First, although some of these con- sulting firms have recently broadened their practices beyond the area of compensation, their mainstay con- (50) tinues to be advising companies on changing their compensation prac- tices 这里说虽然这些咨询公司拓展了业务,但是其mainstay依然是基于 compensation consulting,所以期出发点还是贴合的。 Suggesting that a company’s performance can be improved in some other way than by altering its (55) pay system may be empirically cor- rect but contrary to the consultants’ interests. 指出公司的业绩可以通过一些其它的途径得到改善除了改变pay system,以上内容可能是超级对,但是这和公司的incentive不符合,也就是应和了最前面那段 The myth is also perpetuated by the compensation- consulting industry, which has its own (45) incentives to keep such myths alive. 那么文章指出的是:咨询公司是基于自己的incentive才做出的这样的advise,所以即使其像E所说那样缩减业务,也依然改变不了本性,依然会提出违背自己所知正确决定的advise,从而perpetuate the myth alive 所以我支持A, |