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[逻辑小分队] 【每日逻辑练习第二季】【1-5】

发表于 2015-8-10 14:29:56 | 只看该作者
B: high tax rate will hamper technology development, and outdated technology has negative impact on country national power
P: the country wants to keep its system and way of life
C: it must not follow high rate tax
推断:there are other way to keep system and way of life when high rate tax implement
A: weaken the conclusion—tax rate
C: broke the logic link
D: broke the logic link
E: weaken

P: In the greenhouse where eliminate SO2, plants in urban greenhouse grow slowly than plants in rural green house
C: how much difference due to SO2?
推断:although the rate of urban plants still is slower than rural plants, the rate distance has difference?
A: no matter how, both greenhouse eliminate SO2
C: irrelevant
D: irrelevant
E: irrelevant

B: edge marking benefits traffic safe
P: A cities draw edge marking on its narrow, winding roads
C: accidents rate increase
推断: the key is narrow and winding roads
D: CORRECT, it provides a possibility 又错。。。应该选E
A: irrelevant
B: irrelevant
C: irrelevant
E: irrelevant, frankly, I did not understand the meaning

B: income rises => meat demand increase = 6 times grain
P: grain demand increase but supply not change
C: import is needed
推断:demand increase does not mean demand > supply
A: irrelevant
B: irrelevant
C: irrelevant
D: irrelevant

P: parking places provided
C: exhaust will decrease
推断:the buses would not park at that place. the right option should provides evidence or facts to eliminate the possibility/ the answer could provide fact the support the conclusion
C: CORRECT, i am not sure
A: irrelevant
B: no matter whether the building would be influenced by other reasons, if buses exhaust reduced, the amount of exhaust would decrease
D: irrelevant
E: “some…” cannot mean anything

发表于 2015-8-12 17:42:46 | 只看该作者
mark一下。精练,没看清题啊,factor thattake account,以为是evaluate结论。
发表于 2015-8-15 17:20:24 | 只看该作者
2.premises: high tax on income-hampered technological innovation-lose
their voice in world affairs
conclusion: maintain its value system and way of life-must not allow its highest tax bracket to exceed 30 percent of income
3. weaken except
weaken: 30% not high enough
some country maintain, but with high tax
4. A weaken
B not sure
C weaken
D weaken
E. correct

1. 38s
2. Urban air contains more sulfur dioxide than does rural air
plants in cities typically grow more slowly than do plants in rural areas
classes in an urban and a rural school grew plants in greenhouses at their schools and filtered the greenhouse air to eliminate sulfur dioxide.  lants in the urban greenhouse grew more slowly than those in the rural greenhouse.
3. ?
4. A have already filtered the greenhouse air to eliminate sulfur dioxide
B correct
C. irrelevant
D. cannot tell whether sulfur dioxide can be excluded
E. irrelevant

1. 26s
2. discrepancy: Clear edge markings would make it easier for drivers to see upcoming curves and to judge the car's position on the road, particularly when visibility is poor, and would therefore seem to be a useful contribution to road safety
However, after Greatwater County painted edge markings on all its narrow, winding roads, the annual accident rate along those roads actually increased slightly.
3. maybe more cars use the road now
maybe people are less cautious and drive faster because of markings
4. A. irrelevant
B. cannot explain why increase
C. irrelevant, cannot explain increase
D. irrelevant
E. correct

1. 26s
2. premises: Gortland has long been narrowly self-sufficient in both grain and meat.
as per capita income in Gortland has risen toward the world average, per capita consumption of meat has also risen toward the world average
it takes several pounds of grain to produce one pound of meat.
since per capita income continues to rise, whereas domestic grain production will not increase,
conclusion: Gortland will soon have to import either grain or meat or both.
3. assumption: defender, supporter
defenders eliminate alternate explanations: meats cannot be produced other production?
grain consumption will not decrease?
4. A. not necessary
B. irrelevant
C. not necessary
D. irrelevant
E. correct

