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[逻辑小分队] 【每日逻辑练习第二季】【1-3】

发表于 2018-9-10 07:47:35 | 只看该作者
1. 削弱
B:There is relatively little room for growth in the
overall carpet market, which is tied to the size of the
P:Most who purchase carpet do so only
once or twice, first in their twenties or thirties, and
then perhaps again in their fifties or sixties.
C:Thus as
the population ages, companies producing carpet
will be able to gain market share in the carpet market
only through purchasing competitors, and not
through more aggressive marketing.
猜想:别的方法;purchasing competitor也不行

B: One plan to accomplish this is to establish giant floating seaweed farms in the oceans.
P:When the seaweed plants die, they will be disposed of by being burned for fuel.

3. 削弱
B:Video rental outlets in Centerville together handled 10,000 fewer video rentals in 1994 than in 1993.  
P:as you yourself said, the decline was on the order of 10,000 rentals.  Yet Videorama sold only 4,000 videos in 1994.
C:There must be another explanation

4. 削弱
B:it is likely that many customers intending to buy our wine will mistakenly buy theirs instead.
P:he two bottles can be readily distinguished:  the label on ours, but not on theirs, is gold colored.

5. 晕哦

发表于 2018-11-1 22:00:23 | 只看该作者
BG:little room for growth carpet tied to population
      purchase seldom buy first  in 20/30 then 50/60
prmise: as population age
conclusion: regain share only through purchsing commpetior and not marketing
presume: purchasing competitior 不会有用 或者marketing 可以增加人们购买频率
(A) Most of the major carpet producers market
other floor coverings as well.----irrelevant
(B) Most established carpet producers market
several different brand names and varieties,
and there is no remaining niche in the
market for new brands to fill.----seemly strengthen
(C) Two of the three mergers in the industry’s last
ten years led to a decline in profits and
revenues for the newly merged companies.---seemly irrelevant because conclusion relates to share
(D) Price reductions, achieved by cost-cutting in
production, by some of the dominant firms
in the carpet market are causing other
producers to leave the market altogether. ---yes through strategy,others go out this we can gain some share
(E) The carpet market is unlike most markets in
that consumers are becoming increasingly
resistant to new patterns and styles. ----strengthen

plan:through seaweed farms to remove excess carbon dioxide
other infor: plants dies will be burnt
presume:when plants are brunt ,they will release comparable carbon

(A) Some areas of ocean in the Southern Hemisphere do not contain sufficient nutrients to support large seaweed farms.--some  以偏概全 不可以 irrelevant
(B) When a seaweed plant is burned, it releases an amount of carbon dioxide comparable to the amount it has absorbed in its lifetime.---yes 燃烧释放二氧化碳等于吸收的 结果约等于没有remove
(C) Even if seaweed farms prove effective, some people will be reluctant to switch to this new fuel.-some不等于所有 以偏概全irrelevant
(D) Each year about seven billion tons of carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere but only about five billion tons are absorbed by plant life.--只有一部分能被吸收也能达到目的,但是和结论无关
(E) Seaweed farms would make more money by farming seaweed to sell as nutritional supplements than by farming seaweed to sell as fuel.-赚钱和move carbon无关

infor1:94年outlets比93年少10000,due to the openning of a selling store
infor2nly sell 4000
presume:those who bought video will lend vedio to friends several times
(A) In 1994 Videorama rented out more videos than it sold.  ---hold
(B) In 1994 two new outlets that rent but that do not sell videos opened in Centerville.--irrelevent
(C) Most of the video rental outlets in Centerville rent videos at a discount on certain nights of the week.--discount is irevelent to the conslusion
(D) People often buy videos of movies that they have previously seen in a theater.-irrelevent
(E) People who own videos frequently loan them to their friends.-seems better~ yes

infor1:dw new wine is similar to ours  so consumer will mistakenly buy theirs
infor2:dw is different in that label

weaken conclusion:consumer will not mistakenly buy dw
presume:this label will attract consumers attention

