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[校友答疑] Pace University 校友答疑帖

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发表于 2012-6-3 13:06:07 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-6-3 14:15:45 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-6-3 23:48:02 | 只看该作者
For Lubin Business School requirements:
Toefl 80-84/Ielts6.5 (no bands below 6.0) ——— 3-term
Toefl 85-89/Ielts6.5 (no bands below 6.5) ——— 2-term
Toefl 90-99/Ielts7.0 (no bands below 7.0) ——— 1-term
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-5 01:44:32 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 caitlyn0227 (2012/6/3 13:06:07)

Hi~Welcome first and I think it is more effiecent for you to join the QQ group for the 2012FAll students. There must be many students wanna rent together. If you really cant find someone, let's figure out what we can do then. Dont worry.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-5 03:47:40 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 woshidadao (2012/6/3 14:15:45)

Well, Congrats~~Theoretically, if there is no requirement on your offer, there is no need for you to take the language classes. And actually, it happens occasionally. It is the decision from the admission committee, so there must be some qualities from you made them think you can just skip the language classes even the admission standard says you have to. However, check your offer, I mean the hard copy version, when you receive it. If the hard copy shows you have to have language class, ask the admission office then. Anyway, Good luck~~
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-5 04:10:30 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 chainyn (2012/5/31 0:08:48)

Weird....How is your band score seperatelly? Is it because one  of your score is too low?
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-5 04:19:52 | 只看该作者
请问我在网上看到decision made  在accepted graduate student 里面 我登陆了online enrollment card 看到了录取信,也可以交deposit, 但是我还没有收到正式的email 或者Mail 我是被录取了吗?
-- by 会员 candychengyang (2012/5/24 8:58:45)

Did you receieve your offer yet? If haven't yet, double check the info. you saw and make sure the personal info. about you is all right. Then that must be you.  I dont know there is any better way.  Or you can just make a call to the office to see whether they can chech your application status. They may cant tell your are accepted or not, but at least you will know whether your application is reviewed yet.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-5 04:39:29 | 只看该作者
我人在美国 临时决定申请pace  这两天打电话去问 第一通电话里的小秘告我说尽快申请 过了6月1日也可以 后来另一个小秘又说必须在6月1日之前递上所有材料 彻底迷茫了 还有这个时候才apply是不是录取的几率是零啊
-- by 会员 lesliebabyxx (2012/5/25 9:05:42)

The deadline for international students is Jun.1st. You are in U.S, but are you a domestic applicant? If you are, the deadline will be later than the international applicants. The deadline depends on the program you wanna apply. For example, Lubin's MS program, which I think is most popular, its deadline is Oct, 1st.
-- by 会员 PACECSSA (2012/5/29 22:26:39)

我是international student
31号才拿到recommendation 然后打电话给grad admission 问可不可以在6月1号那天直接去pace把recommendation交上去 对方说没问题 结果今天去了才之后 警卫告诉我 grad admission周五关门 让我把文件丢进drop box 哭死
早知道就31号赶过去了 请问这种情况我的application还能process吗 要不要周一的时候打电话过去解释下啊 唉
-- by 会员 lesliebabyxx (2012/6/2 0:04:47)

You went to the office on Jun. 1st? There is no way for the office to have been closed on that day. Btw, you are saying EST right? If yes, No worries, as long as you submitted by Jun.1st, it will be reviewed by the committes. If you wanna make sure that the docs have already been receieved, just make a call one or two days later to have a check.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-5 05:06:04 | 只看该作者
Yeah,  for sure. It is only different campus. It  depends on which program you applied. One thing I could tell is that all the Lubin courses are in NYC campus.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-5 05:13:26 | 只看该作者
No, not really. If you have to take the Term 1, which means you have to take three terms of Language class with or without Lubin course. In the very first semester, you will have four courses in ESL without Lubin courses. In the second and third semester, you will have two language classes and also one Lubin class. If you wanna know the other TERM like, you could also check the attachement in the first page of our forum.
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