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[申请总结] 请问是否应该Reapply, 求建议!!

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发表于 2011-3-1 14:35:00 | 只看该作者
原来有那么多人盲目喜欢IBD……GOOD LUCK
发表于 2011-3-1 14:41:10 | 只看该作者
其实说实在的,做完这5点真不会有质的飞越,很多big 4er走在前头了
CFA3 750+ 105+ with IB goal, 这样的人比你想像的要多很多,他们在top10申请里同样面临how to differentiate的问题

 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-1 14:41:43 | 只看该作者
1. 就我看来,LZ的硬指标已经过关了,除非T能上110,不然也差不了多少。
2. CFA要花很多时间准备的,就算考出来也只是反应对finance感兴趣而已。多花这么多时间去证明,值得么?
3. 内部transfer我觉得也不容易。而且就算转成了,要想在简历上有东西写,essay里有故事说,还是要好好干,这很费时间。
4. essay真的很重要。
I am admitted to Emory MBA program with 75% tuition free. However, I'm not sure whether to go to Emory or reapply. My career goal is investment bank, but I guess Emory cannot give me too much help to realize my goal. Actually, I tried some top schools including Wharton, CBS and Tuck this year, but failed to get admission. I hope to hear some advice. Thanks.

My brief background:

G 760, T 104, 3.5 years working exp. in big 4.  

If choose to reapply, I believe I could better my candidacy in five ways:
1.       Re-take the TOEFL to gain a more competitive score;
2.       Pass the CFA level 1 this June.
3.       Transfer from audit department to financial advisory department of big 4.
4.       Have months to refine my essays.
5.       Apply in the early round.

I know that nothing could guarantee an admission to Columbia, Wharton or the other top tiers. But I believe the admissions from second tier b-schools such as Ross, Darden, Cornell and UCLA are reachable. Is it a wise decision to give up on Emory (and the $$$) and spend another year struggling for such second tier ones. Pls give me advices regarding my dilemma. Thanks for reading my post and look forward to any advices.
-- by 会员 lakerfan123 (2011/3/1 11:16:39)

-- by 会员 breadwgy (2011/3/1 13:17:51)

2.六月考CFA level I...考这个一方面是因为自己的兴趣,一方面也是使我跟去年相比有所提供,re-essay里面也有写的点

请问 上述这些想法可行么? 非常感谢你的回复和建议.
发表于 2011-3-1 14:47:38 | 只看该作者
楼主有在TOP IBD的实习经验吗?如果有的话,EMORY是不会成为障碍的。
发表于 2011-3-1 14:54:27 | 只看该作者
其实说实在的,做完这5点真不会有质的飞越,很多big 4er走在前头了
CFA3 750+ 105+ with IB goal, 这样的人比你想像的要多很多,他们在top10申请里同样面临how to differentiate的问题

-- by 会员 AllenZX (2011/3/1 14:41:10)

this one makes a lot of sense. lz would probably own a killer resume next year if he quit his job and just do want ever he wants for a while.  gotta spice it up, man.
 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-1 14:58:07 | 只看该作者
我建议楼主慎重考虑reapply。我以前也是四大出来的,现在在corporate。结合我去年和今年两年的申请,我觉得楼主的package没有硬伤,但是没有很outstanding的地方。我不知道楼主essay怎么写的,但是big4+Ibanking的goal在申请top 10的学校上真的没有任何优势。

1.  Re-take the TOEFL to gain a more competitive score: 这个会有用,但是并不能帮你弥补不够outstanding的问题,我觉得作用是有限的。
2.  ass the CFA level 1 this June:这个我真的觉得用处不大。CFA level 1很容易,而且申请的人中CFA三级全过的都很多。而且这个弥补的还是楼主的academic performance,但是我觉得楼主的academic没有什么问题。
3.  Transfer from audit department to financial advisory department of big 4:这个有风险,有正作用也有副作用。正作用是diversify你的exposure,副作用是你需要justify为什么刚换一个工作就读书,你就几个月能学到什么呢?Why now?
4.  Have months to refine my essays: 这个是最重要的。像我们这样的背景,Essay最重要。但问题是,如果你作为reapplicant,是不好随便改career goal的。你如果去年说做banking,今年改做consulting,学校会觉得你不consistent。但如果还是沿用你的banking goal,能refine的空间是很有限的。
5.  Apply in the early round:这个大概对Columbia和Tuck有用,但是ED竞争依然相当激烈,我今年深有体会。

