真心感谢你的鼓励! 不得不说,这几天都不敢来了,我认认真真看了每个回帖,都很中肯。就我自己也很了解自己的弱点,就是你所说的非名校出身,相关联的就是没有牛推,这也是重伤。所以也就是为啥我对申请top 10没信心~~~ 综合考虑了你们的建议,我还是大撒网吧,为了申上不错的学校,别心疼钱就是了。 另外,你觉得 UF 有多大把握?
I understand that you give him advice as a rational person, but people's decision making process is not complete rational in the first place, a phenomenon that has been proved in many experiments already. Is a Ph.D candidate reviewing process totally rational? We don't know, since neither of us is a committee member of those top business schools, right? It just don't make sense to me when other people take those committee's perspectives and reject the candidate on a forum. It is just ridiculous. Maybe I watched too many movies, but I believe that people deserve hopes and dreams. My advice for this outstanding candidate is to "try"! Try as many top business schools as he can.....and please don't even mention the bloody waste of $65. Let me ask you this: if you were on a date with a girl and have no idea whether she would be your girlfriend, would you pay the dinner and get her flowers, something that could also be viewed as waste if she hook up with somebody else at the end of day. My point: if you never try your best, you would never know how great you can be. No pain, no gain. I think that we are just taking different perspectives at this point, and it is hardly to say whose suggestion is better. If I were this guy, I would apply to all of those 10-20 schools anyway. -- by 会员 dian58dian (2011/10/24 2:26:49)