1. 27s
2.  premises: There has been little parking space, so most buses have idled at the curb during each stop on their tour
idling produces as much exhaust as driving
The city has now provided parking that accommodates a third of the tour buses
conclusion: damage to Palitito's buildings from the buses' exhaust will diminish significantly.
3. idling enough long time and will indeed produce large amount exhaust
buses will indeed use the parking lot
4. A irrelevant, conclusion focus on tourist buses
B. B. irrelevant
C. correct
D. not specific
E. can be strengthen, can be weaken

发表于 2015-8-30 18:49:42 | 只看该作者
5. Politician: All nations that place a high tax on income produce thereby a negative incentive for technological innovation, and all nations in which technological innovation is hampered inevitably fall behind in the international arms race. Those nations that, through historical accident or the foolishness of their political leadership, wind up in a strategically disadvantageous position are destined to lose their voice in world affairs. So if a nation wants to maintain its value system and way of life, it must not allow its highest tax bracket to exceed 30 percent of income.
逻辑链:high tax——》 negative incentive for innovation——》fall in the international race——》to maintain value system must not allow high tax to exceed 30 percent
推测:30 percent的限定有gap
Each of the following, if true, weakens thepolitician’s argument EXCEPT:
(A) The top level of taxation must reach 45 percent
before taxation begins to deter inventors and
industrialists from introducing new
technologies and industries.正确
(B) Making a great deal of money is an
insignificant factor in driving technological
innovation. 无关
(C) Falling behind in the international arms race
does not necessarily lead to a strategically
less advantageous position. 反前提?
(D) Those nations that lose influence in the world
community do not necessarily suffer from a
threat to their value system or way of life. 无关
(E) Allowing one’s country to lose its
technological edge, especially as concerns
weaponry, would be foolish rather than
merely a historical accident. 无关

17.    (27669-!-item-!-188;#058&003302)
Urban air contains more sulfur dioxide than does rural air, and plants in cities typically grow more slowly than do plants in rural areas.  In an experiment to see how much of the difference in growth is due to sulfur dioxide, classes in an urban and a rural school grew plants in greenhouses at their schools and filtered the greenhouse air to eliminate sulfur dioxide. Plants in the urban greenhouse grew more slowly than those in the rural greenhouse.
逻辑链:urban 有更多硫化物,且植物长更慢;实验发现在urban温室的plant的确比rural温室的plant长得慢
因果:sulfur——》plant grow slowly
Which of the following, if true, would it be most important to take into account in evaluating the result?
(A) The urban school was located in a part of the city in which levels of sulfur dioxide in the air were usually far lower than is typical for urban areas. 无关
(B) At both schools, the plants in the greenhouses grew much more quickly than did plants planted outdoors in plots near the greenhouses. 无关
(C) The urban class conducting the experiment was larger than the rural class conducting the experiment. 无关
(D) Heavy vehicular traffic such as is found in cities constantly deposits grime on greenhouse windows, reducing the amount of light that reaches the plants inside. 正确 他因
(E) Because of the higher levels of sulfur dioxide in the air at the urban school, the air filters for the urban school's greenhouse were changed more frequently than were those at the rural school.

18.    (27717-!-item-!-188;#058&003330)
Many small roads do not have painted markings along their edges.  Clear edge markings would make it easier for drivers to see upcoming curves and to judge the car's position on the road, particularly when visibility is poor, and would therefore seem to be a useful contribution to road safety.  However, after Greatwater County painted edge markings on all its narrow, winding roads, the annual accident rate along those roads actually increased slightly.
逻辑链:small road do not have paint marking and paint marking is useful to improve road safety, but after G county paint edge marking on its narrow roads accidents increased
推测:没paint marking之前人们不往这些路上开或者开的很小心所以事故比较少,有了paint marking之后放心大胆开反而容易出事
Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain the increase in accident rate?
(A) Greatwater County has an unusually high proportion of narrow, winding roads. 无关
(B) In bad weather it can be nearly as difficult for drivers to see the road as it is at night. 无关
(C) Prior to the painting of the edge markings, Greatwater County's narrow, winding roads already had a somewhat higher accident rate than other Greatwater County roads. 无关
(D) Many of the accidents on narrow, winding roads involve a single vehicle veering off the road, rather than the collision of two vehicles. 无关
(E) After the markings were painted on the roads, many drivers who had gone out of their way to avoid driving on those roads at night no longer did so. 正确