infor1:30%*merchandise orders in response to ad __subcriber under 35
infor2:most merchandise order in response to ad __under35
A) More subscribers to Systems who have never ordered merchandise in response to advertisements in the magazine are age thirty-five or over than are under age thirty-five. we dont know never ordered
(B) Among subscribers to Systems, the proportion who are under age thirty-five was considerably lower last year than it is now.----we donot konw this year
(C) Most merchandise orders placed in response to advertisements in Systems last year were placed by Systems subscribers over age thirty-five.--fasle  iin contrary to infor2
(D) Last year, the average dollar amount of merchandise orders placed was less for subscribers under age thirty-five than for those age thirty-five or over.--about money we dont know
(E) Last year many people who placed orders for merchandise in response to advertisements in Systems were not subscribers to the magazine. yes merchandise order= subscribe + not subcribe

发表于 2018-12-5 11:10:49 | 只看该作者
premise:the customers are usually change carpets in the specific time of their life.
conclusion:so the carpet company can only earn money by purchasing other company but not marketing their products
bg info:the carpet company can hardly expand the market
prephrase:weaken--->the company can increase market share by marketing/purchaing other companies cant increase either.除了两种都不行之外,还有“另外一种方法这样的思路”

Akept for the first round.irrelevent to the carpet
Birrelevent to the new brands
Cirrelevent to the profit
Dright这是一个increase market share的另一种方法
Eirrelevent to the market share
发表于 2018-12-6 19:02:14 | 只看该作者
As you should have noted while reading, the conclusion contains a conditional indicator and is thereby conditional in nature.To attack a conditional statement you must show that the necessary condition is not actually necessary for the sufficient condition to occur.就是“只有……才”的题干,必须具备某条件才能成立的结论,这时候的反驳方法就是证明该条件并不能使其成立,或者说还有另外的条件。当然,前提是要知道到底是什么条件才能使其成立
premise:in order to remove CO2
conclusion:the scientists have a plan that build a seedweed farm in the sea and the dead seedweed can burn to supply energy
prephrase:weaken--->the seedweed farm(plan) will not have any effect/will produce more CO2 than before.


bg info:the rental decline about 10000
explanation1:because V rent and also sell cheaply so it occupy the market share the original one used to be
explanation2:not because of V, since V only rent 4000
prephrase:weaken explanation2--->it is V's charge/V's influence

错因:weaken point:exp2 think 10000 weighs more than 4000,就该点反驳,为什么数量小也能翻盘。其实在prephrase已经有了,就是V's influence is larger than rent。

explanation1---premiseur competitors' bottle shape is the same as us; conclusion: it is very likely that the customers will make mistakes.
explanation2---no.because our label on our bottle is gold, differing from theirs.prephrase:weaken explanation2--->although labels are different, the customers will also make mistake/the label is hard to identify

Akept for the first round.irrelevent
Birrelevent to explanation2
Eirrelevent to other bottles

info1:a finding of subscriber shows that about 30% merchandise orders placed by subscribers who are under 35
info2:a finding advertiser shows that most of the merchandise order placed in response to the ad by people under 35

