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[逻辑小分队] 【每日逻辑练习第二季】【1-2】

发表于 2012-7-25 12:33:59 | 只看该作者
1\backgroundld plastic rings do harm to wild animal
premise: the new plastic rings will be used
by all companies and that the rings disintegrate after three days’ exposure to
conclusion:the threat will be eliminated
B、correct转换以后旧的继续危害 削弱
C、新的比旧的便宜 无关

2、background:tiger sharks attack tuorist and hurt the turiam industry
premise:help the economy
conclusion:kill tiger sharks within a mile of the beaches
A、out of scope
B、business pay more无关
D、correct。small sharkes 增加了

3、premise:the country doesn't import apple because they like native apples
conclusion:the other country plan to sell apples in half prize
A、correct 两国苹果不一样 无关
B、两国消费者愿意花一样比例的收入在水果上 无关
C、过去E出口 无关
D、苹果在K国一念四季都可以收获 无关

4、premise:move the entrance frome the main street location the  a low rent adjoining side
conclusion:train company pay less  all revolutions without bad impact
A、employee在high-rent entrance更多 无关
C、main street 上其他building想replace 无关
D、照样花钱 削弱

5、premiseZ1000 has the fewest per accident
conclusionZ1000 is the safest
A、other classes无关
B、more PZ1000 has been sold  out of scope
C、correct。likely to be involved to the accident直接削弱
D、different between the number of accident 无关
E、report 无关
发表于 2012-7-25 17:35:37 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-7-28 20:22:47 | 只看该作者
The old plastic rings might lead to animal suffocation while the new rings could disintegrate within 3 day, therefore the switch to the new rings would eliminated the problem of animal suffocation

A Time required for the swichover is irrelevant

B Proper Answer: undermines the claim that the swithover would unequivocally reduced the number of old rings

C Product costs is an irrelevant issue

D Introducing new concept: transportation issue

E Introducing new concept: aquatic animals that are irrelevant to the suffocation issue

Tiger sharks might attack tourists
Tourism is one of the pillar industry in Tenare Island
Therefore, killing tiger sharks would helping the economy of the island

A not strong enough
B irrelevant
C support
D proper answer
E irrelevant

People of Ertland perfer local apples
thus, there are only insignificant import of apples from other country
Kosolia wants to attract Ertland people by providing them a much cheaper Kosolia-grown apples

A support
B irrelevant
C irrelevant
D irrelevant
E proper answer

By moving the entrance from valuable main street to low-rent side street and leasing the entrance space to retail businesses, the company could made a profit

A irrelevant
B proper answer
C undermine
D undermine
E irrelevant

fewest injuries per accident in its class ---> safest
A irrelevant
B irrelevant
C proper answer
D support
E irrelevant
发表于 2012-8-5 11:01:43 | 只看该作者
1.    1)time: 50’
2)background: the beverage uses the plastic rings which is harmful to the wild animal.
  Premise: a new plastic rings will disintegrate after exposure in sunlight for 3 days.
  Conclusion: when complete the transformation, there is no harm to wild animals anymore.
  Prephrase: the new plastic rings can disintegrate ≠ no harm to wild animals.

Maybe the component after disintegrating is harmful to the animals or even the new plastic rings are used by company. The old rings still exist.

(A) The switchover to the new plastic rings will
take at least two more years to complete. (irrelevant)
(B) After the beverage companies have switched
over to the new plastic rings, a substantial
number of the old plastic rings will persist
in most aquatic and woodland environments.(contender)
(C) The new plastic rings are slightly less
expensive than the old rings.(loser, irrelevant)
(D) The new plastic rings rarely disintegrate
during shipping of beverage six-packs
because most trucks that transport canned
beverages protect their cargo from sunlight.(loser, irrelevant)
(E) The new plastic rings disintegrate into
substances that are harmful to aquatic
animals when ingested in substantial
quantities by them. (aquatic animals not the wild animals, loser.)

2.    1) time: 40’
  Background: T sharks live surrounding the T beach.  
 remise: Tiger sharks eat small sharks and sometimes eat tourists who are swimming in the sea in T. this influences the tourism that is the second industry in T.
  Conclusion: the mayor, in order to help the economy, will kill the tiger sharks within a mile of the beach.
 rephrase: kill the T sharks will help the economy.