19.    (27995-!-item-!-188;#058&003473)
Gortland has long been narrowly self-sufficient in both grain and meat. However, as per capita income in Gortland has risen toward the world average, per capita consumption of meat has also risen toward the world average, and it takes several pounds of grain to produce one pound of meat.  Therefore, since per capita income continues to rise, whereas domestic grain production will not increase, Gortland will soon have to import either grain or meat or both.
推测:也可以提高技术然后增加本地的产量啊,文中没有提到meat 产量没跟上哦!
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
(A) The total acreage devoted to grain production in Gortland will soon decrease. 不必要
(B) Importing either grain or meat will not result in a significantly higher percentage of Gortlanders' incomes being spent on food than is currently the case. 无关
(C) The per capita consumption of meat in Gortland is increasing at roughly the same rate across all income levels. 无关
(D) The per capita income of meat producers in Gortland is rising faster than the per capita income of grain producers. 无关
(E) People in Gortland who increase their consumption of meat will not radically decrease their consumption of grain. 正确

20.    (28411-!-item-!-188;#058&003617)
For years the beautiful Renaissance buildings in Palitito have been damaged by exhaust from the many tour buses that come to the city.  There has been little parking space, so most buses have idled at the curb during each stop on their tour, and idling produces as much exhaust as driving.  The city has now provided parking that accommodates a third of the tour buses, so damage to Palitito's buildings from the buses' exhaust will diminish significantly.
逻辑链:building have been damaged by exhaust from buses, no parking lot ——》buses idled ——》produce exhaust——》city provide parking lot accommodate a third of the buses ——》damage reduce significantly

Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the argument?
(A) The exhaust from Palitito's few automobiles is not a significant threat to Palitito's buildings. 无关
(B) Palitito's Renaissance buildings are not threatened by pollution other than engine exhaust. 无关
(C) Tour buses typically spend less than one-quarter of the time they are in Palitito transporting passengers from one site to another. 正确,driving的时间很短,所以exhaust大部分来自idle 所以解决了parking lot就可以大量减少exhaust
(D) More tourists come to Palitito by tour bus than by any other single means of transportation. 无关
(E) Some of the tour buses that are unable to find parking drive around Palitito while their passengers are visiting a site. 重复
发表于 2015-9-1 14:05:58 | 只看该作者
high tax on income may hamper TI.these country will fall behind
lose voice in world affairs
if a country wants to maintain XX,its highest tax bracket can't exceed 30% of income.
A 直接否定太粗暴了吧。。。
B weaken,insignificant不要看成了significant。。。
C weaken
D weaken
E correct,这个无关额

1-5-2-weaken EXCEPT
U'S>R'S,R'P grow<U'P,想研究S↑是不是会导致P↓
做实验剔除了S这个因素,结果还是R'P grow<U'P
A irrelevant,实验是在剔除了S的greenhouse里做的,和外界空气无关
B irrelevant
C irrelevant
D bingo!!!其他变量的影响
E irrelevant

many small roads do not have markings which can contribute to road safety
after painted markings,the AAR increased
A irrelevant
B support,那有了marking应该decrease
C 对象只是这些roads,不用和其他roads对比
D irrelvant
E bingo,车流量变大了,基数增大了

收入↑,G不变,have to import
A why,grain并没有降价
B irrelevant
C irrelevant,没有提到供给
D irrelevant,
E bingo!!!

Limited PP
TB idled
B have been damaged by TB.
provide PP
damage will diminish
idled diminish
A irrelevant
B irrelevant
C bingo!!!
D weaken
E weaken

发表于 2016-2-15 22:35:13 | 只看该作者
5. Politician: All nations that place a high tax on
income produce thereby a negative incentive
for technological innovation, and all nations in
which technological innovation is hampered
inevitably fall behind in the international arms
race. Those nations that, through historical
accident or the foolishness of their political
leadership, wind up in a strategically
disadvantageous position are destined to lose
their voice in world affairs. So if a nation wants
to maintain its value system and way of life, it
must not allow its highest tax bracket to exceed
30 percent of income.