我相信楼主的BG,申darden, UCLA之类的完全有希望,但是估计拿奖学金就很难说了。这些学校给奖不可能和emory一样大方。想想放弃一年和75%的奖学金,去个tier 2,找投行工作不是不可能,但是依然很困难。这个成本得失需要楼主衡量了。


1. 寻找让自己从这个大pool stand out的地方。可以是特别的才艺,出色的志愿者工作,新颖但是logical的career goal,不同寻常的成长经历等等,而不是去反复polish一些academic的东西。
2. 重新好好polish essay,仔细研究每个学校reapply的policy。比如我今年reapply NYU,第二篇和第三篇Essay已经不需要写了,但我去年又写得不好,于是很被动。
3. 想想怎么写这一年的进步,如果你是去年申的R2,今年申ED,中间时间是很短的。如何让别人觉得你进步了。
4. 好好选校。如果以投行为目标,除了M7以外,建议Tuck, NYU and Yale。其他学校虽然也有机会,但是相对难度会增加。

-- by 会员 thomas726 (2011/3/1 13:27:26)

谢谢Thomas的回复, 你关于reapply的经验总结真是让我受教了. 其实今年申请的时候,也曾有意识的把一些多元化的才艺写在essay里面,志愿者工作赈灾之类的也在essay里面有所体现.结果今年结果不甚理想,感觉这些故事学校不买账呀. 总结下来问题可能有两点:
1. 写这些故事的时候目的不是很明确.记得在坛子上看到一些关于Essay的分析...比如Star模式, 比如不同的essay要体现不同的能力,比如领导力, 沟通能力,决策的能力,逆境中的能力之类的.我写的时候没有按照这些路子来,就像写日记一样的描述.所以可能这是一个问题.

2. 不知道是不是工作中的故事太少了.因为我觉得四大的applicants很多,写工作中的事情大同小异(看到有筒子说在外地遇到什么奇怪的事情,然后体现处理问题的能力, 平心而论我是记不得我做过什么事情能够让我从四大这个pool中standout.) 由于上述考虑, 我的essay中对于prefessional方面提到的不多, 不知道这个是不是另外一个败笔.

另外, 就Thomas提到re-apply NYU的问题, 如果不用写essay2和3, essay1的career goal又不能大改...感觉essay方面可以提高的东西不多了. Columbia也是这种情况,是不是意味着这类学校re的希望不大了?

发表于 2011-3-1 15:00:02 | 只看该作者

1. 就我看来,LZ的硬指标已经过关了,除非T能上110,不然也差不了多少。
2. CFA要花很多时间准备的,就算考出来也只是反应对finance感兴趣而已。多花这么多时间去证明,值得么?
3. 内部transfer我觉得也不容易。而且就算转成了,要想在简历上有东西写,essay里有故事说,还是要好好干,这很费时间。
4. essay真的很重要。
I am admitted to Emory MBA program with 75% tuition free. However, I'm not sure whether to go to Emory or reapply. My career goal is investment bank, but I guess Emory cannot give me too much help to realize my goal. Actually, I tried some top schools including Wharton, CBS and Tuck this year, but failed to get admission. I hope to hear some advice. Thanks.

My brief background:

G 760, T 104, 3.5 years working exp. in big 4.  

If choose to reapply, I believe I could better my candidacy in five ways:
1.       Re-take the TOEFL to gain a more competitive score;
2.       Pass the CFA level 1 this June.
3.       Transfer from audit department to financial advisory department of big 4.
4.       Have months to refine my essays.
5.       Apply in the early round.

