各位大牛! LZ的的GPA以及并不是十分强大的研究背景是不是他申请的瓶颈呢? 我觉得他其它方面还是挺优秀的。但我觉得定位集中在TOP20好像是有点高了。
Which school is your dream school? In top20, besides hbs, which other schools invited you for an interview? In UK, which school gave you offer? [If oxbridge/lbs(correct me if lbs doesn't provide phd education), I think the reputation/quality is fine.] Please answer these questions, then you make it clear about your positioning. And then, you can evaluate yourself and judge whether you are qualified or not to your dream school. Anyway, as your background, being offered by top 20 is not a big issue. But top 5 is really difficult for you. Before all, what is your goal or what do you want to do in the future? Pls consider. If you just want to change your life. you have tons of choices like changing your job, pursue a master or MBA program.   hd is a big commitment to your goal, which will cost lots of time - opportunity cose is super high. -- by 会员 pursueMBA2010 (2010/5/20 8:54:30)