1.对于大部分的modeling申请者,有一篇B level的publication已经足够stand out ,难道申请的时候就要发一篇QME才算突出?
2.Northwestern对于modeling申请者的要求明显比CB的低,何况他们家这三年来每年都招5-6个。LZ的背景至少不比前两年进去这个项目的中国人差(I bet),他们家第一轮发出10个左右的interview很正常的,拿到interview肯定是很有希望的(这样说也许更加合理一点?)
3.申UIC完全就是坑爹了。UIUC的CB不错,特别是现在Wyer在那边的心理系,但是我不认为这是一个decent program for modeling. 如果LZ不一定限制在芝加哥地区,稍微远一些的UMN,Umich,Olin,Indiana,Purdue,Rochester这些都可以试试。 我倒是认为既然申请的时候都有两篇B journal,说明LZ至少还是有不错的研究潜力的。去个像UIC这种基本没有faculty能发A journal的学校实在是没有意义。个人之见,仅供参考。
It is ok to encourage prospective students. But any one who takes this comment seriously is fooling himself. JBR is a decent journal, but not even close to be considered as a strong publication in marketing. Northwestern is a highly selective school. His background may have a shot in this school, but a free ticket? No way. Chicago Booth is definitely out of his reach. Please be more realistic. A feasible application strategy would be consider more OK schools like UIC. Try to apply a few decent schools such as UIUC, and one or two top schools.
top candidate!这样的背景申西北的quant问题不大,芝加哥不好说
GMAT 刚考完,730 本科国内二流学校 finance, GPA 3.6多点 MBA 美国一小学校,AACSB认证,就是没什么排名而已。GPA 3.91 没啥工作经验 还有就是读MBA期间和教授合作发了2个还不错的marketing modeling paper,一个jbr, 一个journal of retailing and consumer services 这样的条件,marketing quant方向能报什么样的学校在中部地区?西北和芝加哥有戏吗? 另外除了这2个学校,还请推荐下比较合适的。。。 真是愁完了gmat,开始愁选校了:-( -- by 会员 zhipei (2011/10/18 2:14:00)
-- by 会员 zjq407 (2011/10/18 12:05:13)
-- by 会员 benxu (2011/10/19 13:18:41)