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[逻辑小分队] 【每日逻辑练习第二季】【1-7】

发表于 2011-11-26 21:29:49 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-11-26 23:26:12 | 只看该作者
premise: L turtles live in two places. one is P and the other is A
premise: 95% DNA samples taken from the B turtles = those taken from turtles at J nesting sites
conclusion: PL hatch in J


(A) Nesting sites of loggerhead turtles have been found the Pacific coast of North America Several thousand kilometers north of the Baja
(B) The distance between nesting sites and feeding sites of Atlantic loggerhead turtles is less than 5,000 kilometers.
--------------------irrelevant。A地turtle feed和hatch的距离不能weaken,因为题目说的是B turtle。
(C) Loggerhead hatchlings in Japanese waters have been declining in number for the last decade while the number of nesting sites near the Baja peninsula has remained constant.
--------------------数量减少并不能否认p地turtle在J地筑巢的事儿--->number of sites 数量不变不能说明问题
(D) Ninety-five percent of the DNA samples taken from the Baja turtles match those taken from Atlantic loggerhead turtles.
(E) Commercial aquariums have been successfully breeding Atlantic loggerheads with Pacific loggerheads for the last five years.
发表于 2011-11-27 11:23:07 | 只看该作者
精炼 weaken 40s
P: LHT lives in PO and in A, breed in distinct groups. 95% DNA samples from Baja turtles are match those from  Japanese turtles.
C: P turtles are feed in Baja and hatch in Japan.
Pre: All LHT’ DNA are match at least 95%.

(A) Nesting sites of loggerhead turtles have been found the Pacific coast of North America Several thousand kilometers north of the Baja peninsula. 无关,文中距离只是说地点
(B) The distance between nesting sites and feeding sites of Atlantic loggerhead turtles is less than 5,000 kilometers.  无关
(C) Loggerhead hatchlings in Japanese waters have been declining in number for the last decade while the number of nesting sites near the Baja peninsula has remained constant.
这个选项很有迷惑性,但是declining的只是waters 和turtles无关
(D) Ninety-five percent of the DNA samples taken from the Baja turtles match those taken from Atlantic loggerhead turtles. 这个是答案,提出了另一个可能。
(E) Commercial aquariums have been successfully breeding Atlantic loggerheads with Pacific loggerheads for the last five years. 无关

2. weaken 50s
P:The low value of B makes the country’s products a bargain in world market and makes the manufacture industry developed. To develop the manufacture industry further,
C: The government should make the B low value.
Pre: World market is different, low value of currency can not promote industry development.

3. support 50s
P: City X had a steady rate in population growth even it had a high mortality rate, because immigrations increased.
 The sanitation has improved and the immigrations even increased faster.
C: The population is not increased high.
Pre:1. People from City X settle in other city increases sharply.
  2. Because of some other reasons, the mortality doesn’t change.
A ,预测的2

4.  Method in reasoning 60s
背景:  new genetic crops ——他的优点和缺点——转折,需求很大——这种genetic crops能普及
C: 不知道对不对 A有些像,但是不够准确

5. Must be true 44s
P: Selling a PXC have a lower profit than replacing a old one for a new model.
 Selling One< replacing One  ————profit
  Profit  last year                  rofit this year (much higher)
  Selling                           consistent
  Replacing                          vary
 C  找变量就好
发表于 2011-11-27 20:21:41 | 只看该作者
background information:some kind of turtle live and breed in distinct groups,some in Pacific Ocean,some  in the Atlantic.
premise:95% of DNA samples in Baja match those of turtles in Japanese nesting sites
conclusion:Baja turtles hatch in Japanese waters 10000 km away

(A) Nesting sites of loggerhead turtles have been found the Pacific coast of North America Several thousand kilometers north of the Baja peninsula.——irrelevant
(B) The distance between nesting sites and feeding sites of Atlantic loggerhead turtles is less than 5,000 kilometers.——irrelevant about  Atlantic loggerhead
(C) Loggerhead hatchlings in Japanese waters have been declining in number for the last decade while the number of nesting sites near the Baja peninsula has remained constant.——irrelevant
(D) Ninety-five percent of the DNA samples taken from the Baja turtles match those taken from Atlantic loggerhead turtles.——correct
(E) Commercial aquariums have been successfully breeding Atlantic loggerheads with Pacific loggerheads for the last five years. ——irrelevant

