Although no one has quantified
changes in the rate of straying
as a result of the disturbances
caused by humans, there is no
(70) reason to suspect that the effect
would be qualitatively different
than what was seen in the
aftermath of the laceType w:st="on">MountlaceType> laceName w:st="on">SaintlaceName>
laceName w:st="on">laceName>Helens eruption
The author mentions the “aftermath of the Mount Saint Helens eruption” (lines 73-74) most likely in order to
- provide an example of the process that allows the repopulation of rivers whose indigenous salmon population has become extinct
- indicate the extent to which the disturbance of salmon habitat by human activity in one stream might affect the genetic structure of salmon populations elsewhere —>见原文:破坏的性质是一样的,什么叫性质严重?鲑鱼大量straying 就是性质严重。而extent正是对性质的严重性的概括,属客观事实 (might用法准确)
- provide a standard of comparison against which the impact of human activity on the gene flow among salmon populations should be measured —>火山爆发后的高迷失率本身不能做为比较的标准,只是自然disturbance造成的后果;由它可以推知人类disturbance也会造成程度很严重的后果,即为B中的extent (看似比较,实为程度上的类推,B正确)
- show how salmons’ homing instinct can be impaired as a result of severe environmental degradation of their natal streams —>文中并未提及或INFER出鲑鱼的homing instinct被impaired,只是说它们被forced to stray and spawn ... steelhead trout
returning from the
(60) sea to spawn were forced to find alternative streams.
show why straying rates in salmon populations remain generally low except when spawning streams suffer severe environmental disturbance
另外,我认为对gene flow和genetic structure不要过份抠字眼,其实正是disturbance造成了gene flow,才会进一步影响genetic structure的,两者有着紧密的联系。
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-5-17 17:47:57编辑过] |