狒狒讲义: The presence of micoorganisms that produce a toxin cause seawater to turn brownish red, phenomenon known as a red tide, Sea otters do not feed in areas where clams, their main source of food, have become contaminated with this toxin. According to proposed explanation of the otter's behavior, the otters sample the clams in a potential feeding area and can taste any toxin in them. Which of the following, if ture, would most strongly indicate that the hypothesis described in the last sentence of the passsage is NOT correct? 我想请教的是,最后一句话的意思是说,“otter是可以吃有毒的食物”这个意思吗?(因为“can taste any toxin in them”) 可是在according to以前的部分都是在说,otter不吃有毒的食物。 那么好了,如果说要找出能支持最后一句话,也就是according to这句错误的选项。那么必然是要与can taste any toxin in them相反的意思才可以啊,那样岂不是支持according to 前面的观点了么? 最后答案是说“不是赤潮,人工染红海水也会使得otter不进食”。 所以想问一下,题干中according to这句话整个的意思是什么,和according to前面的部分是什么关系啊? -- by 会员 wangjialei (2010/7/12 14:24:35)
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