I choose D because I think that it is highly possible that  Atlantic loggerheads hatch in Japanese waters.These kinds of turtles all match 95% of DNA samples with each other. So this choice weakens the argument.
发表于 2011-11-28 03:35:19 | 只看该作者
B: The pacific turtles feed near the B. hatch in japanese waters.
P: Loggerhead turtles live and breed in different groups.
C: 95% of DNA samples collected from B turtles match those turtles from the Japanese nesting sites.
Prephrase: Loggerhead turtles' DNA does not match the those turtles from the japanese nesting sites.(实在想不出来用什么weaken了)
(A) Nesting sites of loggerhead turtles have been found the Pacific coast of North America Several thousand kilometers north of the Baja peninsula.
(B) The distance between nesting sites and feeding sites of Atlantic loggerhead turtles is less than 5,000 kilometers.
----------the distance between these two sites is irrelevant.
(C) Loggerhead hatchlings in Japanese waters have been declining in number for the last decade while the number of nesting sites near the Baja peninsula has remained constant.
----------turtles from japanese waters下降,而靠近B的这个地方的turtles却是一样的数量,并不能证明DNA的变化。
(D) Ninety-five percent of the DNA samples taken from the Baja turtles match those taken from Atlantic loggerhead turtles.
----------证明95% of the DNA samples和Atlantic turtles也是一样的。虽然对了,但是逻辑关系搞错了~~~囧`
(E) Commercial aquariums have been successfully breeding Atlantic loggerheads with Pacific loggerheads for the last five years.

Loggerhead turtles live and breed in distinct groups, of which some are in the Pacific Ocean and some are in the Atlantic.(明显定位为背景信息) New evidence suggests that juvenile Pacific loggerheads that feed near the Baja Peninsula hatch in Japanese waters 10,000 kilometers away.(这句话竟然是conclusion,我上来看到了evidence就定位了premise) Ninety-five percent of the DNA samples taken from the Baja turtles match those taken from turtles at the Japanese nesting sites.(这句话才是premise,好混乱的说~~~)
谁能给解释一下为什么new evidence suggests是conclusion?怎么推出来的?
发表于 2011-11-28 22:21:24 | 只看该作者
B: The pacific turtles feed near the B. hatch in japanese waters.
P: Loggerhead turtles live and breed in different groups.
C: 95% of DNA samples collected from B turtles match those turtles from the Japanese nesting sites.
Prephrase: Loggerhead turtles' DNA does not match the those turtles from the japanese nesting sites.(实在想不出来用什么weaken了)
(A) Nesting sites of loggerhead turtles have been found the Pacific coast of North America Several thousand kilometers north of the Baja peninsula.
(B) The distance between nesting sites and feeding sites of Atlantic loggerhead turtles is less than 5,000 kilometers.
----------the distance between these two sites is irrelevant.
(C) Loggerhead hatchlings in Japanese waters have been declining in number for the last decade while the number of nesting sites near the Baja peninsula has remained constant.
----------turtles from japanese waters下降,而靠近B的这个地方的turtles却是一样的数量,并不能证明DNA的变化。
(D) Ninety-five percent of the DNA samples taken from the Baja turtles match those taken from Atlantic loggerhead turtles.
----------证明95% of the DNA samples和Atlantic turtles也是一样的。虽然对了,但是逻辑关系搞错了~~~囧`
(E) Commercial aquariums have been successfully breeding Atlantic loggerheads with Pacific loggerheads for the last five years.

