1.32s P:people now go long way to do shopping and the highway is congested, since the average speed is 35 miles/hour while the limit is 55 m/h C:we should do something to ease the traffic congestion MBT:应该改善交通拥堵方便居民购物 2.17s P:我的学生现在写作不好 C:大学生现在写作能力不如从前 Weaken:“我的”学生不能代表所有的学生【资料有误】 3.27s P1=Plan:修highway C1=Goal:吸引business P2:business park吸引business能力是highway的两倍 C2:Mayor关心的是经济以外的东西 Assumption:highway能给mayor带来利益,或者business的效益能够预见,或者mayor知道business park能带来两倍于highway的效益 Support:市长拒绝了business park的提案 4.23s P:东部有技能的工人中很多搬去了西部 C:东部剩余的有技能的工人一定很受欢迎 Weaken:东部发展低技能经济,不需要高技能人才 5.37s P:我们这里的大学医院这里不好那里不好 C:大学医院不好 AA-Weaken: 样本要具有代表性 这些标准能够成为衡量医院好不好的标准
1. 28'
BG: something has been done for government to ease traffic congestion.
Premise: people nowadays have to go long distance from workplace to shop.
2. 22'
Professor: student write not as well as they used do. with grammatical mistake and poorly written.
3. 39'
Mayor: major highway through town and thereby to attract business.
Citizen's group: building a new business park.
4. 17'
BG: highly skills people move from E to W.
Conclusion: people do not move from E to W is more likely useful in E.
5. 40'
BG: most people think that university hospital is better than community and private hospital.
Permise: 1) university hospital has fewer doctors, lower successful rate and less overall profit......
2) doctors in university hospitals have to study more... have little time to treat patiences.
Conclusion: the quality of care at university hospital is lower than.....
There are a longer distant now between the resident area to the shoping district, and due to the traffic congestion, people have a much lower speed than speed limit
something has to be done to ease traffiic congestion
P The papers that was received by the professor this year are ungrammatical and are poorly written.
C college students do not write as well as they used to.
weaken: The professor's class is full of bad students who are poor in writing papers. The professor become more and more strict to his students. The professor did not teach well.
看了解释恍然大悟~ 由个体推向一个总规则要证明这个个体是typical example 想起了OG上的一个题目 radar detectors和 ticketed for exceeding the speed limit 虽然题型和答案不同 但都是由一个example推广到general rule
1. 32s
Traffic congestion is a serious problem, measures must be taken.
people used to live quite near stores and workplaces, but now further away, so that people have to travel long distance.
Congestion is so heavy that even in the highway actual speed is 33 km/h, (55km/h is limit)
2. 20s
College prof. : Students are worse performed in writing than the used to. Almost all the paper he has are poorly written and ungrammatical
Weaken: his students' level cannot represent all the students' writing level
3. 29s
Mayor: in order to develop the economy in our city, I suggest to invest more money on highway to attract more business.
Citizen: No, Mayor has some other interests. Otherwise he will invest directly to build a business park, which would provide twice the profit.
4. 26s
Premise: Recently a large number of high skilled workers in East Europe emigrate to the West.
Conclusion: The high skilled workers remained in the East are well demanded.
Weaken: high skilled workers remained are still in the condition that supply over demand... or demand also becomes less