逻辑链: premise 所有国家如果在收入上收取过高的税就会对其科技创新上造成负面影响,所有国家如果科技收到阻扰讲无可避免的落后于国际比赛。
如果一个国家想要保持他的价值和生命周期 就应该让他的税收不超过收入的30%
rephrase 不超过收入的30 也会有其他因素导致价值down

Each of the following, if true, weakens the
politician’s argument EXCEPT:

(A) The top level of taxation must reach 45 percent
before taxation begins to deter inventors and
industrialists from introducing new
technologies and industries.
deny  the fact? 高于30% 就会influence
(B) Making a great deal of money is an
insignificant factor in driving technological
--------weaken。提出了别的方法促进tech innovation
(C) Falling behind in the international arms race
does not necessarily lead to a strategically
less advantageous position.
(D) Those nations that lose influence in the world
community do not necessarily suffer from a
threat to their value system or way of life.

(E) Allowing one’s country to lose its
technological edge, especially as concerns
weaponry, would be foolish rather than
merely a historical accident.
----correct。题目没有关于lost tech edge的评价问题,跑题了。irrelevant

17.    (27669-!-item-!-188;#058&003302)

Urban air contains more sulfur dioxide than does rural air, and plants in cities typically grow more slowly than do plants in rural areas.  In an experiment to see how much of the difference in growth is due to sulfur dioxide, classes in an urban and a rural school grew plants in greenhouses at their schools and filtered the greenhouse air to eliminate sulfur dioxide.  lants in the urban greenhouse grew more slowly than those in the rural greenhouse.

城市的空气比乡村的含有很过的sulfur, plants在城市比在乡村生长的慢
在一个试验中 为了检测多大的差别是由于sulfur的原因  
在urban和rural的学校在温室里种植了plamts 然后将温室气体灌入 消除sulfur气体  
结论: plant在urban里比在rural里生长的慢

rephrase  可能不同种plant 反应不同?
Which of the following, if true, would it be most important to take into account in evaluating the result?

The urban school was located in a part of the city in which levels of sulfur dioxide in the air were usually far lower than is typical for urban areas.

(B) At both schools, the plants in the greenhouses grew much more quickly than did plants planted outdoors in plots near the greenhouses.
(C) The urban class conducting the experiment was larger than the rural class conducting the experiment. ?什么意思
(D) Heavy vehicular traffic such as is found in cities constantly deposits grime on greenhouse windows, reducing the amount of light that reaches the plants inside.
(E) Because of the higher levels of sulfur dioxide in the air at the urban school, the air filters for the urban school's greenhouse were changed more frequently than were those at the rural school.

--the frequency to change the filters is irrelevant

18.    (27717-!-item-!-188;#058&003330)

Many small roads do not have painted markings along their edges.  Clear edge markings would make it easier for drivers to see upcoming curves and to judge the car's position on the road, particularly when visibility is poor, and would therefore seem to be a useful contribution to road safety.  However, after Greatwater County painted edge markings on all its narrow, winding roads, the annual accident rate along those roads actually increased slightly.

Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain the increase in accident rate?
许多小路都没有painted的标志在路边。 清晰的标志会让司机更简单的看到upcoming curves 和 判断车的位置,尤其当视觉很弱的时候,也因此对道路安全尤为重要。 然而,当GC painted 所有路标后,每年的事故率却轻微上升
rephrase :标志不明显?

