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[逻辑小分队] 【每日逻辑练习第二季】【1-6】

发表于 2012-6-24 23:11:39 | 只看该作者
1. 28s
Premise: Humans have cognitive faculties that are superior to those of other animals.
Conclusion: Once humans become aware of faculties, they cannot be made happy by anything that does not involve gratification of these faculties.
Prephrase: Humans can be happy because they are superior to other animals
选D ———— it talks about individual, but the view above talks the humans.
A (certain animals)——irrelevant
B (enjoy physical pleasures)——irrelevant ————————correct
C (child & adult)——irrelevant
E (gourmet food)——irrelevant

2. 36s
Background Information: Cultivated emmer wheat have been found in Europe and Asia.
Premise: The only place where the wild form of emmer wheat has been found is a narrow strip of southwest Asia. The oldest remains of cultivated emmer wheat yet found are from village sites in the same narrow strip
Conclusion: The emmer wheat was first domesticated somewhere in that strip.

3. 36s
Background Information: In the late 1980s, the population of sea otters in the North Pacific began to decline.
Premise: There are two explanations for the decline: killer whales or disease.
Conclusion: Diseases is more likely because the decline of seals and sea lions are caused by disease.
Prephrase: Killer whales will attack sea otters.

4. 42s
Background Information: From 1978 to 1988, beverage containers accounted for a steadily decreasing percentage of the total weight of family garbage in the US. The practice of recycling aluminum and glass was responsible for most of this decline.
Premise: Aluminum recycling was more widely practiced in this period than glass recycling.
Conclusion: The weight of glass bottles in household garbage declined by a greater percentage than the weight of aluminum cans.
Prephrase: Glass bottles can bigger volume than Aluminum cans

5. 40s
Background Information: Tigers beetles are such fast runners that they can capture insects.
Premise: The beetles stop and then, a moment later, resume their attack.
Conclusion: Maybe they cannot maintain their pace and must pause for a moment’s rest; running tiger beetles are unable to process the resulting rapidly changing visual information, and so quickly go blind and stop.
发表于 2012-6-29 07:16:32 | 只看该作者
B: people have higher cognitive feculties than any other animals.
P: once people aware of this, they cannot be happy by anything that does not involve gratificate of these faculties
guess: If other things except this will forcefully fight against this argument
OA: B physical pleasure is not belong to feculties
others: I

B: trace the cultivation of emmer wheat
p: the early wild wheat found in a narrow strip of Asia, the early cultivation of this kind wheat also found in this place
C: the wheat native to that place
Guess: any information similar to the arguments will strenghen
OA: D ? not sure

B: In one place the population of sea otter decline,   shark , disaese?
P: it should be desease, since the populations of  seals and lions have declined. and this desease also infect these creatures are likly be to otters
1 this disease is not fatal for otters that infected
2 as the decrease of other animals, the shark have to hunt more otters for food
OA: A similar to the term 2 above
B: strong
others: Irrelevant

B: beverage container accounted for the total mount of gabage in American family declined.  American pratice of recycly glass and aluminum.
question: aluminum recycle was more widely than glass, however, the weight
of glass decline by a greater percentage in the garbage than the weight on
the aluminum cans
1 since recycle glass is laborable than alumium, people use less glass cans than before
2 per glass can is weight more than aluminum
B: irrelevant
C: support, but not as good as A
D: weaken
E: Irrelevant

support one and weaken another
B: Beetles run so fast that they can pry any nonflying insect, an specific phenominon is that they have to pause a while to resume their attack
P:1  they have to pause to maintain their pace
2  they are blind when run quickly. have to stop recover
1 if they can maintain their pace, they will not blind even run fastly
2 they will become blind before they ran too fast to lose pace
OA : C
发表于 2012-7-14 11:09:40 | 只看该作者
premise:human has cognitive faculties that animals do not.
conclusion: once humans realize this, they can not be made happy by anything without the gratification of those faculties.
hidden assumption: humans will be happy if they have cognitive faculties that animals do not have.
(A) Certain animals—dolphins and chimpanzees,
for example—appear to be capable of
rational communication.
(B) Many people familiar both with intellectual
stimulation and with physical pleasures
enjoy the latter more.
(C) Someone who never experienced classical
music as a child will usually prefer popular
music as an adult.
(D) Many people who are serious athletes consider
themselves to be happy.
(E) Many people who are serious athletes love
gourmet food.
Answer choice (D): This can be an attractive answer at first, but it depends on the assumption that the serious athletes are happy due to their athletic endeavors. However, that connection is not explicitly stated,
and it could be that the serious athletes are happy because of some gratification of their cognitive faculties,
in their respective sport or otherwise.

