3. 狒狒逻辑解释: In my view, the reasoning in this argument is that: nature will continually adjust the carbon level a sustained increase in the level of carbon would not threaten human life. The statement of E points out that even the nature will continually adjust the carbon level, wide fluctuations in the carbon level in the short term will exert the remarkable negative to the human life.(Common sense tells us that the life of human is often less than 100 years) So, E is the correct chose. 貌似这里的point不是nature能不能continually adjust the carbon level,而是人类能不能承受这个level。4. Sales of higher-priced houses were unaffected by the sales drop because their purchasers have fewer constraints limiting the total amount they pay. 就是说那些购买者不介意价钱??
-- by 会员 daisyの小夢想 (2011/8/15 23:05:17)
第四题,大意就是他们不关注钱。其实可以这么理解:“好多人不买房,是因为他们想看贷款利率能降到什么程度”,“但是,房价却升了” 原因在于“那些买的起高价房的人仍在买房(因为他们是现款买房)- -” |