错因:没读懂题目,info1---30% who placed order are subscribers that under 35. info2---most who placed order are under 35
发表于 2018-12-26 22:13:18 | 只看该作者
1 D 02:26
2 B 01:20
3 E 01:13
4 D 01:03
5 A 03:15----E
1. BG: the growth of carpet market is tied to the size of population
C: in order to gain market share, the only thing can be done is purchasing competitors instead of aggressive marketing
Weaken: the aggressive marketing can gain market share
2. BG: increasing plant to remove carbon
P1: seaweed absorb carbon
P2: seaweed need be burned when they die
Weakness: when they are burned, they might produce more carbon than that they absorb
3. J: C handled 10000 fewer rentals because V rent and sold
B: C decline 10000, V sold 4000
Weak: give reasons to explain why V sold such few videos but still lead to C decline
4. P1: similar bottle
P2: different colored label
Q: P1 cause more significant influence on customer than P1 do
5. P1: 30% of orders are placed by subscribers under 35
P2: 30% of orders are placed by people under 35
C: many people placing orders are not subscribers
发表于 2019-10-22 04:55:33 | 只看该作者
1.        42s
B: 地毯市场的发展空间很小,与人口size有关;大部分人一生只买两次地毯,一次在2-30岁,一次在5-60岁。
C: 地毯市场只能通过购买竞争对手,而不是通过更aggressive 的marketing。话句话说如果市场份额增大,那么这个公司肯定购买了竞争对手。
A: 无关,题上说的是carpet的市场
D:正确说明price reductions 作为一种more aggressive marketing是有用的
E: opposite, 同B
2.        26s
C: 海草可以 remove 大气层中excess的二氧化碳
3.        34s
P:1994年的video rental 比1993年少了10000.
P: Videorama只卖了4000个videos,但是rental降低了10000.
推测:那些从Videorama买了videos的人可能会跟朋友share video.
4.        26s
P: 某公司出产的新红酒和我们的最受欢迎的红酒使用了相似的bottle。
C:not so
选项分析;D 表明大部分顾客并不会注意到label这个点
5.        54s
P: 30%的通过杂志上的广告下单的订阅顾客的年龄在35以下。
发表于 2020-4-18 15:34:58 | 只看该作者
bg: carpet market is tied to the size of pop
P: people buy carpet first in young age, then in old age.
C: carpet producers purchase competitor is the only way to gain carpet market share

Weaken: alternatives exist

a)        Floor covering is not carpet market. Irrelevant
b)        New brand comes in is irrelevant
c)        Mergers are in lost. Weaken. Correct
d)        Price war. Irrelevant
e)        New style is not welcome. Irrelevant.

又选错了选的C,C 说的合并常常不会成功,不成功不代表不是获得市占率的唯一方法;D说可以靠价格战获得市占率,是一种alternative,符合猜想

Bg: use plant to absorb co2
P: grow seaweed to absorb co2 and when seaweed die, burn them
C: remove excess co2

Weaken: the number of co2 that seaweed absorb is no more than it produce when it was burnt

a)        Other place can grow. Irrelevant
b)        Correct.
c)        Discuss the use of seaweed fuel. Irrelevant
d)        Not mention seaweed. Irrelevant
e)        People prefer selling seaweed as supplement. Irrelevant

Bg: video rentals is decline (10000) in 1994 than in 1993.
J think that is because V not only rent videos but also sold them cheaply
P: V only sold 4000 videos
C: J is wrong

Weaken: people buy videos can lend to others. People can rent one video more than one time

a)        Irrelevant
b)        Irrelevant
c)        Irrelevant
d)        Irrelevant
e)        Correct

Bg: M thinks that people mistakenly buy D’s wine because they use similar bottle
P’s wine has gold label but M dosen’t
C: the two bottles can be distinguished

Weaken: people don’t distinguish wine by label. People choose wine by bottles

a)        Repeat what D said.
b)        D’s bottle taller than M’s. irrelevant
c)        D’s label is known. Strengthen.
d)        People judge by general impression. Correct
e)        Irrelevant

Subscribers: 30% merchandise orders are placed by subscribers under 35 >>70% order by subscribers are >=35
Advertisers: most of merchandise orders in system are placed by people under 35

Must be true: ad is attractive by people under 35, many people under 35 are not subscribers

a)        Subscribers who do Not order merchandise are >=35. Not mention subscribers who never oder
b)        Subscribers who <35 is less than last yr. not mention this year
c)        Contradict to what advertisers said. Wrong
d)        Not mention dollar amount
e)        Correct
发表于 2020-10-7 11:20:30 | 只看该作者
第一题我做错了。先开始选了B,因为忽略了结论是gain而不是确保当下的market share不会被侵蚀
然后我看懂题意后选了C,还是把market share 和revenue自动带入了。
最后认真考虑D,意识到这题的属性是目标导向题,也就是达到这个gain market share 的结果就好,不用太刻意区分在A或者B之间。

这题在我看来和前几天的彗星那道题很像:Although fullerenes--spherical molecules
但是这两道题的区别在于类型不同,carpet 这道题是有be able to ,也就是目标第一,
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