发表于 2012-7-25 15:39:02 | 只看该作者
[Premise] - human are superior to other animals because of better cognitive faculties.
[Conclusion] - human won't feel happy if CF wasn't satisfied

A - irrelevant - challenge premise but not conclusion
B - weaken, right answer
C - incorrect - support the premise but nothing to do with the conclusion. 虽然preference of music与CF有关,但选项中未提及不满足CF也能带来快乐。
D - not direct - 未直接阐明快乐的来源是否与CF有关
E - strengthen - loving gourmet food与CF有关  

21. 做错,错误选项B
[Premise] Traces of CULTIVATED E wheat was found in Eur&Asia. The oldest remains of CULTIVATED E wheat is in a strip of SW Asia where WILD E wheat is still growing.
[Conclusion] - E wheat was first domesticated in that strip.

求 strengthen
A - irrelevant - 'another wild wheat' 与论点无关
B - weaken/wrong - so emmer wheat can be grown easily in many OTHER areas, this is to weaken the statement, wrong C - irrelevant
D - strengthen, right answer
E - weaken - challenge to the premise that wild form of E wheat is still growing in SW Asia.

22. 做错,错误选项B
[Premise] - 2 reasons for declining number of sea otters - by killer whales or disease.
[Conclusion] - disease is more likely because other sea mammals' population dropped by disease which can infect sea otters.

A - weaken/right answer - 鲸鱼吃海豹海狮,但海豹海狮生病死了,鲸鱼没东西吃就要吃海濑
B -
C - irrelevant - seems support to premise that otters' population declined but didn't explain it declined.
D - irrelevant
E - irrelevant

23. 做错,错误选项B
[Premise] - beverage containers dropped in the total weight in household garbage because of recycle program.  aluminum recycling was wider practiced.
[Conclusion] - glass bottles declined greater than aluminum can

求 strengthen
A - strengthen/right answer
B - weaken/in-direct
C - 'plastic container' is irrelevant
D - 'fast rate' is irrelevant,混淆概念
E - irrelevant

[Premise] - TB is faster runner. BUT it stops and attacks later when running toward an insect.
[Conclusion] - two reasons, a) for a moment's rest or b) processing changing visual information

求 one reason support one but undermine another
A - support b)
B - support both
C - right answer
D - irrelevant
E - irrelevant
发表于 2012-8-5 18:40:12 | 只看该作者
1、    Background: human beings have cognitive faculties that are superior to those of other animals.
Premise: once humans find this fact
Conclusion: They can not be happy by things does not involve gratification of these faculties.
Prophase: they can be happy by such things.
Answer: B

2、    Background: the cultivated emmer wheat have been found among the earliest of agricultural remains in Eu and ASIA. The only wild form has been found is from Southwest Asia.
Premise: the oldest remains of cultivated emmer wheat yet found are from village sites there.
Conclusion: emmer wheat was first domesticated in that strip.
Answer: D

3、    Background: the population of sea otters in the NP began to decline. And there are two alternatives: Predation and disease.
Premise: since population of seals and sea lions is believed to have been caused by disease.
Conclusion: Disease is the more probable factor that cause otter’s population decline.
Answer: E

4、    from 1978 to 1988, beverage containers accounted for a steadily decrease percentage of total weight of household garbage in the US.
However, although aluminum recycling was more widely practiced in this practice, the weight of glass bottles in the household garbage declined by a comparable greater percentage.
Answer: C

5、    Tigers beetles may stop intermittently when they catch nonflying insects. There are two hypothesis for this. First, they can’t maintain their pace and must rest. Second, they can’t process the changing visual information and go blind and stop.
Answer: E
发表于 2012-8-13 17:26:28 | 只看该作者
1    29
Conclusion: Once people aware faculties, people cannot feel happy by anything that does not involve gratification of these faculties.
To weaken this conclusion: Once people aware faculties, people can feel happy without gratification.

2    34
Premise:  WE found in Europe and Asia.
Premise: The only place where the wild WE found in the narrow strip of SW Asia.
Conclusion: Since the oldest cultivated EW found in the same strip, so EW is first domesticated in that Strip.
Strengthen: Stronger and Defender
Since the climatic changed little during the development of agriculture, option D strengthens the conclusion weakly.

3    36
Premise: sea outer began to decline.
Premise: explanation A is predation.
Premise: explanation B is disease.
Conclusion: Since other marine creatures caused by these disease, sea outer also impacted by these disease.
Weaken: 1) There is no such evidence that disease impact the population of sea outer sharply.
2) Any possibilities break the connection between the disease which impacts other marine creatures and the population decline of sea outer would be the correct answer.

4    55
Fact set: Aluminum recycling was more practiced than glass recycling.
Fact set: The weight of glass bottles declined in a greater percentage than that of aluminum.    
Paradox resolving: An option explains both sides of the argument would be a correct answer.
There is a very important word, “Percentage”.

