刚想通了第六题Ⅱ选项,这里顺便整理下方便后人. 从第三段结构入手,首先K提出了一系列值得研究的对象:"Keyssar also scrutinizes unemployment patterns according to skill level, ethnicity, race, age, class, and gender. " 接着K验证了class这个东西是对unemployment rate产生重要影响"He finds that rates of joblessness differed primarily according to class" 再着K进一步说明"Yet the impact of unemployment on a specific class was not always the same. Even when dependent onthe same trade, adjoining communities could have dramatically different unemployment rates." 这里出现了一个转折,K提出了相同class也会因所处社会的不同而出现unemployment rate极大不同.从而可以解释后面一些历史迷团. 清楚这三层结构以后,对6的三个选项也就不难判断了.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/9/14 15:14:15编辑过] |