(A) Greatwater County has an unusually high proportion of narrow, winding roads. narrow无关
(B) In bad weather it can be nearly as difficult for drivers to see the road as it is at night.于 weather无关
(C) Prior to the painting of the edge markings, Greatwater County's narrow, winding roads already had a somewhat higher accident rate than other Greatwater County roads.

wrong --------irrelevant。marking road之前的情况不能解释现在的情况。本来rate就高,现在又上升了一点,有点weaken的感觉。
(D) Many of the accidents on narrow, winding roads involve a single vehicle veering off the road, rather than the collision of two vehicles.无关
(E) After the markings were painted on the roads, many drivers who had gone out of their way to avoid driving on those roads at night no longer did so.
E  —-—correct。drivers增多了,所以事故可能性增大。

19.    (27995-!-item-!-188;#058&003473)

Gortland has long been narrowly self-sufficient in both grain and meat. However, as per capita income in Gortland has risen toward the world average, per capita consumption of meat has also risen toward the world average, and it takes several pounds of grain to produce one pound of meat.  Therefore, since per capita income continues to rise, whereas domestic grain production will not increase, Gortland will soon have to import either grain or meat or both.

然而 当per capita 收入上升后(世界平均水平) per meat 消费也就上升了。
因此 自从收入持续上升后,然而grain的生产没有增加, G将要进口meat和grain。
rephrase 其他产生不了meat 只有grain可以 ;
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

(A) The total acreage devoted to grain production in Gortland will soon decrease.
(B) Importing either grain or meat will not result in a significantly higher percentage of Gortlanders' incomes being spent on food than is currently the case.
wrong irrelevant
(C) The per capita consumption of meat in Gortland is increasing at roughly the same rate across all income levels.
———income levels is irrelevant
(D) The per capita income of meat producers in Gortland is rising faster than the per capita income of grain producers.
meat producers is irrelevant
(E) People in Gortland who increase their consumption of meat will not radically decrease their consumption of grain.
irrelevant meat和grain之间的consumption无关?


20.    (28411-!-item-!-188;#058&003617)

For years the beautiful Renaissance buildings in Palitito have been damaged by exhaust from the many tour buses that come to the city.  There has been little parking space, so most buses have idled at the curb during each stop on their tour, and idling produces as much exhaust as driving.  The city has now provided parking that accommodates a third of the tour buses, so damage to Palitito's buildings from the buses' exhaust will diminish significantly.
四年来 R被来旅游的大巴破坏。 那里很少P停车的 大多数巴士只能停靠在旅游景点附近 ,游荡则会产生很多exhaust 。
城市现在提供1/3P , 所以对旅游景点破坏的车exhasut将会大大减少。

Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the argument?

The exhaust from Palitito's few automobiles is not a significant threat to Palitito's buildings.
deny the fact
(B) Palitito's Renaissance buildings are not threatened by pollution other than engine exhaust.
right. 将pollutant和tour bus联系起来。
-wrong —— the conclusion is about the damage from the buses' exhaust--irrelevant
(C) Tour buses typically spend less than one-quarter of the time they are in Palitito transporting passengers from one site to another.

(D) More tourists come to Palitito by tour bus than by any other single means of transportation.
(E) Some of the tour buses that are unable to find parking drive around Palitito while their passengers are visiting a site.

C,司机四分之三的时间都在idle,因此建设parking places以后原本要排放废气的3/4时间现在都可以不排放废气了,对原文加强
发表于 2016-3-24 21:52:20 | 只看该作者
5. Politician: All nations that place a high tax on income produce thereby a negative incentive for technological innovation, and all nations in which technological innovation is hampered inevitably fall behind in the international arms race. Those nations that, through historical accident or the foolishness of their political leadership, wind up in a strategically disadvantageous position are destined to lose their voice in world affairs. So if a nation wants to maintain its value system and way of life, it must not allow its highest tax bracket to exceed 30 percent of income.
Each of the following, if true, weakens the politician’s argument EXCEPT:
33’’ 逻辑链:在收入上增收高税会给技术创新带来坏的影响。而技术的落后会使得这个国家在国际上丧失话语权。所以为了维护他的价值以及生活方式,最高税赋不应超过收入的20%。
Weaken except=support & irrelevant
Weaken: 1、技术落后但是在其他方面先进在国际上还是有一定地位的。先进技术不是决定一国竞争力的唯一标准。
3、list other crucial factors
4、超过xx%就会带来坏影响了。(/原来小于20%都带来影响)结论说20% 那就更有影响了
(A) The top level of taxation must reach 45 percent before taxation begins to deter inventors and industrialists from introducing new technologies and industries. 达到45才会影响。达到20%根本是不相关。Weaken
(B) Making a great deal of money is an insignificant factor in driving technological innovation. Weaken,削弱high tax& technological innovation的联系
(C) Falling behind in the international arms race does not necessarily lead to a strategically less advantageous position. Weaken,切断其中两个联系。
(D) Those nations that lose influence in the world community do not necessarily suffer from a threat to their value system or way of life. Weaken,和C相似的切断方式
(E) Allowing one’s country to lose its technological edge, especially as concerns weaponry, would be foolish rather than merely a historical accident. 重复原文,support

