1. 58’s P: if the car has a decal, police can stop it between 1am to 5 am. P: theft rate is lower for these cars than other cars C: theft rate in total has been reduced by the program 【因果】有了D,D车偷盗率少了。所以整体偷盗率降低。 整体是否降低,和D在整体中所占比例有关系。如果D比例很大,整体降低合情合理。如果比例小,那么有他因。 评价,削弱方向,看他因。
2. 46’
P: if more television, then less mathematical competence.
P: more than one third of American watch more than 5 hours tv, while only7 percent of the Korean watch.
P: less than 15 percent of American understand geo, while 40 percent of Korean.
C: to improve US math competence, must watch less tv.
有几个gap: 1) 分数不等于number, 美国人看电视的人数不一定多余韩国的。这里假设美国人数更多。2)advanced measurement, geo concepts=mathematical knowledge. 桥梁。3)排他,数学能力只和看电视有关,和其他无关。
3. 1’09
P:natural could adjust carbon level by the circle: carbon—heat—water evaporated—rain—human life
P: increased level of carbon will damage human life
C: not worried, the nature will adjust itself
【逻辑链】环境学家以为增加的carbon会损害人类。但是结论认为,自然自己会调解carbon level,所以不用担心。
削弱:方向就是自然不能调解。如果carbon level超出了自然调解的范围,就不能调解了。或者指出自然可以调解的前提。
4. 27’ P: sales of house drop---interest rate for mortgage reduced—average price of house increased 【差异】销量下降,贷款利率下降,价钱上升。
5. P: we have a code of ethics P: the code is relevant to current business environment that was approved last year, and in direct response to violations of companies we were working C: we do not need ethics regulations and enforcement mechanisms to ensure ethical behavior 1. 错误假设:wrongly assume that the relevant code of ethics we currently have is sufficient to ensure ethical behavior 2. 错误假设:assume that the code that was approved last year is still relevant to current business environment, assume that the business environment did not change within the year 3. 例子代表性:assume the violations by companies we were working are representative of all the possible violations of current companies we are working. Assume that there are no additional or new violations under the current business environment