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[校友答疑] Pace University 校友答疑帖

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发表于 2012-6-7 00:26:58 | 只看该作者

加我 qq1838414137

请问我在网上看到decision made  在accepted graduate student 里面 我登陆了online enrollment card 看到了录取信,也可以交deposit, 但是我还没有收到正式的email 或者Mail 我是被录取了吗?
-- by 会员 candychengyang (2012/5/24 8:58:45)

Did you receieve your offer yet? If haven't yet, double check the info. you saw and make sure the personal info. about you is all right. Then that must be you.  I dont know there is any better way.  Or you can just make a call to the office to see whether they can chech your application status. They may cant tell your are accepted or not, but at least you will know whether your application is reviewed yet.
-- by 会员 PACECSSA (2012/6/5 4:19:52)

发表于 2012-6-7 13:44:33 | 只看该作者
You went to the office on Jun. 1st? There is no way for the office to have been closed on that day. Btw, you are saying EST right? If yes, No worries, as long as you submitted by Jun.1st, it will be reviewed by the committes. If you wanna make sure that the docs have already been receieved, just make a call one or two days later to have a check.
-- by 会员 PACECSSA (2012/6/5 4:39:29)


多谢前辈 还有一个关于pace career service的问题
我自己本科是会计的 申的是MSF 以后如果用pace的system投简历 只能申请Finance相关的工作了吗
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-9 01:48:34 | 只看该作者
You went to the office on Jun. 1st? There is no way for the office to have been closed on that day. Btw, you are saying EST right? If yes, No worries, as long as you submitted by Jun.1st, it will be reviewed by the committes. If you wanna make sure that the docs have already been receieved, just make a call one or two days later to have a check.
-- by 会员 PACECSSA (2012/6/5 4:39:29)

多谢前辈 还有一个关于pace career service的问题
我自己本科是会计的 申的是MSF 以后如果用pace的system投简历 只能申请Finance相关的工作了吗
-- by 会员 lesliebabyxx (2012/6/7 13:44:33)


No. You definitely can apply any open positions. But if you wanna get the Working Visa, you have to find a job which relates to your major. As to me, i think it is related if you can find a job in accounting even your major is finance in graduate. As they are both under the business school. While, I'm pretty not sure whether my saying is exactly right or not. Just check with your career counselor later.
发表于 2012-6-9 16:15:27 | 只看该作者
LZ啊,我今天看到remind I-20邮件才发现我被pace录取了。。。只不过发的很晚5月5号发的(估计我是waiting list 上的)
当时我没打开以为又是online chat 邮件= =谁会料到原来这就是offer


发表于 2012-6-12 09:14:49 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-6-12 10:32:17 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-6-13 10:17:12 | 只看该作者
LZ~我是属于2+2的学生 可以拿msu的学位证
之前发邮件问小米我用不用交托福成绩 他说不用 然后说 However, we may see fit you require one if we feel your English classes were deficient.
这个English classes是什么啊。。不是指语言吧?
会不会他现在不要我的语言成绩 进校之后又强制要求了呢
发表于 2012-6-13 10:17:23 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-6-13 13:13:26 | 只看该作者
请前辈介绍下White Plain校区啊,一直没提到~这个校区还在NYC吗?和NY校区的区别大不?可不可以申请转入NY校区啊?
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-15 08:31:06 | 只看该作者
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