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输血 a1,a2,a3,a4,a5是五个不同的数,他们除以5以后的余数都不一样,问这五个数经过怎样的变化,余数还是会不一样? I 这五个数每个数+2 II 这五个数每个数乘以2 III 这五个数每个数的平方… 是I 和II
DS,说有positive number y,能不能知道y四舍五入(round to the nearest integer)是多少?条件1) 4*y的四舍五入是6 条件 2) y/2的四舍五入是1 ,考虑y为1.4或1.6,均满足条件,但是round后分别为1和2。 条件一,得y=(1.4,1.6),条件二得 y=(1.1,2.9)
DS a^(b^c)有几个prime factors,abc are positive integers ? a, b^c有3个质因子 b, a^b有4个质因子 条件一, b^c 有三个音字, c=2, b 是prime , 因为若果b有其他factor,质因子个数一定大于3,对吧,但不知道a,不充分 条件二,a^b 有四个音字,单独不行 联立,因为判断了B是prime,所以 b=3, a^(b^c),b=3,c=2,可求
taxi走了d miles.收费的公式是:1.9美元/mile, 外加每分钟0.4美元. 如果这个taxi最后收了c 美元,请问这个taxi走这d mile的平均速度是多少? 最后的速度= d/t = 24d/(c-1.9d) ,确定
一个班有11人学习piano,有14人学习guitar,有10人学习violin,总共有3个人这三种乐器都学了,有20个人只学了一种乐器,请问学了两种乐器的有多少人(或者是至少两种--我完了,我忘记我考试时候题目是哪个了,我当时很速度地选了刚好学两种乐器的) P+G+V-2(PG+PV+GV)-3PGV=20 (只学一种)
新题,两个年级的学生学music,一个班九年级学省中40%学习music(好像),十年级学生中60%学music, 问学music的人是否多余 40%。 1、九年级学生中20%学music 2、十年级学生中70%学 选b,十年级学生中学music的 60%x70%=42>40%,可直接求得
有三个人x,y,z决定平分房租,x因为有pet,所以交了250刀的pet deposit(这是什么东东)~所以x一共花了525刀~问总的房租是多少~我思考了很久还是选了275*3=825这个选项。 直接秒杀
10^4 doubled 10 times is ? (2^10=1024 close to 10^3) 原题就是这么描述的,看了好几遍,应该是 10^4x 2^10=10^7 选项中都是1后面不同的零,选了1后面7个零的,印象较深
一个坐标轴上有一个长方形,四个顶点的坐标是(0,0)(7,0)(7,4)(0,4),然后一个点经过(2,2)且平分长方形的面积,问直线的斜率. 一画图就出来了.答案选0. y=2
一个bond在n年以后的价值为A-B(1.1)^n,AB是constant,一个价值为2000的fund在1年后的价值为1900, 问这个bond在两年后的价值为多少。A1800 B 1880 C1790 D 1709 E 17XX
此题很TRICK, 因为直接算是算不出来的,一个方程,两个未知数。 1年后的 fund 为 A-B(1.1)=1900 2年后的fund为 A-B(1.1)^2= x 1年-2年的, (1.21-1.1)B= 1900-X ,看出来了么,第二年的值和1900差值为 0.11B ,所以从答案中判断,两个差值能够整除0.11即可,1790啦
大脑空白了,晕...... 岁数大了,容哥趟会,想起来在补充
补充两个洛基 说保险公司对于火灾和水灾赔偿的钱都一样,但火灾保费比水灾保费低。但实际上,发生火灾/水灾时所涉及的财产数量是一样的。求解释。我记得选的是:水灾过后房子可以很快再建,但是火灾烧的比较惨,再建速度比较慢
Editor: Articles in Gardening Magazine often spur sales of the plants they describe, particularly among people new to gardening. Accordingly, we will no longer publish articles or accept advertisements praising the beauty of rare wildflowers. Most such plants sold to gardeners have been difficult to propagate under cultivation, so plant sellers often collect them in the wild. Our new policy is part of our efforts to half this yearly plundering of our native plant populations.
Which of the following, if true, support the magazine's new policy as a way of pursuing the intended effect ? (A) When people new to gardening buy plants, they often fail to take adequate care of the plants that they buy and become discourged from buying those varieties again. (B) Plant sellers who sell rare wildflowers have no reasonably inexpensive alternate way to offer their wares directly to new gardens. (C) The demand for rare wildflowers rarely exceeds the number of such plants that can be collected in the wild by plant sellers. (D) The propagation of rare wildflowers often depends on the plant's interaction with other organisms in their environment such as plants that create suitable soil conditions or insects and birds that disperse seeds. (E) Revenues from sales of plants collected in the wild are supporting the discovery of new low-cost techniques enabling rare wildflowers to be readily propagated innurseries. 我选C,请n们指正
issue, teachers should teach students challenge the ideas rather than accepting it. argument : “Currently, more professional accountants use SmartPro accounting software than any other brand. However, in the market for personal accounting software for non-professionals to use in preparing their income tax returns, many of our competitors are outselling us. In surveys, our professional customers repeatedly say that they have chosen SmartPro Software because our most sophisticated software products include more advanced special features than competing brands. Therefore, the most effective way for us to increase sales of our personal accounting software for home users would clearly be to add the advanced special features that our professional software products currently offer.
四站 640-650-690-700, 两年拌时间,真不知是咋过的,屡屡想放弃,考试第二次,想走捷径,6.30日看到狗狗很全了,23:00报了第二天的考试,结果谁知第二天换库了,真是哭笑不得。第三次考试春节前,考的感觉非常好,狗狗也全,阅读碰到gwd原题,谁知结果出来想撞墙。 然后是报了8月24日考试,没成想21号有换库了,再延期来不及了,直接canncel。 本来想毕其功于一役,报了“就要发”,谁知16号又换库了,莫非是god 的punishment,oh my lady gaga. 背了整整一个月的狗狗当时作废,16 17号看了一点狗狗,复习实在是看不下去了,就这样半裸着去了。
不过考试时感觉确实没有上次难,莫非是换库前几天难度有减么,各位tx可以关注这个问题,输血没有遇到特别多长的描述的,做时一直以为进了低分库,越肚第一篇也很简单,搞得我心里掉到了冰窖。 不管怎么说,挺过来了,对的起自己了
不多说了,立此贴以示勉励,也鼓励各位young people 别放弃,坚持,坚持. 有啥困惑,可以给我发信,我是本坛老资格了,上过GWD的课,自学了好久,应该有些发言权,nn就算了,我这水平非常normal,呵呵
jaysonwang[在] 139.com
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