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[申请总结] 2011 Accounting PhD

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发表于 2011-2-19 21:22:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
发表这篇贴,是想为之后申请的人提供一些有用的信息。本来考虑大家都很着急,不想来添乱,但后来看到几个人的回复,觉得还是来说一下申请进度之类的。我来cd很得意于profcpa版大的申请经验,我的步骤基本和他是一样的。所以在这里我就不再重复了。我就是copy他的。呵呵。我自己的背景已经在osu那篇帖子里面回复过,也不再重复了。这里我就想说一下我的选校和各个学校面试以及录取通知的时间(当然,有的人收offer早,有的人晚,或者前面的人拒了offer,后面的人会补上)。总之希望对以后的人有用。说错了不要对我拍砖,呵呵(帖子被modify过了,果然被拍砖了,呵呵,never mind)。

申请学校21所:chicago, stanford, uc berkeley, mit, northwestern, emory, utah, washington at Seatle, washington at st.louis, uppen, u of southern california, duke, u of north carolina, rochester, u florida, columbia, cornell, nyu, osu, toronto, minnesota

本来选择一些ranking更低的来着,结果发信问人家说我背景不符,要有accounting degree的,而我本科是finance,所以申请前一定要问,后面的学校funding少,未必录取几率就大。当然这肯定也不意味着top 10几率就大。florida因为一个老师拒绝写推荐信而被迫withdraw。。。

The date of the notifications of the interviews:
osu (Jan 12th, I contacted Prof. Roulstone and he kindly offered a chance to interview me, but of course, he reacted so because of the reference letters, not because I contacted him.)
I was interviewed by Prof. Roulstone, followed by Prof. Zhang several days later. There should have been one or two more interviews but I was offered admission after the second one. That was when you saw me post the message of admission on CD.
The first interview is about why research, why accounting research, why master degree first, why I am in the Netherlands (I am getting my master in NL), and research interests (I told him about some projects I have done and that I haven't found my interests yet. I told so to every school)...
The second one is to make sure that I know what I am doing, that is, whether I apply for PhD for a mature reason.

duke--Jan 22th, emailed by Prof. Venkatachalam. The interview was done via skype with six faculties from Fuqua. Questions include the projects I have done. PS was also their concentration.

NYU--Feb 4th, emailed by Prof. Ryan. The interview was done via telephone. He is extremely nice. I came back to the NL the day before and again suffered jet lag. He asked why I chose Tilburg to get my master and what are my research interests. He asked in details about the projects I have done and about my future plans.  You have no idea such a big name can be so nice and easy going. In the end, he asked me which programs I have applied for and what would be the ranking of NYU. I told him that if Chicago admits me, I will go there. Otherwise between Duke and NYU. I was telling the truth.

Chicago--Feb 3rd, emailed by Prof. Skinner. It was huge news for me. Pretty panicked. He asked me directly about research interests, not why Chicago or why accounting research... It took me by surprise. Then he jumped in and told me about the program in Chicago. Extremely nice guy.   I was not nervous at all in the end and did well in the latter part. But he mainly talked and I agreed... Guess he just called to check my English.

WUSTL--Feb 2nd, before Chicago. Prof. Frankel is a handsome man in my view (I am also a man, could be different from a girl's view). The actual date of the interview was the same as NYU. It was done via skykpe. The internet was terrible. I did very badly. He asked me to tell him where I would like to go before he could issue an offer to me.

USC--Feb 14th, emailed by Prof. Erkens. I thought it would be Prof. Hung, but never mind. The interview was done via phone call. I could not hear half of what he said. Thus I guess he was not too impressed with me... At that time, I was admitted by NYU. Thus I could afford to lose it. But I liked USC. It was still kind of a shame....

U Toronto--Feb 17th, emailed by Prof. Mohanram. I had not had the chance to reply to him and he called. Thus the interview began. He provided me with some inside information about NYU, Columbia and Duke, which I do not think is appropriate to share. But he is really nice. He told me that according to BYU ranking, Toronto ranks the second world wide right after Chicago in terms of accounting research. I have no idea why this should be the case. But very nice program, indeed. Great interaction btw faculty and students, I can see.

UC Berkeley--Feb 17th, emailed by Prof. Richard Sloan. He and his wife Prof. Dechow are my idols. I love them. They are the only reason I applied for Berkeley, not Michigan. To clear up, they left Michigan for Berkeley.

I guess these are all my interviews. Columbia and Stanford have no interviews so far as I know.

Offers I get:

OSU (Feb 4th, very happy that day, 2nd day after the Chinese New Year); NYU (Feb 15th); Duke (Feb 17th); Stanford (Feb 16th, mind was blown up, never in my day dream did I thought of being admitted by Stanford...); Columbia (Feb 17th, no interview); Chicago (Feb 18th, started to have fever after hearing the news..probably too happy).

Rejections I get: mit (who suddenly decided that they do not hire PhD this year, my application fee...); northwestern (no idea why this happened...not strong enough I guess).

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发表于 2011-2-19 21:31:54 | 只看该作者
虽然不是申的MKT,但还是要敬仰一下这位大牛。Big Con.
我也有几个朋友在NL 的TU读PhD~
发表于 2011-2-19 21:34:26 | 只看该作者
Big Bull~
发表于 2011-2-19 22:06:22 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-2-19 22:13:47 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-2-19 22:14:25 | 只看该作者
羡慕。。。我昨天收到U Chicago的据信。。。
发表于 2011-2-19 22:44:10 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-2-19 22:45:22 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-2-19 22:48:28 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-2-19 23:13:31 | 只看该作者

不过我从一个男人的角度也没法看出frankel帅来,放在白人里面他应该算below average的吧。
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