17.    (27669-!-item-!-188;#058&003302)
Urban air contains more sulfur dioxide than does rural air, and plants in cities typically grow more slowly than do plants in rural areas.  In an experiment to see how much of the difference in growth is due to sulfur dioxide, classes in an urban and a rural school grew plants in greenhouses at their schools and filtered the greenhouse air to eliminate sulfur dioxide.  plants in the urban greenhouse grew more slowly than those in the rural greenhouse.
Which of the following, if true, would it be most important to take into account in evaluating the result?
30’’ 城市比农村有更多的SO2,并且城市里的植物生长的比农村的慢。为了看看SO2对植物有多大影响,有两批人分别把植物种在了农村和城市并过滤掉SO2。结果城市的确实长得比农村的要慢。
(A) The urban school was located in a part of the city in which levels of sulfur dioxide in the air were usually far lower than is typical for urban areas. 和结论无关
(B) At both schools, the plants in the greenhouses grew much more quickly than did plants planted outdoors in plots near the greenhouses.和结论无关
(C) The urban class conducting the experiment was larger than the rural class conducting the experiment.和结论无关
(D) Heavy vehicular traffic such as is found in cities constantly deposits grime on greenhouse windows, reducing the amount of light that reaches the plants inside. Correct
(E) Because of the higher levels of sulfur dioxide in the air at the urban school, the air filters for the urban school's greenhouse were changed more frequently than were those at the rural school.和结论无关

18.    (27717-!-item-!-188;#058&003330)
Many small roads do not have painted markings along their edges.  Clear edge markings would make it easier for drivers to see upcoming curves and to judge the car's position on the road, particularly when visibility is poor, and would therefore seem to be a useful contribution to road safety.  However, after Greatwater County painted edge markings on all its narrow, winding roads, the annual accident rate along those roads actually increased slightly.
Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain the increase in accident rate?
(A) Greatwater County has an unusually high proportion of narrow, winding roads.
(B) In bad weather it can be nearly as difficult for drivers to see the road as it is at night.
(C) Prior to the painting of the edge markings, Greatwater County's narrow, winding roads already had a somewhat higher accident rate than other Greatwater County roads.
(D) Many of the accidents on narrow, winding roads involve a single vehicle veering off the road, rather than the collision of two vehicles. 易错选选项。解释发生事故原因但是不能解释为何树了标牌以后还是会有slightly increase
(E) After the markings were painted on the roads, many drivers who had gone out of their way to avoid driving on those roads at night no longer did so. Correct

19.    (27995-!-item-!-188;#058&003473)
Gortland has long been narrowly self-sufficient in both grain and meat. However, as per capita income in Gortland has risen toward the world average, per capita consumption of meat has also risen toward the world average, and it takes several pounds of grain to produce one pound of meat.  Therefore, since per capita income continues to rise, whereas domestic grain production will not increase, Gortland will soon have to import either grain or meat or both.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
30’’ 逻辑链:G国的谷物和肉食是自給自足。但是,自从人均收入向世界平均水平看齐,肉食的人均消费也应该向世界平均看齐。生产几磅谷物才能生产一磅肉食。因此,人均收入在增长然而谷物产量却并没有增长。所以人们要进口meat或者grain或者both。
(A) The total acreage devoted to grain production in Gortland will soon decrease.新信息
(B) Importing either grain or meat will not result in a significantly higher percentage of Gortlanders' incomes being spent on food than is currently the case.无关
(C) The per capita consumption of meat in Gortland is increasing at roughly the same rate across all income levels. Correct
(D) The per capita income of meat producers in Gortland is rising faster than the per capita income of grain producers. 新信息,文中并没有提到producer的income
(E) People in Gortland who increase their consumption of meat will not radically decrease their consumption of grain. 无关。并没有提到grain和meat两者的比较

