paying jobs than do the more-established industries in the area.—support (C) Other towns and cities nearby have yet to embark on any comparable plans to attract new citizens.-->irrelevant with other cities (D) Most developers see the extra expense of providing municipal facilities as simply one of the many costs of doing business.-->support (E) Studies show that purchasers of new houses, especially first-time buyers, rank recreational resources as an important factor in deciding to buy a particular house.-->irrelevant with the purchase style.
P: Industry implements cents off coupon to attract the loyalconsumer. -à So H Companyshould issue cents off coupon. Weaken: this measure can not attract loyal consumer. A:
(A) Many consumers are unlikely to try new brandsof products unless offered an inducement to do so.—>support
(B) The consumers whose purchases are stronglyinfluenced by cents-off coupons tend not to become loyal customers of anyparticular brand.-->R
(C) Many grocery stores attract customers bydoubling the face value of manufacturer's coupons.-->irrelevant with theother solution.
(D) Typically less than one-third of the couponsissued by a manufacturer are redeemed by consumers.-->irrelevant with the reorganization.
(E) A marketing campaign that uses cents-offcoupons is most effective when combined with a television advertising campaign.-->irrelevantwith the ads way.