Kill the T sharks within 1 mile of the beach, then there will be small sharks. Small sharks also will hurt tourists.


(A) Even if not all the tiger sharks that come close to the beaches are killed, the existence of the program would reassure tourists. (support)
(B) Business owners who depend on tourism are willing to pay most of the cost of implementing the program. (irrelevant)
(C) Tourists come to Tenare Island for its beaches, even though the island features a number of other tourist attractions.(irrelevant)
(D) The small sharks on which tiger sharks prey feed on fish that are commercially important to the island's fisheries. (support)
(E) Not all tourists who come to Tenare Island enjoy swimming or surfing. (maybe they come to see the T shark, then if the T sharks are killed, they will not come, can not help the economy)

3.    1)time: 42s
Background: E almost didn’t import apples from other country. As they prefer the local apples.
Premise: Country K want to sell their apples in country E with half of the local apple price and promote it as nourishing and lower-cost.
Prephrase: sell with half of price and promote it as nourishing and lower-cost, the K apples will sell well in K.
Maybe citizen of K don’t think the lower-price apple is good, they still like the apple grown in E.

选项分析: B

(A) Most of the varieties of apples grown in Ertland were originally derived from common Kosolian varieties.(support)
(B) Consumers in Ertland tend to spend about the same proportion of their income on fresh fruits and vegetables as do consumers in Kosolia.(weaken)
(C) At times in the past, Ertland has exported significant quantities of apples to Kosolia.(irrelevant)
(D) Some varieties of apples grown in Kosolia can be harvested throughout most of the year, whereas the varieties grown in Ertland can be harvested only during two months of the year.
(E) Profiles of Ertland-grown apples are high enough in Ertland that growers, wholesalers, and retailers there could easily afford to reduce the price at which these apples are sold.(irrelevant)

4.1) time: 42s
2) situation
   Background: train station will renovate.
   remise: consultant proposed to change its entrance to the adjoining street and rent the main street shop to retail business will high-rent.
  Conclusion: train station can afford the renovation fee without negative impact on its tight budget.
Prephrase: changed the entrance with lower-rent, leasing with high-rent to retail. Then train station can easily afford the renovation fee and other all fees without negative impact on  tight budget.

The high-rent is higher enough than the lower-rent. Or moving the entrance the number of people who travel by train increase.


(A) More train commuters are employed in businesses located on Main Street than in businesses located on the adjoining side street. (weaken)
(B) A reliable survey of Flowertown's commuters showed that virtually none of them would use the train any less frequently if the station's entrance were moved.(support)
(C) The high-rent block of Flowertown's Main Street includes several buildings whose owners currently seek to replace long-standing tenants lost in recent months.(weaken)
(D) If the station's entrance were moved, the train company would need to begin costly renovations to its Main Street entrance space.(weaken)
(E) Ridership on Flowertown trains declined only slightly from 1970 to 1985 while other train companies lost large numbers of commuters.(irrelevant)

5.1) time: 22s
Premise: in the same class, the FZ1000  has fewest injuries.
Conclusion: the FZ1000 is one of the safest car today.
Prephrase: compared to cars in the same class, the FZ has fewest injuries ≠ fz1000 one of safest car.
Maybe less people drive the car, so the number is lowest. Or people just drive this car on the safe road compared to others cars. Or FZ is fewest in the same class, but compared to other class, it has higher injuries.
(A) The Highway Traffic Safety Institute report listed many cars in other classes that had more injuries per accident than did the PZ 1000. (support)
(B) In recent years many more PZ 1000s have been sold than have any other kind of car in its class.(irrelevant)
(C) Cars in the class to which the PZ 1000 belongs are more likely to be involved in accidents than are other types of cars.(weaken, this class cars will have more accidents then others class, so even the FZ is the fewest in this class, but compared to others class cars, it is not the safest.)
(D) The difference between the number of injuries per accident for the PZ 1000 and that for other cars in its class is quite pronounced.(irrelevant)
(E) The Highway Traffic Safety Institute issues reports only once a year.(irrelevant)
发表于 2012-8-7 14:58:33 | 只看该作者
1    43
Premise: The original rings have threat to animal as a result of suffocate.
Premise: the new ring can be disintegrated after exposed under the sunlight.
Conclusion: the treat will be eliminated after all company switchover from old to new.
Inference: A there is no sunlight in some area of forest.
                 B The existing old rings still have treat to wild animal.
2    38
Premise: TS hurt tourism.
Premise: That consequently hurts the revenue.
Conclusion: Kill all TS which active closed to the beach.
A - New TS will come.
B - Killing the TS will consequently hurt the fishing, the first industry in this country.