20.    (28411-!-item-!-188;#058&003617)
For years the beautiful Renaissance buildings in Palitito have been damaged by exhaust from the many tour buses that come to the city.  There has been little parking space, so most buses have idled at the curb during each stop on their tour, and idling produces as much exhaust as driving.  The city has now provided parking that accommodates a third of the tour buses, so damage to Palitito's buildings from the buses' exhaust will diminish significantly.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the argument?
30’’ 逻辑链:许多文艺复兴时期华丽的建筑都被过往的车辆释放出的气体给damage了。城市里很少有车位,所以那些车就停靠在路边。然而停靠释放的气体和驾驶释放的一样多。现在提供车位,因此建筑物能很大程度上地被保护。
(A) The exhaust from Palitito's few automobiles is not a significant threat to Palitito's buildings. 削弱,正好和1相反
(B) Palitito's Renaissance buildings are not threatened by pollution other than engine exhaust.支持,engine exhaust是唯一因素
(C) Tour buses typically spend less than one-quarter of the time they are in Palitito transporting passengers from one site to another. 无关
(D) More tourists come to Palitito by tour bus than by any other single means of transportation.无关
(E) Some of the tour buses that are unable to find parking drive around Palitito while their passengers are visiting a site. 无关

5、在pollution里面engine exhaust 是唯一因素。但是并不包括在其他领域就没有因素可以影响buildings的。
第四道实在没想明白啊~不一定非要提到grain和meat啊,如果per consumption of grain decrease的话,那么就不用进口了啊,反正文中也说了either xxx or xxx or both
发表于 2016-5-7 02:24:26 | 只看该作者
BG, technology innovation and tax
high tax reduce incentive to innovation
low innovation internationally low respect
C: maintain country’s value system and way of life
lower tax, no more than 30% of income

tax up—innovation down— internationally down
there fore: less tax — innovation up — international up

way of life will be better with more tax
more tax more money to innovate

(A) The top level of taxation must reach 45 percent before taxation begins to deter inventors and industrialists from introducing new technologies and industries.
— tax will not hamper innovation
(B) Making a great deal of money is an insignificant factor in driving technological innovation. — high tax will not hamper innovation
(C) Falling behind in the international arms race does not necessarily lead to a strategically less advantageous position. — attack one premise ( all nations in
which technological innovation is hampered inevitably fall behind in the international arms race. Those nations that, through historical accident or the foolishness of their political
leadership, wind up in a strategically disadvantageous position are destined to lose their voice in world affairs)
(D) Those nations that lose influence in the world community do not necessarily suffer from a threat to their value system or way of life. — 因没有导致果
(E) Allowing one’s country to lose its technological edge, especially as concerns weaponry, would be foolish rather than merely a historical accident.

if a nation wants to maintain its value system and way of life, it must not allow its highest tax bracket to exceed 30 percent of income.


P: in city more sulfur than urban, trees grow more slowly in city
experiment, student grow trees in urban and city, trees can absorb sulfur
trees grow more slowly in city than in urban

(A) The urban school was located in a part of the city in which levels of sulfur dioxide in the air were usually far lower than is typical for urban areas.
(B) At both schools, the plants in the greenhouses grew much more quickly than did plants planted outdoors in plots near the greenhouses.
(C) The urban class conducting the experiment was larger than the rural class conducting the experiment.
(D) Heavy vehicular traffic such as is found in cities constantly deposits grime on greenhouse windows, reducing the amount of light that reaches the plants inside.
(E) Because of the higher levels of sulfur dioxide in the air at the urban school, the air filters for the urban school's greenhouse were changed more frequently than were those at the rural school.

