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[逻辑小分队] 【每日逻辑练习第二季】【1-3】

发表于 2013-7-2 01:13:19 | 只看该作者
1)  计时:36s
2) Premise:
Most who purchase carpet do so only once or twice, first in their twenties or thirties, and then perhaps again in their fifties or sixties.
As the population ages, companies producing carpet will be able to gain market share in the carpet market only through purchasing competitors, and not through more aggressive marketing.
3) 推测(weaken)
4) 选项分析:
(A) Most of the major carpet producers market
other floor coverings as well.
无关,other floor coverings
(B) Most established carpet producers market
several different brand names and varieties,
and there is no remaining niche in the
market for new brands to fill.
(C) Two of the three mergers in the industry’s last
ten years led to a decline in profits and
revenues for the newly merged companies.
无关,Decline in profits and revenues 不等于 decline in market share
(D) Price reductions, achieved by cost-cutting in
production, by some of the dominant firms
in the carpet market are causing other
producers to leave the market altogether.
Correct, 说明marketing可以抢占市场份额
(E) The carpet market is unlike most markets in
that consumers are becoming increasingly
resistant to new patterns and styles.

1)  计时:24s
2) Premise:
When the seaweed plants die, they will be disposed of by being burned for fuel.
Accomplish this is to establish giant floating seaweed farms in the oceans.
To remove excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by increasing the amount that is absorbed by plant life.
3) 推测(weaken)
Seawed plants 燃烧的时候产生更多的CO2
4) 选项分析:
(A) Some areas of ocean in the Southern Hemisphere do not contain sufficient nutrients to support large seaweed farms.
(B) When a seaweed plant is burned, it releases an amount of carbon dioxide comparable to the amount it has absorbed in its lifetime.
(C) Even if seaweed farms prove effective, some people will be reluctant to switch to this new fuel.
(D) Each year about seven billion tons of carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere but only about five billion tons are absorbed by plant life.
(E) Seaweed farms would make more money by farming seaweed to sell as nutritional supplements than by farming seaweed to sell as fuel.

1)  计时:27 s
2) J:
The decline in rentals was probably due almost entirely to the February 1994 opening of Videorama that in addition to renting videos, also sold them cheaply.
The decline was on the order of 10,000 rentals. Yet Videorama sold only 4,000 videos in 1994.
3) 推测(weaken B)
4) 选项分析:
(A) In 1994 Videorama rented out more videos than it sold.
(B) In 1994 two new outlets that rent but that do not sell videos opened in Centerville.
(C) Most of the video rental outlets in Centerville rent videos at a discount on certain nights of the week.
(D) People often buy videos of movies that they have previously seen in a theater.
Weaken J, not B
(E) People who own videos frequently loan them to their friends.

1)  计时:24s
2) 推测(weaken Danville)
3) 选项分析:
(A) Gold is the background color on the label of many of the wines produced by Danville Winery.
(B) When the bottles are viewed side by side, Danville Winery's bottle is perceptibly taller than Mourdet Winery's.
Support,not weaken
(C) Danville Winery, unlike Mourdet Winery, displays its wine's label prominently in advertisements.
Support, not weaken
(D) It is common for occasional purchasers to buy a bottle of wine on the basis of a general impression of the most obvious feature of the bottle.
(E) Many popular wines are sold in bottles of a standard design.

1)  计时:1min42s
3) 推测
题中信息说明Systems magazine不符寻常?
4) 选项分析:
(A) More subscribers to Systems who have never ordered merchandise in response to advertisements in the magazine are age thirty-five or over than are under age thirty-five.
who have never ordered merchandise in response to advertisements不在考虑范围内
(B) Among subscribers to Systems, the proportion who are under age thirty-five was considerably lower last year than it is now.

(C) Most merchandise orders placed in response to advertisements in Systems last year were placed by Systems subscribers over age thirty-five.
(D) Last year, the average dollar amount of merchandise orders placed was less for subscribers under age thirty-five than for those age thirty-five or over.
不一定,merchandise orders包括in response to advertisements和not in response to advertisements.
(E) Last year many people who placed orders for merchandise in response to advertisements in Systems were not subscribers to the magazine.
发表于 2013-7-19 22:01:47 | 只看该作者
1.B: Carpet has little room for growth because it relates to the size of the population.
P: People at their 20s and 50s are likely to buy carpets.
C: Carpet companies could gain market share by purchasing competitors but not by aggressive market strategy.
选项分析:(A) Most of the major carpet producers market other floor coverings as well.      

(B) Most established carpet producers market several different brand names and varieties, and there is no remaining niche in the market for new brands to fill.