Loggerhead turtles live and breed in distinct groups, of which some are in the Pacific Ocean and some are in the Atlantic.(明显定位为背景信息)New evidence suggests that juvenile Pacific loggerheads that feed near the Baja Peninsula hatch in Japanese waters 10,000 kilometers away.(这句话竟然是conclusion,我上来看到了evidence就定位了premise)Ninety-five percent of the DNA samples taken from the Baja turtles match those taken from turtles at the Japanese nesting sites.(这句话才是premise,好混乱的说~~~)
谁能给解释一下为什么new evidence suggests是conclusion?怎么推出来的?
-- by 会员 fox0923 (2011/11/28 3:35:19)


推理:Baja turtles 95%的DNA样本与日本nesting sites里面turtles的DNA相符合~
所以:(在Baja附近feed的)年幼的Pacific loggerheads在10000公里远的日本海域孵化。
因为二者DNA样本高度相似——所以推断Pacific loggerheads跑到日本海域去下蛋了。

反过来:如果因为Pacific loggerheads跑到日本海域去下蛋——怎么能够推出Baja turtle和日本nesting sites里面turtle的DNA样本95%相似呢?难道就因为去下了个蛋,然后就DNA高度相似啦?
发表于 2011-11-28 23:16:48 | 只看该作者
1、Background: loggerhead turtles live and breed in the Pacific Ocean and Atlantic. There is new evidence shows that Pacific loggerheads hatch in Japanese waters.
Premise: 95% of the DNA samples taken from the Baja turtles match those taken from turtles at the Japanese nesting sites.
Prephrase: the turtles nesting in Japan and Baja turtles are the offspring of the same ancestor.

A: irrelevant
B: it is about Baja turtles, not Atlantic loggerhead turtles
C: nesting sites, irrelevant
D: if Baja turtles share a similarity of 95% DNA of other kind of turtles, it then can not be proved that Baja turtles hatch in Japanese water.
E: irrelevant
2、Background: Darfir’s weak currency made its exports up substantially.
Premise: in order to cause another similarly sized increase in exports, the government should allow the currency become weak again.
Prephrase:  the revenue of exports cannot cover the cost.

A: the answer supports the politician’s argument.
B: Darfir’s manufacturing sector is now operating at near-peak levels, does this mean that there is no need to enlarge exports by weakening currency?
C: the answer supports the argument in a certain extent.
D: irrelevant
E: this is an assumption, not a fact, it could not be used as the base to doubt the argument.
3、Background: a hundred years ago, it was the immigration from rural villages that fueled the Megacity’s population which suffered from high mortality rates due to the poor sanitation.
Prephrase: in the period when city’s sanitation has improved enormously, the rural villages’ sanitation does, either. Many inhabitants in city immigrate to rural villages.
A: although traffic accident is a major cause of death in the city, if the number of accidents is low, it cannot block the increase of population
B: correct, a steadily declining birth rate results in a slow increase of population
C: irrelevant
D: irrelevant
E: irrelevant
4、Background: new seeds which resistant to insect damage exist. Because of the high price, most farmers do not choose them. However, since consumers’ demand of non-pesticided plants continues to rise, the new seeds are widespread.
5、Background: the profit gotten from first-time computer buyers is less than that from PXC computer users.
Premise: last year, PXC’s profit increased impressively,  while the number of computers sold and the prices and profit margins remained unchanged.
Prephrase: last year, more PXC computers users bought new models to replace the old one.
A: the prices are unchanged
B: the profits from computers sale are different from those from the printers sale
C: what is the proportion is very small?
D: the number of sold computers is fixed, when the number of first buyers decreases, the revenue increases.
E: if the cost changes, the profit margin will change.
发表于 2011-11-28 23:25:29 | 只看该作者
B: The pacific turtles feed near the B. hatch in japanese waters.
P: Loggerhead turtles live and breed in different groups.
C: 95% of DNA samples collected from B turtles match those turtles from the Japanese nesting sites.
Prephrase: Loggerhead turtles' DNA does not match the those turtles from the japanese nesting sites.(实在想不出来用什么weaken了)
(A) Nesting sites of loggerhead turtles have been found the Pacific coast of North America Several thousand kilometers north of the Baja peninsula.
(B) The distance between nesting sites and feeding sites of Atlantic loggerhead turtles is less than 5,000 kilometers.
----------the distance between these two sites is irrelevant.
(C) Loggerhead hatchlings in Japanese waters have been declining in number for the last decade while the number of nesting sites near the Baja peninsula has remained constant.
----------turtles from japanese waters下降,而靠近B的这个地方的turtles却是一样的数量,并不能证明DNA的变化。
(D) Ninety-five percent of the DNA samples taken from the Baja turtles match those taken from Atlantic loggerhead turtles.
----------证明95% of the DNA samples和Atlantic turtles也是一样的。虽然对了,但是逻辑关系搞错了~~~囧`
(E) Commercial aquariums have been successfully breeding Atlantic loggerheads with Pacific loggerheads for the last five years.