P: no marking on road
marking is helpful to indicate curve for drivers and reduce incident
after marking, incident increase
more narrower the road, drivers distraction
(A) Greatwater County has an unusually high proportion of narrow, winding roads.
(B) In bad weather it can be nearly as difficult for drivers to see the road as it is at night.
(C) Prior to the painting of the edge markings, Greatwater County's narrow, winding roads already had a somewhat higher accident rate than other Greatwater County roads.
(D) Many of the accidents on narrow, winding roads involve a single vehicle veering off the road, rather than the collision of two vehicles.
(E) After the markings were painted on the roads, many drivers who had gone out of their way to avoid driving on those roads at night no longer did so.

P: income increase, meat increase, several grain to produce one meat
income keeps increasing, grain not increase, will import meat or grain or both
how about meat production in G will increase, people need less meat
(A) The total acreage devoted to grain production in Gortland will soon decrease.
(B) Importing either grain or meat will not result in a significantly higher percentage of Gortlanders' incomes being spent on food than is currently the case.
(C) The per capita consumption of meat in Gortland is increasing at roughly the same rate across all income levels.
(D) The per capita income of meat producers in Gortland is rising faster than the per capita income of grain producers.
(E) People in Gortland who increase their consumption of meat will not radically decrease their consumption of grain.

P: bus exhaust damage building
new parking space for buses
C: bus exhaust will diminish damage to building
因:parking lot
果:damage will diminish
(A) The exhaust from Palitito's few automobiles is not a significant threat to Palitito's buildings.
(B) Palitito's Renaissance buildings are not threatened by pollution other than engine exhaust.
(C) Tour buses typically spend less than one-quarter of the time they are in Palitito transporting passengers from one site to another.
(D) More tourists come to Palitito by tour bus than by any other single means of transportation.
(E) Some of the tour buses that are unable to find parking drive around Palitito while their passengers are visiting a site.
发表于 2016-8-11 11:23:41 | 只看该作者
D5 错1对4,还不错,但其实有些选项还是悬。精炼错了因为看不到except!!!注意看题

T 29s
PRE: high tex negtive to innovation, and less innovation hamper nations, losing their voice in world affairs.
CON: the nation want to maintain its value >>it cannot allow high tax
high tax has good side effects

(A) The top level of taxation must reach 45 percent
before taxation begins to deter inventors and
industrialists from introducing new
technologies and industries. - not related to numbers
(B) Making a great deal of money is an
insignificant factor in driving technological
innovation. - not related
(C) Falling behind in the international arms race
does not necessarily lead to a strategically
less advantageous position. - not mention arms race
(D) Those nations that lose influence in the world
community do not necessarily suffer from a
threat to their value system or way of life. 把CON和PRE的意义不同点找出来了,RIGHT
(E) Allowing one’s country to lose its
technological edge, especially as concerns
weaponry, would be foolish rather than
merely a historical accident. - not related to its result


T1 40s
PRE U has more SO2 than R. Plants grow more slowly in U.Students have eliminated SO2 to do experiment to test
CON Plants grow  more slowly in U than R. Same results without SO2
D 想了有点久,第一次排除BCE,但关键是SO2被完全除去了

T2 22s
PRE painted marking along the road's edge will help drivers to see curves and judge car's position.
CON One country painted clear edge, but leaded to higher accident ratio
EXPLAIN the situation
E 排除ABC E强调对比

T3 24s
PRE G income higher, consumption of meat risen. it takes several graion to get one meat.
CON income continues to rise and grain do not increase, G should have to import meat later

T4 28s
PRE the buildings are damaged by tour bus. Because there is little parking pspace, most buses idled idled at the curb
CON the city provided parking places for tour buses, buildings from buses' exhaust will be dimish
C 大部分时间都在idle,只有小部分时间是运作的
发表于 2017-2-13 14:17:37 | 只看该作者
风无衣 发表于 2011-11-25 13:51
5. background information:For years the beautiful Renaissance buildings in Palitito have be ...

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