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[逻辑小分队] 【每日逻辑练习第二季】【1-1】

发表于 2011-11-28 23:38:47 | 只看该作者
No. 1

P: Carl solves few cases than others do.
C: Carl is not a good detective
Direction: Two concepts are not equal. Quality, besides the quantity, shall be considered.

A. Right!Point out the quality issue.
B. Irrelevant
C. Support
D. Irrelevant, or even support
E. Support

No. 2
Background: Fullerenes made in lab, Also found in nature.
P: Fullerenes made in lab in certain condition.
C: Nature shall be in similar condition when Fullerenes is formed in crust
1. the similar condition might not happen in curst, but somewhere else.
2. The lab and nature are dissimilar

A. Irrelevant
B. Irrelevant
C. Irrelevant
D. shows the dissimilar. Provide other reasons and cut the causality
E. Irrelevant

No.3 42’

P: the price is higher than the treatment
C: the treatment can not be justified

1. Price is only an issue. Other damage shall be considered
2. Price of treatment is not all the cost one patient shall suffer

A. Irrelevant
B. Irrelevant
C. fit the direction 2
D. support
E. support

39’ support - 事实证明这个我回忆不出完整的逻辑链,这个和时间相关的信息我遗漏了。

P: The vole include litters, number of family changes all over the year
C: The morality of young vole contribute to the size of group

1. The proof for the increase and decease of the size and morality rate

A. Irrelevant
B. Irrelevant
C. weaken
D. weaken
E. support

33’ Explain

B: feed program
Fact1. Adult favor
Fact2. Young suffer
1. Yung complete rely on the feed. Hence did not develop the capability well.

A. Irrelevant
B. neutral
C. neutral
D. Irrelevant
E. fit
发表于 2011-12-20 22:58:01 | 只看该作者
C: C is incompetent
P: he has solved fewer cases than the other detective
weaken: quantatity doesn't assure quality
(A) most difficult cases, ones that others have
failed to solve.-----hit the point
(B) Before ---irrelevant
(C) extensive resources----irrelevant
(D) another city------irrelevant / only 1 out of 30 crimes----strengthen  
(E) within the last 5 years -----out of scope
发表于 2011-12-21 22:52:26 | 只看该作者
background:f were first found in lab; they also have been found in nature
p:lab synthesis of f needs special condition
c: this discovery should give geologists a test case for evaluating hypotheses about the state of the Earth's crust at the time these naturally occurring fullerenes were formed.
(A)took careful experimentation.--- irrelevant
(B)remains of a small meteorite--- irrelevant
(C) The mineral shungite itself contains large amounts of carbon, from which the fullerenes apparently formed.---strengthen?/irrelevant
(D) The naturally occurring fullerenes are arranged in a previously unknown crystalline structure.----排除了其他的 就剩它了 structure of f in nature is different from that in lab
(E) Shungite itself is formed only under distinctive conditions.----irrelevant

p:a new program reduces largely elder people's chances of falling but costs lots of money
c: the program cannot be justified
weaken: the program will save money in the future
(A) strengthen
(B) irrelevant
(C) medication is not counted ---medication没算进去,加上可能cost更多
(D) irrelevant
(E) strengthen

info: v live in big group from late autumn through winter and live in small group from spring through early autumn
explanation: The seasonal variation in group size can probably be explained by a seasonal variation in mortality among young voles
(A) irrelevant,do not mention the mortality
(B) irrelevant
(C) irrelevant/contrary to the stimulus
(D) Winters in the prairie voles' habitat are often harsh, with temperatures that drop well below freezing. irrelevant!(注意!且没提到晚秋)
(E) strengthen
info: many dolphins get as much as half of their food each day along the beach. the adult dolphins are healthy and long-lived, but their offspring have a lower life expectancy than offspring of dolphins that feed exclusively in the wild.
(A) Sharks --irrelevant
(B) strengthen/irelevant
(C) strengthen
(D) irrelevant
(E) weaken
发表于 2012-2-11 17:25:17 | 只看该作者
solved a smaller percentage of the cases than other--->incompetent detective

requires distinctive conditions--->give a test
not that distinctive

fall costs 11000, a program reduce chances of fall but cost 12500---> program cannot be justified
can be jusitified

seasonal variation in mortality among young voles--->seasonal variation in group size

lower life expectancy than in the wild
发表于 2012-3-2 18:57:52 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-3-3 19:03:19 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-3-30 22:10:31 | 只看该作者
背景:Carl has solved a smaller percentage of the cases assigned to him in the last years
条件:only 1 out of 25, than any other detective on the police force
结论:Carl is clearly an incompetent detective

背景:Fullerenes, although were first found in the laboratory, have been found in nature
条件:Synthesis of fullerenes requires distinctive conditions of temperature and pressure
结论:The geologists should evaluate hypotheses about the state of the earth’s crust at the time these naturally occurring fullerenes were formed

背景:The emergency treatment for an elderly for injuries resulting from a fall costs $11,000
条件:A new therapeutic program can significantly reduce an elderly chance of falling, but the treatment costs $12,500
结论:The treatment cannot be justified

背景:Voles commonly live in large groups from late autumn through winter
条件:live in far smaller groups
结论:the seasonal variation in group size can be explained by a seasonal variation in mortality among young voles
推测:the mortality among the young voles varies with the change of season
选E,这种动物的天敌从春天到秋天活跃,那么影响到young voles的死亡率

