111 租车铺买一辆车in a lot of 5,release a oldest car by a lot of 3, if buy a car and release a car means a transaction(大概是这词),问去年增长14辆车,有多少tran。。。(此题没看明白,但基本意思就是这个) 请问大牛们,这题啥意思?In a lot of是什么意思?
114 说a mass of cube with edge 7 meters weigh how much? 1,the mass with edge 5 meters is XXXX kilograms 2.the mass with a rectangle 8 meters is XXXX kilograms(我也看不大懂,到底这rectangle是从cube哪里来的呢?) 选了A 这题完全没看懂,求指教~