(C) Two of the three mergers in the industry’s last ten years led to a decline in profits and revenues for the newly merged companies.      Right. 我个人是把它看成“方案推理”题型,而该选项涉及方案。

(D) Price reductions, achieved by cost-cutting in production, by some of the dominant firms in the carpet market are causing other producers to leave the market altogether.

(E) The carpet market is unlike most markets in that consumers are becoming increasingly resistant to new patterns and styles.        

2. B  3. E   4. D   5. ?不懂。。
发表于 2013-8-4 00:27:41 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-8-6 17:58:20 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-8-26 07:48:23 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-8-27 07:14:02 | 只看该作者
why the third question is "E"?

Could any DN help explain?
发表于 2013-8-31 17:06:34 | 只看该作者
1.        35’
Pre: carpet market, which is tied to the size of the population
Con:        gain market share in the carpet market only through purchasing competitors
D right

2.        15’
Pre: When the seaweed plants die, they will be disposed of by being burned for fuel.
Con: Seaweed will remove DC
Weaken: Seaweed die will release more DC
B right

3.        30’
J: VR sell cheap, 10000 fewer rentals
B: VR sold only 4000
Weaken B: people bought at VR then lend to friends

4.        20’
MW: D uses similar bottle- customers intending to buy ours will buy theirs
D: bottles are different, D‘s with gold label
Weaken: customers won’t notice the label
ABC Support
D right
E 无关

5.        30’
Fact1: 30% orders by subscribers were placed by under 35
Fact2: Most orders were placed by under 35
Must be true: many are not subscribers
发表于 2013-9-5 22:19:35 | 只看该作者
3. There is relatively little room for growth in the
overall carpet market, which is tied to the size of the
population. Most who purchase carpet do so only
once or twice, first in their twenties or thirties, and
then perhaps again in their fifties or sixties. Thus as
the population ages, companies producing carpet
will be able to gain market share in the carpet market
only through purchasing competitors, and not
through more aggressive marketing.
Which one of the following, if true, casts the most
doubt on the conclusion above?
B: there’s little room for growth in carpet market
P:most people buy carpets only for 2 times, in 20~30 and 50~60
C: companies only can gain share through purchasing competitors

A:focus on carpet
B: irrelevant

2        23s
B:remove carbon dioxide
C: plant floating seaweed farms in oceans, burned them to fuel when thy died
问削弱  也许烧海草还是会产生carbon 或者生长过程产生

B: 强势削弱~right
D: irrelevant
E 无关

3        29s
B: j:video rental 10000 fewer in 1994 than 1993, maybe due to videoroma that sold them cheaply
b only sold 4000, must be another explanation

B 加强
C 无关
D right 不知道做这题时怎么搞的= =答案是E
E 无关

B: mw’s wine may mistaken by customers as aw’s
P: dw’s wine has golden label on blake bottles
可能顾客不注重label, 可能金色和黑色混淆

B 加强
C 加强
D right
E 无关

48s 没太懂= =
Subscriber 订户

排除B C D
A吗。。。 E
发表于 2013-9-13 16:58:49 | 只看该作者
1. 30'
BG: There is relatively little room for growth in the overall carpet market, which is tied to the size of the
P: Most who purchase carpet do so only once or twice, first in their twenties or thirties, and then perhaps again in their fifties or sixties.
C: companies producing carpet will be able to gain market share in the carpet market only through purchasing competitors, and not through more aggressive marketing
Doubt: purchase competitors cannot guarantee to gain market share
答案:C   D
A) Most of the major carpet producers market other floor coverings as well.-----what producers produce is irrelevant
(B) Most established carpet producers market several different brand names and varieties, and there is no remaining niche in the market for new brands to fill.-------new brands is not discussed
(C) Two of the three mergers in the industry’s last ten years led to a decline in profits and revenues for the newly merged companies.-------seems correct to illustrate the disadvantage of purchasing.
(D) Price reductions, achieved by cost-cutting in production, by some of the dominant firms in the carpet market are causing other producers to leave the market altogether.--------price reductions strategy is irrelevant
(E) The carpet market is unlike most markets in that consumers are becoming increasingly resistant to new patterns and styles.-----------new patterns and styles are irrelevant
错误分析:C项虽然说了purchasing disadvantages,but it will not weaken the plan to increase market share.
                 D is correct because it illustrate that there may be some leaving in the market because of the price reduction. These leaving will  give room for growth in the overall carpet marke, means more aggressive marketing will increase companies market share. doubt that the purchase is the only method.又是看了D的头没有看D的尾巴,粗心粗心啊
2. 30'
BG: Scientists are discussing ways to remove excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by increasing the amount that is absorbed by plant life.
P: establish giant floating seaweed farms in the oceans; When the seaweed plants die, they will be disposed of by being burned for fuel.
C:  remove excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
Weaken: the plan cannot remove the carbon dioxide
(A) Some areas of ocean in the Southern Hemisphere do not contain sufficient nutrients to support large seaweed farms.---------some areas is not all areas, the plan may still be effective
(B) When a seaweed plant is burned, it releases an amount of carbon dioxide comparable to the amount it has absorbed in its lifetime.--------means absorb=release, no remove. correct
(C) Even if seaweed farms prove effective, some people will be reluctant to switch to this new fuel.-----------what some people do may not affect the whole situation("some" is bad here)
(D) Each year about seven billion tons of carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere but only about five billion tons are absorbed by plant life.-----------means large increase the plant is needed, support not weaken
(E) Seaweed farms would make more money by farming seaweed to sell as nutritional supplements than by farming seaweed to sell as fuel.-------------make more money is not the subject we discuss