Loggerhead turtles live and breed in distinct groups, of which some are in the Pacific Ocean and some are in the Atlantic.(明显定位为背景信息)New evidence suggests that juvenile Pacific loggerheads that feed near the Baja Peninsula hatch in Japanese waters 10,000 kilometers away.(这句话竟然是conclusion,我上来看到了evidence就定位了premise)Ninety-five percent of the DNA samples taken from the Baja turtles match those taken from turtles at the Japanese nesting sites.(这句话才是premise,好混乱的说~~~)
谁能给解释一下为什么new evidence suggests是conclusion?怎么推出来的?
-- by 会员 fox0923 (2011/11/28 3:35:19)


推理:Baja turtles 95%的DNA样本与日本nesting sites里面turtles的DNA相符合~
所以:(在Baja附近feed的)年幼的Pacific loggerheads在10000公里远的日本海域孵化。
因为二者DNA样本高度相似——所以推断Pacific loggerheads跑到日本海域去下蛋了。

反过来:如果因为Pacific loggerheads跑到日本海域去下蛋——怎么能够推出Baja turtle和日本nesting sites里面turtle的DNA样本95%相似呢?难道就因为去下了个蛋,然后就DNA高度相似啦?
-- by 会员 风无衣 (2011/11/28 22:21:24)

发表于 2011-11-28 23:25:42 | 只看该作者
B: The pacific turtles feed near the B. hatch in japanese waters.
P: Loggerhead turtles live and breed in different groups.
C: 95% of DNA samples collected from B turtles match those turtles from the Japanese nesting sites.
Prephrase: Loggerhead turtles' DNA does not match the those turtles from the japanese nesting sites.(实在想不出来用什么weaken了)
(A) Nesting sites of loggerhead turtles have been found the Pacific coast of North America Several thousand kilometers north of the Baja peninsula.
(B) The distance between nesting sites and feeding sites of Atlantic loggerhead turtles is less than 5,000 kilometers.
----------the distance between these two sites is irrelevant.
(C) Loggerhead hatchlings in Japanese waters have been declining in number for the last decade while the number of nesting sites near the Baja peninsula has remained constant.
----------turtles from japanese waters下降,而靠近B的这个地方的turtles却是一样的数量,并不能证明DNA的变化。
(D) Ninety-five percent of the DNA samples taken from the Baja turtles match those taken from Atlantic loggerhead turtles.
----------证明95% of the DNA samples和Atlantic turtles也是一样的。虽然对了,但是逻辑关系搞错了~~~囧`
(E) Commercial aquariums have been successfully breeding Atlantic loggerheads with Pacific loggerheads for the last five years.

Loggerhead turtles live and breed in distinct groups, of which some are in the Pacific Ocean and some are in the Atlantic.(明显定位为背景信息)New evidence suggests that juvenile Pacific loggerheads that feed near the Baja Peninsula hatch in Japanese waters 10,000 kilometers away.(这句话竟然是conclusion,我上来看到了evidence就定位了premise)Ninety-five percent of the DNA samples taken from the Baja turtles match those taken from turtles at the Japanese nesting sites.(这句话才是premise,好混乱的说~~~)
谁能给解释一下为什么new evidence suggests是conclusion?怎么推出来的?
-- by 会员 fox0923 (2011/11/28 3:35:19)


推理:Baja turtles 95%的DNA样本与日本nesting sites里面turtles的DNA相符合~
所以:(在Baja附近feed的)年幼的Pacific loggerheads在10000公里远的日本海域孵化。
因为二者DNA样本高度相似——所以推断Pacific loggerheads跑到日本海域去下蛋了。