3    30
Premise: Country E rarely imports Apples from other country.
Premise: The customers in Country E prefer the texture of apples which are grown domestically.
Conclusion: Country K plans to sell their apples in half price compared with the price of local apples in Country K.
A – the texture of local apples is important for domestic customers.

4    38
Premise: Renovation of train station.
Premise: Move the current entrance in Main Street in another side of the street, and lease its current space to retail business.
Conclusion: This proposal will benefit the train company in terms of budget.
A – The income from lease is quite high.

5    25
Premise: A automobile model has fewest injuries per accident of any car in his class.
Conclusion: This model is most safety car.
A - All this class of cars is extremely dangerous.
B – This model causes lots of accidents than other cars.
发表于 2012-8-15 10:02:36 | 只看该作者
1.40' Weaken
background:the plastic rings hold six-packs of beverage can put a threat to wild animal,and become entangled and suffocate
 premisenly use rings consist of a new plastic that disintegrates can exposure to sunlight in 3days.
 conclusion:the threat of suffocation to the wild animal will be elimated
 companies just solve this problem from the plastic,而且仅仅只是改变了一下材料,并不能充分表明其可降解性(三天之内)不完全正确
 A:没有回答是否eliminate threat of  wild animal。只是从时间上讲 不完全正确
 E:acquatic animals ,but not wild animals.

Remember, one of the
rules for weakening arguments is to focus on the conclusion, and knowing the
details of the conclusion is part of that focus.

 background:Tiger sharks are common in the water in Tenare Island,affect the tourists swimming and surfing.
 premise:the mayor propose an ongoing program to kill any tiger sharks within a mile of the beaches to protect the economy.
 虽然说在短期内对岛的经济有所提高 但是会破坏岛的生态系统 而且这个政策指不定会被有心人利用 残杀无辜,破坏海内生态平衡以及环境污染。
 长期下去会对岛的环境及经济带来影响 被利益蒙蔽双眼。
  选D 读了问题感觉是从implement 出发= =
 background:The Ertland has never imported apples because consumers prefer the unique texture of Ertland-grown apples
 premise:Kosolia sells their apples to Ertlant at half the price of local apples
 conlusion:promote them as a nourishing,low-cost alternative
4.30' Support
 premise:move the station's entrance from its current valuable Main Street locatioin to a low=rent adjoining side street,and lease the
high=rent entrance space to retail businesses
 conclusion:the train company could pay for those and other proposed renovations
without negative impact on its tight budget.
感觉选C 因为和商户之类的有关 其他不懂
5.20' Weaken
premise:the PZ1000 has the fewest injuries per accident of any car in its class
conclusion:the PZ1000 is one of the safest cars available today
太过于片面性 不能因为是fewest injuries就断定 为什么会fewest?还要从消费者本身意识说起 而且有些性能好的不一定就不出事 这两者没必然联系
发表于 2012-8-20 01:14:22 | 只看该作者
1 Background:The plastic rings that hold six-packs of beverage cans together pose a threat to wild animals, which often become entangled in the discarded rings and suffocate as a result. Following our lead, all beverage companies will soon use only those rings consisting of a new plastic that disintegrates after only three days’ exposure to sunlight.
Premise: we all complete the switchover from the old to the new plastic rings
Conclusion:the threat of suffocation that plastic rings pose to wild animals will be eliminated.
PREPHASE:1 plastic ring include the new and old.The new may be eliminated,but the old.

