690在很多牛牛眼里并不是高分,但是对于我,一个一战550(在数学50的情况)的童鞋来说,这是一个足以让我开心好一阵子的分数。 也借此向众多非牛牛的同学们说,不抛弃,不放弃。 顺便说下狗狗: 数学:遇到的狗确实很少,但是没有换题库。大概有6道左右。 另外,想想新的狗狗 1:有个什么商店清理200个账目,有16.5%的货物大于40元,在大于35元的货物中有33又3分之一大于40元,问中位数可能在哪 1,34元 2,35元 3, 36元 然后选项为A1only B2only C 3onlyD 1和2E1和3之类的 选项没记准,就是大概问上面哪个有可能,别的数字都是准确的。 2。一个直角三角形,一个角是45°,说一个什么人走那条直角的速度和时间都给了,问斜边的长度,记得是4倍根号2 3。说有三个连续奇数,X平方加Y平方加Z平方=515,求x+y+z 别的我先喝口水再想 阅读狗狗RP爆发全是狗,公共地悲剧,大学发展,甲烷和太阳鸟。。。 逻辑1有个PREP变体 22.(28829-!-item-!-188;#058&003748)
In the late 1980s, the population of sea otters in the North Pacific began to decline.There are two plausible explanations for the decline:predation, possibly by killer whales, or disease.Of these two, disease is the more likely, since a concurrent sharp decline in populations of seals and sea lions is believed to have been caused by disease, and diseases that infect these creatures are likely to be able to infect sea otters also.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the reasoning?
(A) Killer whales in the North Pacific usually prey on seals and sea lions but will, when this food source is scarce, seek out other prey.
(B) There is no indication that the sea otter population at any North Pacific location declined in the 1980s because of substantial numbers of sea otters migrating to other locations.
(C) Along the Pacific coast of North America in the 1980s, sea otters were absent from many locations where they had been relatively common in former times.
(D) Following the decline in the population of the sea otters, there was an increase in the population of sea urchins, which are sea otters' main food source.
(E) The North Pacific populations of seals and sea lions cover a wider geographic area than does the population of sea otters.
我那题最后的结论是这动物还是被 killer whales吃了,然后问题问的是加强,我选的是在另一个某某地的这种动物确实被killer whales 吃了 2对了,还想起来了逻辑好像也是什么的原题,就是说大的tank 什么东西运油的风险和小的tank 风险的比较。弄不好会导致oil 的泄露吧 3 还一个比较清晰的题是说最近小的饮水公司逐渐进入人们的生活,但是小的饮水公司不如大的饮水公司审查制度严格,可能会导致传染病的爆发,但是人们还是在用小的饮水公司的水,是个填空,我选的是人们不会使用水来进行human 消费。 4GWD的原题,就是说医院引入什么机器,小诊所的那个,狗狗里有了,我选的C 5跟之前有个童鞋回忆的一样,借用一下“唉。。第一题我没几个单词是认得的,想说我好歹也是一知识分子就这样玩我。。 说有个地方在N河的upstream,然后水会冲bank, 还有dam, 带来一层fresh layer, 然后考古学家在N河的silt 里dig 些碎片之类,想要建立sequence,问削弱, 我选的是水会把以前的碎片冲起来然后再cover,不确定对不对,但别的也不靠谱”这题确实没有几个单词认识,我补充个还有个重点词汇是artificial,大概就是说以前有个河有工艺品,但是建了个坝就怎么样了,这是我题目的第6个,选的答案也跟那个童鞋一样。 |