3. 30'
J: 10000 fewer rental is due to the opening of V
B: V just sold 4000, the remaining 6000 is not V's responsibility
Weaken B: 4000 sold will lead to 10000 fewer rentals
(A) In 1994 Videorama rented out more videos than it sold.------what V did is irrelevant
(B) In 1994 two new outlets that rent but that do not sell videos opened in Centerville.-------new outlets may be responsible for the missing 6000 rental, support B, not weaken
(C) Most of the video rental outlets in Centerville rent videos at a discount on certain nights of the week.-------how they rent is irrelevant
(D) People often buy videos of movies that they have previously seen in a theater.-------people buy what is irrelevant
(E) People who own videos frequently loan them to their friends.------means buying causes less rental

4. 25'
MW: DW uses similar bottle, customers intending to buy MW will mistakenly buy DW
DW: although similar bottle, but can be distinguished by different label
Weaken DW: different label is not enough for distinguished
(A) Gold is the background color on the label of many of the wines produced by Danville Winery.------what detail about the DW's other wine is not relevant
(B) When the bottles are viewed side by side, Danville Winery's bottle is perceptibly taller than Mourdet Winery's.------means there is different, thus consumers can distinguish, support DW
(C) Danville Winery, unlike Mourdet Winery, displays its wine's label prominently in advertisements.------also support DW
(D) It is common for occasional purchasers to buy a bottle of wine on the basis of a general impression of the most obvious feature of the bottle.--------general impression means the slight label different is not enough
(E) Many popular wines are sold in bottles of a standard design.------------also support the DW

5. 30'
F1: 30% of the subscribers who order are under 35
F2: most of the orders are placed by people under 35
MUST BE TRUE: something related to propotion
(A) More subscribers to Systems who have never ordered merchandise in response to advertisements in the magazine are age thirty-five or over than are under age thirty-five.-----------"more" 没有比较对象
(B) Among subscribers to Systems, the proportion who are under age thirty-five was considerably lower last year than it is now.---------no information about last year's situation
(C) Most merchandise orders placed in response to advertisements in Systems last year were placed by Systems subscribers over age thirty-five.--------F1 states that 30% of S subscribers are under age 35, thus if most merchandise orders placed were placed by S subscribers, the ratio of people under 35 may equal or bigger than 30%, thus it is imprudent for the F2 that most orders are under 35
(D) Last year, the average dollar amount of merchandise orders placed was less for subscribers under age thirty-five than for those age thirty-five or over.---------the average dollar amount is not discussed
(E) Last year many people who placed orders for merchandise in response to advertisements in Systems were not subscribers to the magazine.-----------correct, many people are not subscribers, means many people are under 35, the ratio of these under 35 people is higher in the whole group. thus, only 30% of the subscribers are under 35, but the most people are under 35 is justified
发表于 2013-9-15 21:40:39 | 只看该作者
P: c market share = population size=stable
C: only through purchasing competitors can c producers gain market share
Dis correct

P:increase CO2 absorbed by plants in order to ruduce CO2
  Plan:establish seaweed farms in the ocean, died seaweed=fuel
C:plan to accomplish the P1
B is correct

P: video rentals declind 10,000, Videorama rent and sell vedios
C:the decline is due to the opening of Videorama
C:Videorama  sold only 4,000 vedios
A is correct

P:MM and DW produces wines with similar bottles
C:customers won’t buy wines mistakenly due to DW’s golden lable

Eis correct

P:30% of all merchandise orders placed by subscribers are under35
  Most of all merchandise orders placed by people are under 35

Eis correct
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