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[逻辑小分队] 【每日逻辑练习第二季】【1-7】

发表于 2012-6-25 02:59:09 | 只看该作者
BG: LG live & breed in distinct groups (pacific, atlantic)
Premise: LT feed near Baja, hatch in Japanese
Premise: 95% DNA samples match those at Japanese
(D) Ninety-five percent of the DNA samples taken from the Baja turtles match those taken from Atlantic loggerhead turtles.

BG: pundra was weak, value was low relative to the world’s most stable currencies
Premise: products a bargain on the world markets, exports up
Conclusion: pundra become weak? another similarly sized increase
(D) Those countries whose manufactured products compete with Darfir's on the world market all currently have stable currencies.

most helps to explain why the city's population growth rate has not changed?
BG: population of M grown over a century
Premise: 很久以前  poor sanitation?high mortality rates
Premise: immigration from rural villages?population increase
             This immigration continued & increased
Added premise: city sanitation improved
                         Yet, city’s population growth has not accelerated

(B) For several decades, Megacity, as distinct from the countryside, has had a steadily declining birth rate.
BG: PS genetic seeds highly resistant to insect damage
Counter Premise: expensive, more fertilizer and water than nomal ones? F savings on pesticides 不会花这钱
Counter premise: demand increase? seems genetic seed become widespread
(C) The first presents a development that the argument predicts will have a certain outcome; the second acknowledges a consideration that weighs against that prediction.
BG: FT buy model cost much less, smaller profit margin per PC than replacing more powerful models
Premise: last year profits higher than previous year, number, price, profit margins of each PC Model unchanged

(B) The number of people buying PXC computers who also bought PXC computer-related products, such as printers, was larger last year than the previous year.
发表于 2012-6-27 12:24:06 | 只看该作者

1. 32s
Background Information: L turtles live and breed in distinct groups, of which some are in the Pacific Ocean and some are in the Atlantic.
Premise: Pacific L that feed near the BP hatch in Japanese waters 10,000km away.
Conclusion: 95% of the DNA samples taken from B turtles match those taken from turtles at Japanese nesting sites.
Prephrase: Turtles move from other places to BJ hatch
A (north America)——support
B (Atlantic) ——irrelevant
C (number) ——irrelevant
E (commercial aquariums)——irrelevant

2. 33s
Background Information: 12 and 5 years ago, there were extended periods when the Darfir Republic’s currency was week.
Premise: The weak made Darfir’s manufactured products a bargain and exports were up substantially.
Conclusion: Politicians say that the government should allow the currency to weak again to cause exports increasing.
Prephrase: the currency is weak that will lead to other problems which are bigger than export increasing.

3. 35s
Background Information: The population of Megacity has grown at a fairly steady rate.
Premise: 100 years ago, poor sanitation caused high mortality rates and immigration increasing. This immigration has continued and even increased. And city sanitation has improved enormously.
Conclusion: The city’s population growth has not significantly accelerated.
Prephrase: Because the high mortality rates is higher than immigration.

4. 29s
Unfortunately是后面句子的原因. Thus引导结果. However转折,是实际作者要表达的,和thus引导的句子相反意.

5. 36s
Background Information: First-time computer buyers buying PXC home computers buy models that cost much less and have a smaller profit margin per computer than do PXC computers by people replacing their computers with more powerful models.
Premise: Last year PXC's profits from computer sales were substantially higher than the previous year. The same number of PXC computers were sold.
Conclusion: The prices and profit margins for each computer model that PXC sells remained unchanged.
Prephrase: more and more people replacing their computer instead of buying it.
发表于 2012-6-30 21:29:40 | 只看该作者

B:a turtles, some of them are in the PO, others are in the Atlantic.
P: since the DNA of the T in BJ penicular is 95% similer to the Jepanese T
C: the T feed in BJ are hatch in Japan
1 the situation is on the contrary
2 95% can not prove the deduction
3 the two place are too far to immigrate for T, or other obstacles

OA : D

others I

B: twice in the past decates, the currency is weaken conparing with the

stable currency. a increase in the export emerged after one week of the

C: in order to cause another increase in export, the goverment should make

the demostic money weak
Guess: 1 the government can not contrl whether or not to weake the currency
2 as the chande of the worldwild economy, the same situation may not happen
3 other objective factors hinder the seccuss

A : strong
others: I

38' (错了,没有看清题目)
explain the abnormal
B:the population of a city maintain a stable increase in the past country.

however a hunder years ago, a high levle of mortality since the sanitation

problems. after that immigrantion keeping settling
P: now , the sanitation is well, however the population has not increase in

the recent decades.
Guess: 1, the conception has changed
2, the new emmigrants do not have the custom to have a baby
3, sinatation is not a certain prerequisite to have more children
OA : A
others: I

the frame of the article
1: a new one
2: the drawbacks of the new one
3: since the special need, it will spread