背景:Dolphins are feed several times a day and many dolphins get as much as half food each day
条件:adults dolphins benefit from the feeding program but the life expectancy of the little dolphins is lower than the offspring that feed exclusively in the wild
结论:helps to explain
发表于 2012-4-3 22:43:07 | 只看该作者
1 结论:C是一个无能的侦探
 前提:He has solved a fewer cases than his colleagus
 redicted answer: He always deals with very difficult cases in his work
2 F 是一种S的分子的东东,first found in Lab. At the same time, F were also found in nature
  Because in lab, F needs special temperature and pressure
  So in nature, F needs the same things like F in lab
  Predicted answer: another things cause F 的形成
Background:一个老人由于failing,cause 的expense 是11,000
Predicated answer: 这个是有用的,且可以节约cost
4 背景:V是一种北美的什么龋齿类的动物,群居,很多
 redicated answer:
发表于 2012-4-4 02:15:23 | 只看该作者
Time: 25''
Premise: Carl在过去的几年里只完成了比其他侦探少很多的案子
Conclusion: Carl是个无能的侦探
Type: weaken
Prephrase: Carl办理的案子比其他侦探的难
Choice: A

(A)Because the police chief regards Carl as themost capable detective, she assigns him onlythe most difficult cases, ones that others havefailed to solve.

--------correct. It reveals that the case Carl deals with are harder than others, and the harder the cases are, the smaller percentage of the cases assigned to Carl.
(B) Before he became a detective, Carl was aneighborhood police officer and was highlyrespected by the residents of theneighborhood he patrolled.

--------whether Carl is respected by the neighbourhood or not has nothing to do with his working ability.

(C) Detectives on the police force on which Carlserves are provided with extensive resources,including the use of a large computerdatabase, to help them solve crimes.

--------this choice strengthen the conclusion.

(D) Carl was previously a detective in a policedepartment in another city, and in the 4 yearshe spent there, he solved only 1 out of 30crimes.
--------this choice also strengthen the conclusion.

(E) Many of the officers in the police department inwhich Carl serves were hired or promotedwithin the last 5 years.
--------this is irrelevant, it has nothing to do with Carl's caseload and his detective ability.

2, although F是一种由carbon组成的微粒,最早是在实验室中发现的,随后在nature中也发现了F formed in fissures of the rare mineral shungite。 Since实验室里合成的F是有特定条件的,如温度和气压,这一发现应该能给地质学家们提供测试案例,用以evaluate和在F自然形成时的地球的地壳有关的假说. ...this discovery should give geologists a test case for evaluating hypotheses about the state of the Earth's crust at the time these naturally occurring fullerenes were formed
Time: 1'37
BG: F是一种由carbon组成的微粒,
Premise: Since实验室里合成的F是有特定条件的,如温度和气压
Conclusion: 在nature中发现了F, 这一发现应该能给地质学家们提供测试案例,用以evaluate和在F自然形成时的地球的地壳有关的假说.
Type: undermine
Choice: D?

3. 一个老人摔倒的话平均要花1000刀治疗,一项新的therapeutic可以大大减少老人摔倒的几率,但是由于这个program要花费12500刀,所以不合理cannot be justified.
Time: 31''
BG: 一个老人摔倒的话平均要花1000刀治疗,一项新的therapeutic可以大大减少老人摔倒的几率
Premise: 这个program要花费12500刀
Conclusion: cannot be justified
Type: undermine
Prephrase: 一个老人不止摔倒一次,所花的费用远远超过12500刀\ 老人摔倒后复原的费用也很高。
Choice: C

4. PV是一种北美动物,每年生一次,一群住在一起的V主要是由其延伸的family组成,常常有2个以上litters. 从晚秋到冬天,从春天到初秋V通常住在一个大群体里. However, 大部分的V住在小很多的groups. 这种季节性的group size的变化或许可以归因于幼崽的死亡率的季节性变化。
Time: 50''
BG: PV是一种北美动物,每年生一次,一群住在一起的V主要是由其延伸的family组成,常常有2个以上litters.
Premise: 通常从晚秋到冬天,V住在一个大群体里. However, 从春天到初秋,大部分的V住在小很多的groups
Conclusion: 这种季节性的group size的变化或许可以归因于幼崽的死亡率的季节性变化。
Type: support
Choice: E

5. A beach had a dolphin feeding program, 每天多次给dolphin喂鱼,许多D能在那个beach得到as much as一半的它所需要的食物。尽管第一批从这个program中获益的成年D都很健康长寿,但是他们的后代的寿命却比在野外觅食的小D们短。
Time: 40''
BG:  beach had a dolphin feeding program, 每天多次给dolphin喂鱼,许多D能在那个beach得到as much as一半的它所需要的食物
Premise: 尽管第一批从这个program中获益的成年D都很健康长寿,但是他们的后代的寿命却比在野外觅食的小D们短。(Fact)
Type: explain
Prephrase: 这些小D们失去了在野外觅食的能力~
Choice: E
发表于 2012-4-5 16:55:14 | 只看该作者
1  23s
premise  He has solved a smaller percentage of the cases assigned to him in the last 3 years
conclusion  Carl is clearly an incompetent detective
推测 the case assigned to him is more difficult.
选项分析 A  right  B 无关 C 无关 对每个人一样 D加强  E 无关

2 50s
background F was found in the nature
premise  F requires distinctive conditions of temperature and pressure
conclusion  discovery give scients a test case
推测 this temoerature and pressure are common
选项分析 E

3 42S
background  the program will reduce chance of falling
premise  the cost pf program is 12500  the emergency cost is 11000
conclusion not justified
推测 if the elderly people fall , he or she will fall again and again .thus cost much money
选项分析 A 无关比较 B 无关比较 C 正确 D 无关 E无关

4  80s
premise volves live in a larger group   from late autumn through winter; while living in a smaler group from spring through early autumn, however, most voles live in far smaller groups.
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