5    41
Premise: hypotheses one, TB cannot keep the pace, so stop.
Premise: hypotheses two, TB cannot process visual information rapidly, so stop.
Stem: An option which weakens one hypothesis, and strengthens the other one.
(B) In pursuing a moving insect, the beetles usually respond immediately to changes in the insect's direction, (Weaken Visual) and pause equally frequently whether the chase is up or down an incline. (Weaken Pace)
(C) The beetles maintain a fixed time interval between pauses, (Weaken Visual) although when an insect that had been stationary begins to flee, the beetle increases its speed after its next pause.(Support Pace)
发表于 2012-8-13 17:28:48 | 只看该作者
You know what, my performance is quite fluctuating.
Wish it can become more stable in the closed future.
发表于 2012-8-23 09:39:27 | 只看该作者
2)BI:human beings. Cognitive faculties. Superior to other animals.
P:humans become aware of BI
C:no gratification of these faculties, then no happy.
3)other things that have nothing to do with cognitive faculties could make humans happy.
5)A. something about animal. Nothing to do with humans.
B. Correct. Physical things bring more joy than intellectual thins do.
C. irrelevant.
D. atheletes don’t necessarily mean not intellectual.
E. nothing to do with food.

2)BI: found emmer in Europe and Asia
P: wild form emmer growing, found only in a narrow strip of southwest Asia. oldest remains of cultivated emmer are from near the strip
C: emmer wheat first domesticated around that strip
3)the emmer found in Europe are from Asia

2)BI: sea otters declined, 2 possible explanations. Predation or disease
P: disease caused seals and sea lions to decline, and this disease is likely to infect sea otters
C: disease is more likely
3)sea otters have immune system for the disease and other two animals don’t

2)BI: beverage containers decreasing percentage of total weight of garbage.
P: recycling of al and glass. Recy of al more practiced than glass
C: the decline in glass is more than the decline in al
3)during this period, manufactures replace glass containers with al containers

2)BI: TB are fast. Run, stop, resume.
C: 1. Can’t pick up pace and must pause for a rest. 2.changing visual, go blind for a sec.

发表于 2012-8-31 17:35:31 | 只看该作者
Time: 18”
Background Information: Humans have superior cognitive faculties.
Premise: Human are aware of this point, and be happy
Conclusion: Only from gratification of these faculties
Prephrase: Attacking necessary condition
E----- right
没注意physical 和cognitive 是相对的…
Time: 31”
Background Information: Cultivated wheat has been found in Europe and Asia. Wild wheat has been found in narrow strip in Asia.
Premise: Oldest remains of cultivated emmer wheat are found from same strip
Conclusion: Emmer wheat was first domesticated in that strip.
Prephrase: Condition for cultivation
Time: 30”
Background Information: Predation or disease causes the number of sea otters declining.
Premise: Seals and sea lion are killed by disease, such disease will infect sea otters
Conclusion: Disease
Prephrase: Predation
Time: 36”
Background Information: Beverage containers lose weight for the adoption of recycling aluminum and glass.  
Premise: A is more widely used
Conclusion: The weight of G declined by a greater percentage than the weight of A
Prephrase: G weights heavier than A
Time: 31”
Background Information: when TB captures insect, it will intermittently stop and then resume attack.
Premise: Cannot maintain pace or go blind and stop
Conclusion: support one and undermine the other
A-----both weaken
B-----both weaken

发表于 2012-10-5 10:01:08 | 只看该作者
Bg:Humanbeings have cognitive faculties.
pre:humans become aware of these
con:they can't be made happy by other things
that does't involve gratification of these faculties.
Pre:A->B IF A happened,then B would happen
I need to attack that even if A happens, B stil has not
any change.Or,the A is not the only reason.
I think A.C.D.E are irrelevant choices.
Bg:Traces of cultivated emmer wheat have been found among the earliest agricultural remains of many archaeological sites in Europe and Asia.
pre:the oldest remains of cultivated E.W yet found are form village sites in the same narrow strip
con:E.W. was first domesticated somwhere in that strip.
Pre:Although the oldest E.W. was found in the same narrow strip,it's not enough.If I was the aracheologist,I would say why the result is correct becouse
   the other factors which have influence on the result such as climatic or wet have little changes.
B is not the point .The stimulus did not discuss the temporary way of cultivate E.W.
Bg:In the late 1980s, the population of sea otters in the North Pacific began to decline.
pre:Two reasons:predation(killer whales) & disease
   Disease is the more likely.
con:diseases that infect these creatures(seals & sea lion) are likely to be able to infect sea otters also
Pre:This is false.Sea otters may also be attacked by disease. But,if the people investigate the sea condition, finding that the sea environment is well,and
   survey a sampile they will find that the sea otters are not infected by disease.
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