1'40 (回神+不专注)
general conclusion: people will pay more for the second computure than the

first one
Phenominon: last year, the number of the computures are the same, however,

the per margin is lower than last year.
Guess: large percent of the consumers brough thier first computers

发表于 2012-7-15 11:09:50 | 只看该作者
1.计时35''background: turtles in different groupsacific Ocean and Atlantic
premise:95% of DNA samples selected from B match that in Japanese nesting sites.
conclusion:young turtle feed near B hatch in Japanese water.
(A) Nesting sites of loggerhead turtles have been found the Pacific coast of North America Several thousand kilometers north of the Baja peninsula.和DNA没什么关系的样子
(B) The distance between nesting sites and feeding sites of Atlantic loggerhead turtles is less than 5,000 kilometers.错误同A
(C) Loggerhead hatchlings in Japanese waters have been declining in number for the last decade while the number of nesting sites near the Baja peninsula has remained constant.无关
(D) Ninety-five percent of the DNA samples taken from the Baja turtles match those taken from Atlantic loggerhead turtles.正确。看到就感觉应该选这个。
(E) Commercial aquariums have been successfully breeding Atlantic loggerheads with Pacific loggerheads for the last five years. 无关
发表于 2012-7-27 04:56:30 | 只看该作者
[Premise]        - L turtles live and breed in distinct groups in PacificOcean (P) & ATL.
                    - 95% of the DNA samples match (between samples taken from BajaPenisula (BP) turtle and those taken from Japan.
[Conclusion]     - BP turtles = turtles hatch in Japan

这题题目较难读懂,1) 一开始找不到conclusion,因为没有明显的过渡词作以提示:“new evidence suggest that…”后没有用“coz”连接下一句。Learning1-题干中若出现“New evidence suggests that…”,注意了,这是conclusion。 2) 出现多个不同的地名,一下子就被搞得没有方向。Learning2-为便于读题,当题干中出现各种不同名词时注意找最关键/最原本的那个,因为其它都是那个关键词的变型/举例。本题中最原本的词是“Pacific Ocean”and“Atlantic”。“Baja Peninsula”, “Japanese waters/Japanese nesting site”是对于“Pacific Ocean”的例举。

[Prephrase]     - DNA相同只能代表两个是“同种”,不能代表两个是“同一个”

A - irrelevant
B - ‘ATL turtle’ is irrelevant,题干中讨论的是B turtle
C -  B turtle 和turtles hatch in Japan 数量的变化irrelevant
D – right answer
E - irrelevant
发表于 2012-8-6 22:00:33 | 只看该作者
8月6日  【1-7】
1.    Although L turtles live and breed in distinct groups, new evidence suggests that juvenile Pacific L that feed near the Baja Peninsula hatch in Japanese water.
Reason: 95% of the DNA taken from the Baja turtles match those taken from turtles at the Japanese nestling sites.
Answer: B (D)

2.  Twelve years ago and 5 years ago, the times when the pundra was weak. Both times a weak pundra made  D’s manufactured production up.
Politicians recommends that in order to cause another similarly sized increase, D should make Pundra weak again.
Answer: E(B)

3.Background: the main component of population in the M is immigrate  people.
Premise: the sanitation which caused many people dead 100 years ago has been increased, and immigration continues.
Paradox: city’s population growth has not significantly accelerated.
Answer: B

4.  BF题
Answer: D (C)

5. Premise: First time computer buyers buying PXC home computers typically buy models that has lower profit than people who buy PXC for replacement.
 Result: Last year, PXC’s profit from computer sales were substantially higher.
Answer: D
发表于 2012-8-14 15:45:20 | 只看该作者
1 time: 50
Premise 1: Turtles live and breed in distinct group.
Conclusion: Turtles feed near Barjar and hatch 10000 kilometers away.
Premise 2: 95 percent of the DNA taken from Barjar turtles match those taken from turtles 10000 kilometers away.
Weaken conclusion: Any options weakening the Conclusion or Premise 2 would be correct answer.
    -1 All turtles have 95 percent of DNA matching. (Weaken the premise 2)
    -2 Turtles hatch 10000 kilometers away are quite different with the turtles feed near Barjar in terms of shape, weight and appearance. (Weaken the conclusion)

2 time: 46
Premise: two times currency devaluation caused exports increased significantly.
Conclusion: Another time of currency devaluation will increase exports again.
Inference: Any options indicating that another time of devaluation will have negative impact on the manufacture will be the correct answer.
    -1 The cost of import for some materials which is necessary for the export product will increase along with the currency devaluation.
    -2 the currency devaluation will increase the cost of people life which will increase the labor cost subsequently.
E: an alternative cause has same effect.
3 time: 45
Premise: low level sanitation causes the high level mortality rate.
Premise: immigration causes the population increase.
Premise: the improving of sanitation doesn’t cause the increasing of population.
Resolve paradox:   Any option explaining the paradox on both sides would be a correct answer.
    -1: There is no immigration any more.
    -2: the birth rate in this city is still lower than mortality rate by any reason.
B: The decline of people in immigration source caused the effect subsequently.

