74. GWD-27-Q23-Q26 对总统夫人的不同描述 When the history of women 罗斯福夫人在历史学家和公众里知 began to receive focused attention 名度很高。 in the 1970’, Eleanor Roosevelt Line was one of a handful of female (5) Americans who were well known to both historians and the general public. Despite the evidence that 尽管她在丈夫当选总统前在社会改革 she had been important in social- 圈子里是重要的,和她与丈夫持不同 reform circles before her husband 意见,她存在公众的想象中,还是因 (10) was elected President and that 她是总统夫人。 she continued to advocate differ- ent causes than he did, she held a place in the public imagination largely because she was the wife (15) of a particularly influential Presi- dent. Her own activities were seen as preparing the way for her 她做的被看作是为丈夫而做的。 husband’s election or as a com- plement to his programs. Even Lash的两本书也是这样认为。 (20) Joseph Lash’s two volumes of Sympathetic biography, Eleanor and Franklin (1971) and Eleanor: The Years Alone (1972), reflected this assumption. (25) Lash’s biography revealed a L的传记把夫人写成一个复杂的女人, Complicated woman who sought 通过政治运动逃避内心痛苦和追求她 Through political activity both to 热切相信的理想。但是夫人仍是一个 flee inner misery and to promote 特殊人物、国母、忙人,而非社会 causes in which she passionately 典型。 (30) believed. However, she still appeared to be an idiosyncratic figure, somehow self-generated not amenable to any generalized explanation. She emerged from (35) the biography as a mother to the entire nation, or as a busybody. but hardly as a social type, a figure comprehensible in terms of broader social developments. (40) But more recent work on the feminism of the post-suffrage years (following 1920) allows us to see Roosevelt in a different light and to bring her life into a (45) more richly detailed context. Lois 而S的书描述了拥有特权的一代女人 Scharf’s Eleanor Roosevelt, written In 1987, depicts a generation of Privileged women, born in the late Nineteenth century and maturing (50) in the twentieth, who made the 她们从旧的妇女协会转变到新的协会 transition from old patterns of female association to new ones. Their views and their lives were full 她们的观点和生活充满矛盾。 Of contradictions. They maintained 她们维持社会网络但开始融入主流 (55) female social networks but began 政治; to integrate women into mainstream politics; they demanded equal 她们既要求平等对待又提出母性义务 treatment but also argued that 观点。 women’s maternal responsibilities (60) made them both wards and repre- sentatives of the public interest. Thanks to Scharf and others, S和其他人让总统夫人所作的事在社 Roosevelt’s activities—for exam- 会背景下更易被理解,而不是一个 ple, her support both for labor laws 名人的夫人的独特事业。 (65) protecting women and for appoint- ments of women to high public office—have become intelligible in terms of this social context rather than as the idiosyncratic career of a famous man’s wife.