反过来:如果因为Pacific loggerheads跑到日本海域去下蛋——怎么能够推出Baja turtle和日本nesting sites里面turtle的DNA样本95%相似呢?难道就因为去下了个蛋,然后就DNA高度相似啦?
-- by 会员 风无衣 (2011/11/28 22:21:24)

发表于 2011-11-28 23:27:37 | 只看该作者
P:L turtles live and bread in distinct groups, some in Po, some in A?evidence:
The L turtles feed in B and hatch in Japanese. -->96% The DNA form the B is the same as the DNA from the Japanese
Waken: the same kind of turtles will have the same DNA no matter where they live..
(A) Nesting sites of loggerhead turtles have been
found off the Pacific coast of North America
several thousand kilometers north of the Baja
peninsula.-->irrelevant with other places
(B) The distance between nesting sites and feeding
sites of Atlantic loggerhead turtles is less
than 5,000 kilometers.-->we can not guarantee the L turtles are the same in different places.
(C) Loggerhead hatchlings in Japanese waters have
been declining in number for the last decade
while the number of nesting sites near the
Baja peninsula has remained constant.-->irrelevant with the number
(D) Ninety-five percent of the DNA samples taken
from the Baja turtles match those taken from
Atlantic loggerhead turtles.-->R
(E) Commercial aquariums have been successfully
breeding Atlantic loggerheads with Pacific?irrelevant with the breeding.

P: five years ago, the D’s currency value is lower than the world market value?this brought the export increase of the D
C: in order to increase the export, the D should take the measure to lower the currency value.
Weaken: the D currency is already lower than the world market value.
(A) Several of the politicians now recommending that the pundra be allowed to become weak made that same recommendation before each of the last two periods of currency levant weakness.-->irrelevant with the recommendation time.
(B) After several decades of operating well below peak capacity, Darfir's manufacturing sector is now operating at near-peak levels.-->R
(C) The economy of a country experiencing a rise in exports will become healthier only if the country's currency is strong or the rise in exports is significant.-->because ”or….”support
(D) Those countries whose manufactured products compete with Darfir's on the world market all currently have stable currencies.-->support
(E) A sharp improvement in the efficiency of Darfir's manufacturing plants would make Darfir's other currencies.-->provide another solution but not refute the recommendation.

P: poor sanitation environment+ immigration from the rural are-?the population increase in M.
Recent years, the sanitation environment is improved + more immigration ?the population increase is not improved.
Explain: more and more people in the M choose not to have baby.
(A) Mortality rates that were associated with poor sanitation in Megacity a hundred years ago were orders of magnitude higher than are mortality rates associated with vehicular traffic, which is currently a major cause of death in the city.—>deepen the paradox
(B) For several decades, Megacity, as distinct from the countryside, has had a steadily declining birth rate.-->R
(C) Cities smaller than Megacity have also experienced sustained population growth.-->irrelevant with other cities
(D) The great majority of immigrants to Remsland settle in Megacity, at least initially.-->deepen the paradox
(E) Megacity has long offered better employment prospects than most rural areas.-->deepen the paradox.

P :scientists invent the genetic resistant crops?the seed of this crops is expensive and fertilizer is also expensive?the money farmer saved from the pesticide will compensate the money to buy new crop seed and fertilizer?however, because the consumer prefer to buy food without pesticide, the new crops still have a large market.
P: the margin and the profits of the model of the PXC is lower than the powerful model of the PXC.-->last year, the profits of the PXC Increased, however, the number of the PXC selled and the each model margin is not changed.
Explain: more people buy the powerful model.
(A) PXC's competitors raised the prices on their computers last year, making PXC computers more attractive to first-time computer buyers.-->irrelevant with the competitor.
(B) The number of people buying PXC computers who also bought PXC computer-related products, such as printers, was larger last year than the previous year.-->pay attention the scope mention in the passage?computer sales.
(C) Among computer buyers who bought a PXC computer to replace their existing computer, the proportion who were replacing a computer made by a competitor of PXC was greater last year than the previous year.-->the total sale is not change.
(D) The proportion of PXC computers bought by first-time computer buyers was smaller last year than the previous year.--.R
(E) PXC's production costs for its computers were lower last year than they had been the previous year.-->irrelevant with the information in the passage.
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