我觉得E是不对的,因为文章说咨询公司之所以给manager这样的建议,是因为咨询公司出于自身利益的考虑,而并非是由于narrowly specialized引起的。
although some of these con-
sulting firms have recently broadened
their practices beyond the area of
compensation, their mainstay con-
tinues to be advising companies on
changing their compensation practices.
上面这句说明即使专业化程度再广泛,咨询公司还是会出于自身利益考虑而advising companies on changing their compensation practices
不过同意楼上的,A似乎也不是很明确,怎么会是fails to bring about the intended changes in companies’ compensation systems,如果说fails to bring about the intended changes in companies’ labor cost还差不多
to the
extant that changes in compensation
create new problems, the consultants
will continue to have work solving the
problems that result from their advice.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-6 22:55:03编辑过] |