I know that nothing could guarantee an admission to Columbia, Wharton or the other top tiers. But I believe the admissions from second tier b-schools such as Ross, Darden, Cornell and UCLA are reachable. Is it a wise decision to give up on Emory (and the $$$) and spend another year struggling for such second tier ones. Pls give me advices regarding my dilemma. Thanks for reading my post and look forward to any advices.
-- by 会员 lakerfan123 (2011/3/1 11:16:39)

-- by 会员 breadwgy (2011/3/1 13:17:51)

发表于 2011-3-1 15:00:32 | 只看该作者
1. 就我看来,LZ的硬指标已经过关了,除非T能上110,不然也差不了多少。
2. CFA要花很多时间准备的,就算考出来也只是反应对finance感兴趣而已。多花这么多时间去证明,值得么?
3. 内部transfer我觉得也不容易。而且就算转成了,要想在简历上有东西写,essay里有故事说,还是要好好干,这很费时间。
4. essay真的很重要。
I am admitted to Emory MBA program with 75% tuition free. However, I'm not sure whether to go to Emory or reapply. My career goal is investment bank, but I guess Emory cannot give me too much help to realize my goal. Actually, I tried some top schools including Wharton, CBS and Tuck this year, but failed to get admission. I hope to hear some advice. Thanks.

My brief background:

G 760, T 104, 3.5 years working exp. in big 4.  

If choose to reapply, I believe I could better my candidacy in five ways:
1.       Re-take the TOEFL to gain a more competitive score;
2.       Pass the CFA level 1 this June.
3.       Transfer from audit department to financial advisory department of big 4.
4.       Have months to refine my essays.
5.       Apply in the early round.

I know that nothing could guarantee an admission to Columbia, Wharton or the other top tiers. But I believe the admissions from second tier b-schools such as Ross, Darden, Cornell and UCLA are reachable. Is it a wise decision to give up on Emory (and the $$$) and spend another year struggling for such second tier ones. Pls give me advices regarding my dilemma. Thanks for reading my post and look forward to any advices.
-- by 会员 lakerfan123 (2011/3/1 11:16:39)

-- by 会员 breadwgy (2011/3/1 13:17:51)

1.在四月把T考到110+... 分数肯定越高越好
2.六月考CFA level I...考这个一方面是因为自己的兴趣,一方面也是使我跟去年相比有所提供,re-essay里面也有写的点-参加考试是为今后职业发展做知识储备,essay里写价值不大。
3.考完之后转部门,并开始申请. 如果可以,尽早转部门

 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-1 15:03:18 | 只看该作者
楼主有在TOP IBD的实习经验吗?如果有的话,EMORY是不会成为障碍的。
-- by 会员 HENRYXXH (2011/3/1 14:47:38)

如果决定去Emory的话, 曾经打算过现在辞职, 去Top IBD实习3个月...不知道这样的实习会有帮助么?
发表于 2011-3-1 15:05:34 | 只看该作者
1. 就我看来,LZ的硬指标已经过关了,除非T能上110,不然也差不了多少。
2. CFA要花很多时间准备的,就算考出来也只是反应对finance感兴趣而已。多花这么多时间去证明,值得么?
3. 内部transfer我觉得也不容易。而且就算转成了,要想在简历上有东西写,essay里有故事说,还是要好好干,这很费时间。
4. essay真的很重要。
I am admitted to Emory MBA program with 75% tuition free. However, I'm not sure whether to go to Emory or reapply. My career goal is investment bank, but I guess Emory cannot give me too much help to realize my goal. Actually, I tried some top schools including Wharton, CBS and Tuck this year, but failed to get admission. I hope to hear some advice. Thanks.

My brief background:

G 760, T 104, 3.5 years working exp. in big 4.  

If choose to reapply, I believe I could better my candidacy in five ways:
1.       Re-take the TOEFL to gain a more competitive score;
2.       Pass the CFA level 1 this June.
3.       Transfer from audit department to financial advisory department of big 4.
4.       Have months to refine my essays.
5.       Apply in the early round.

I know that nothing could guarantee an admission to Columbia, Wharton or the other top tiers. But I believe the admissions from second tier b-schools such as Ross, Darden, Cornell and UCLA are reachable. Is it a wise decision to give up on Emory (and the $$$) and spend another year struggling for such second tier ones. Pls give me advices regarding my dilemma. Thanks for reading my post and look forward to any advices.
-- by 会员 lakerfan123 (2011/3/1 11:16:39)

-- by 会员 breadwgy (2011/3/1 13:17:51)

1.在四月把T考到110+... 分数肯定越高越好
2.六月考CFA level I...考这个一方面是因为自己的兴趣,一方面也是使我跟去年相比有所提供,re-essay里面也有写的点-参加考试是为今后职业发展做知识储备,essay里写价值不大。
3.考完之后转部门,并开始申请. 如果可以,尽早转部门

-- by 会员 jianxinl6 (2011/3/1 15:00:32)

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