4 time: 49
Premise: Background.
Premise: disadvantage.
Sub conclusion:  useless.
Premise: reason.
Conclusion: useful.
Inference: The sentence is a premise to support the sub conclusion.
    The second sentence provide the another reason to refute the sub conclusion, and set forth its conclusion.
C: The first presents a development that argument predicts will have a certain outcome, the second acknowledge a consideration that weighs against the prediction.

5 more than 4:00
Premise: the model bought by First-time buyer cost less and have lower margin than do the powerful model bought by buyer with computer replacement requirement.
Conclusion: the number of sales didn’t change, and the margin per computer didn’t change, but profit increase, why?
Inference: more powerful model had been sold.
D: the proportion of first-time buyer was smaller than last year.
发表于 2012-8-14 15:59:02 | 只看该作者
25. (30261-!-item-!-188;#058&004144)
Twelve years ago and again five years ago, there were extended periods when the Darfir Republic's currency, the pundra, was weak:  its value was unusually low relative to the world's most stable currencies.  Both times a weak pundra made Darfir's manufactured products a bargain on world markets, and Darfir's exports were up substantially.  Now some politicians are saying that, in order to cause another similarly sized increase in exports, the government should allow the pundra to become weak again.
Which of the following, if true, provides the government with the strongest grounds to doubt that the politicians' recommendation, if followed, will achieve its aim?

(B) After several decades of operating well below peak capacity, Darfir's manufacturing sector is now operating at near-peak levels.

For answer B: If the manufacturing is already operating at peak level, with meaning that the requirement of the quantitative of exports product is equal or higher than the supplement ability of the manufacture, so the currency devaluation will not increase the exports.

(E) A sharp improvement in the efficiency of Darfir's manufacturing plants would make Darfir's products a bargain on world markets even without any weakening of the pundra relative to other currencies.

For answer E: yes, although this is another cause for same effect, but it doesn't mention what gonna happen by currency devaluation, so this option is irrelevant.
发表于 2012-8-24 21:45:49 | 只看该作者
2)BI: live breed different groups. Some Pacific, some Atlantic
P: 95% DNA samples match, V turtles, J nesting sites
C: P turtles, feed near BP, hatch in Japanese waters.
3)hatch elsewhere and move to the current nesting sites.
4)C D
5)A. Range. Talking about Japan, not North America.
B. irrelevant.
C. Correct. The matching is weakened.
D. wrong matching.
E. irrelevant.

2)BI: P was weak twice in the past.
P: when P is weak, exports were up greatly.
C: want to increase exports, should make P weak again.
3)need new things, manufacture can’t keep up, nothing to export

2)BI: M, not clean, dead people, people moving from rural area, more people. Moving continued, much cleaner.
C: population growth not accelerated.
3)birth rate is low, people moving out the city

2)BI: new seed, no need pesticide, but more fert and water, more expensive
P: demand of no pesticide vege and fruits goes up
C: use of this new thing, rise
3)1: object to main conclusion 2: main conclusion
A? C

2)BI: first-timer buy cheap ones, replacer buy pricy ones
P: profits much more, number sold and profit margin not changed
3)more replacer and less first-timer, proportion is changed

发表于 2012-8-31 20:42:37 | 只看该作者
Time: 32’
Background Information: LT live in PO and A
Premises: 90% DNA of BT match T at Japanese.
Conclusion: JPT near BP hatch in Japanese.
Prephrase: DNA is same in T
Time: 41’
Background Information: 12 years ago , pundra is low relative to world’s most stable currencies. Export increases.
Premises: Increase export.
Conclusion: Decrease pundra
Prephrase: Pundra is too weak to decrease
Time: 42’
Background Information: Over a century, p has grown at steady rate. 100 years ago, mortality rates were high. Immigration fueled the p.
Premises: Sanitation improved a lot.
Conclusion: P has not significantly accelerated.
Prephrase: Birthrate decreases
Time: 40’
A  C
Time: 38’
Background Information: Buyers buy PXC, which is lower cost and smaller margin than powerful models.
Premises: Sale number and profit margin are unchanged.
Conclusion: Profits were higher than the previous year.
Prephrase: Selling more powerful models.
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