(A) The switchover to the new plastic rings will take at least two more years to complete.
(B) After the beverage companies have switched over to the new plastic rings, a substantial number of the old plastic rings will persist in most aquatic and woodland environments. correct
(C) The new plastic rings are slightly less expensive than the old rings.无关
(D) The new plastic rings rarely disintegrate during shipping of beverage six-packs because most trucks that transport canned beverages protect their cargo from sunlight.无关
(E) The new plastic rings disintegrate into substances that are harmful to aquatic animals when ingested in substantial quantities by them.无关

Background:Tiger sharks are common in the waters surrounding Tenare Island.  Usually tiger sharks feed on smaller sharks, but sometimes they have attacked tourists swimming and surfing at Tenare's beaches.  This has hurt Tenare's tourism industry, which is second only to its fishing industry in annual revenues.
Premise: the mayor of the island has proposed an ongoing program to kill any tiger sharks within a mile of the beaches.
Conclusion:help the economy.
PREPHASE:1 this program may affect fishing.

(A) Even if not all the tiger sharks that come close to the beaches are killed, the existence of the program would reassure tourists.
(B) Business owners who depend on tourism are willing to pay most of the cost of implementing the program.
(C) Tourists come to Tenare Island for its beaches, even though the island features a number of other tourist attractions.
(D) The small sharks on which tiger sharks prey feed on fish that are commercially important to the island's fisheries.
(E) Not all tourists who come to Tenare Island enjoy swimming or surfing.

Background:The country of Ertland has never imported apples in any significant quantity because consumers there generally prefer the unique texture of Ertland-grown apples.
Premise: selling Kosolia-grown apples at half the price of local apples and promoting them as a nourishing, low-cost alternative.
Conclusion:apple growers from Kosolia, a neighboring country, plan to sell their apples in Ertland。
PREPHASE:1  other factors may incrase the price of kosolia apples
                  2 ertland apple may sell at a low price as or lower than the losolia.

(A) Most of the varieties of apples grown in Ertland were originally derived from common Kosolian varieties.
(B) Consumers in Ertland tend to spend about the same proportion of their income on fresh fruits and vegetables as do consumers in Kosolia.
(C) At times in the past, Ertland has exported significant quantities of apples to Kosolia.
(D) Some varieties of apples grown in Kosolia can be harvested throughout most of the year, whereas the varieties grown in Ertland can be harvested only during two months of the year.
(E) Profiles of Ertland-grown apples are high enough in Ertland that growers, wholesalers, and retailers there could easily afford to reduce the price at which these apples are sold.

Premise: As part of major renovations to Flowertown's Main Street train station, consultants to the train company proposed moving the station's entrance from its current valuable Main Street location to a low-rent adjoining side street and then leasing the high-rent entrance space to retail businesses.
Conclusion:the train company could easily pay for those and all other proposed renovations without negative impact on its tight budget
PREPHASE:1 good location for transport,attract the customer
                    2  not lose the customer
(A) More train commuters are employed in businesses located on Main Street than in businesses located on the adjoining side street.
(B) A reliable survey of Flowertown's commuters showed that virtually none of them would use the train any less frequently if the station's entrance were moved.
(C) The high-rent block of Flowertown's Main Street includes several buildings whose owners currently seek to replace long-standing tenants lost in recent months.
(D) If the station's entrance were moved, the train company would need to begin costly renovations to its Main Street entrance space.
(E) Ridership on Flowertown trains declined only slightly from 1970 to 1985 while other train companies lost large numbers of commuters.

Background:Automobile Dealer's Advertisement
Premise: PZ 1000 has the fewest injuries per accident of any car in its class
Conclusion:PZ 1000 is one of the safest cars available today.
KEY FACTOR: fewest injuries in its class, one of the safest cars
PREPHASE:1 this class may have the highest injuries in all class.
(A) The Highway Traffic Safety Institute report listed many cars in other classes that had more injuries per accident than did the PZ 1000.
(B) In recent years many more PZ 1000s have been sold than have any other kind of car in its class.
(C) Cars in the class to which the PZ 1000 belongs are more likely to be involved in accidents than are other types of cars.
(D) The difference between the number of injuries per accident for the PZ 1000 and that for other cars in its class is quite pronounced.
(E) The Highway Traffic Safety Institute issues reports only once a year.
发表于 2012-8-20 14:30:45 | 只看该作者
2)BI: old rings, danger to wind animals, suffocate.
P: New rings, sunlight, disintegrate.
C: switch from the old to new rings, complete. no more threat of suffocation.
3)new rings, before they disintegrated, still a threat of suffocation.
Threat from old rings are still there.
5)A. the time it takes to complete is irrelevant. It says when the switch is completed.
B. Correct. Old rings still exist. Threats are not eliminated.
C. the existence of threats doesn’t concern price.
D. sunlight is used to make rings disintegrate after the rings are thrown away, not during the shipment.
E. the threat of suffocation is discussed, not the threat through ingestion.

2)BI: tiger sharks usually feed on smaller sharks, but sometimes they attack tourists, which in not good for tourism, 2nd important ot annual revenues besides fishing.
P: ongoing program to kill any tiger sharks within a mile of the beaches.
C: help the economy
3)tiger sharks go down, smaller sharks they feed on go up, another kind of fish that the smaller sharks feed on go down, and this kind of fish is important for the fishing industry.

2)BI: E has never imported apples cuz Eers love E-grown apples.
P: K wants to sell K-apples in E for half price and promote as a good cheap alternative.
C: K’s plan is gonna work.
3)K-apple does not have what makes E-apple unique. Low price won’t get Eer interested.

2)BI: F train station is getting renovation.
P: move the entrance to a low-rent side street, and rent the high-rent entrance to retail business.
C: all of the renovations would work. No neg effects on budget.
3)the change of the entrance would not affect the number of people riding the train.

P: PZ 1000 has the fewest injuries per accident of any car in its class.
C: PZ 1000 is one of the safest cars available today.
3)the class PZ 1000 is staying is the class where cars have most accidents.

发表于 2012-8-24 23:07:36 | 只看该作者
BG:the plastic rings pose thread to wild animals. All beverage com will change the rings that can be disintegrated under sunlight
Premise: when the switch over from old to new was completed
Conclusion: the threat will eliminate
推测:The old ring may be still leave in the wild
A.    stimul说Once completed, the thread will eliminate.
B.    Correct, the old plastic rings leave in the wild still pose threat to animals.
C.    与价格无关
D.    无关
E.    stimul只说了是animals entangled in the discard ring,不是ring 化解的物质pose threat to animals
BG: tiger shark feed on smaller shark(SS),and it will attack tourists.
Premise: T want to improve the economy, as tourist industry is important to tenare.
Conclusion: mayor propose program to kill tiger shark
推测:In some aspect, tiger shark is important.
A.    support
B.    support
C.    irrelerant
D.    correct, tiger shark feed on SS ,SS feed on fish that are important to local revenue. Kill tiger shark will no good to help the economy
E.    irralent
F.    irralerant
发表于 2012-8-28 21:24:02 | 只看该作者

1) Time: 49’
2) Background Information: Plastic ring pose threat to wild animals, which are entangled  
  by the discarded rings.
  Premises: Company will switch one kind of new plastic ring, which will disintegrate after  
  Conclusion: The animals will free from the threat of plastic rings.
3) Prephrase: The ring needs three days to disintegrate with sun.
4) A----irrelevant


1) Time: 34’
2) Background Information: Tiger sharks prey on smaller sharks or swimmers, causing
   hurt to local tourisms.
   remises: Kill any tiger sharks within a mile of the beaches.
   Conclusion: Help the economy, especially the tourism industry, ranking after to fishing
3) Prephrase: Fishing industry will be hurt, for the number of smaller sharks increase
4) A-----irrelevant


1) Time: 26’
2) Background Information: Consumers in Ertland only consume local apples
   remises: K’s apples are nourished and low cost.
   Conclusion: Kosolia want to sell K’s apples to E.
3) Prephrase: Cost is not attractive.
4) A-----irrelevant


1) Time: 31’
2) Premises: F’s main street train station plans to moving its entrance from current
   location to a low-rent adjoining side street, and then leasing the high-rent entrance
   space to retail businesses
   Conclusion: the train company could easily pay for those and all other proposed
   renovations without negative impact on its tight budget.
3)  rephrase: Customers will visit such retail businesses.
4)  A-----irrelevant


1) Time: 17’
2) Premises: The Highway Traffic Safety Institute reports that the PZ 1000 has the fewest
   injuries per accident of any car in its class.
   Conclusion: This shows that the PZ 1000 is one of the safest cars available today.
3) Prephrase: PZ1000 cover the least automobile marketing
4)  A-----support

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