Background information: This year, each film submitted to the Barbizon Film Festival was submitted in one of ten categories. For each category, there was a panel that decided which submitted films to accept.Fact 1: Within each category, the rate of acceptance for domestic films was the same as that for foreign films. Fact 2: The overall rate of acceptance of domestic films was significantly higher than that of foreign films.
In light of the background information, which of the following, if true, can account for fact 1 and fact 2 both being true of the submissions to this year's Barbizon Film Festival?
Background information: This year, each film submitted to the Barbizon Film Festival was submitted in one of ten categories. For each category, there was a panel that decided which submitted films to accept. Fact 1: Within each category, the rate of acceptance for domestic films was the same as that for foreign films. Fact 2: The overall rate of acceptance of domestic films was significantly higher than that of foreign films. In light of the background information, which of the following, if true, can account for fact 1 and fact 2 both being true of the submissions to this year’s Barbizon Film Festival? 1. In each category, the selection panel was composed of filmmakers, and some selection panels included no foreign filmmakers. 2. Significantly more domestic films than foreign films were submitted to the festival. 3. In each of the past three years, the overall acceptance rate was higher for foreign than for domestic films, an outcome that had upset some domestic filmmakers. 4. The number of films to be selected in each category was predetermined, but in no category was it required that the acceptance rate of foreign films should equal that of domestic films. 5. Most foreign films, unlike most domestic films, were submitted in categories with high prestige, but with correspondingly low rates of acceptance.
增加选项:(8月12日,760,JJ 补充完毕) 确认:我同样非常犹豫上述选项: B. Long-term… will benefit the availability of 外语人才 in this region E. The corporations have people who can speak multiple language at least have some this kind of people who acquired the skills from school classes (选了B,因为题目中才说到,为了long-term什么什么的,觉得现在企业have…不太相关)
关于十九世纪美国妇女的财产权的长文,大概有两片短文的长度。讲状况及一些学者的评论。 第一段:概括某一新法案M实施前的状况,在common law的情况下,妇女结婚后财产就归丈夫所有了。此时丈夫对妻子的财产有很大的支配权利。妇女只有通过一个似乎叫equity court的机构才有可能得到对自己财产的权利。有一题是关于婚后财产是归老公支配的。 第二段是讲十九世纪中期,因为husbands担心破产会连带将妻子的财产也失去,于是出来了一个新的法案。S的观点是这个法案极大的改变了妇女的status and 对自己结婚前后的财产的权利。 第二段:讲十九世纪中期,因为husbands担心破产会连带将妻子的财产也失去,于是出来了一个新的法案。S的观点是这个法案极大的改变了妇女的status and 对自己结婚前后的财产的权利。 第三段第一句话是某人b的观点,是他认为在M实施前已经有remedy可以达到保护妇女财产的作用了。然后是S继续反对b的观点。说以前的equity court在不同的州开展的情况不一样。ie 。Connectic 和 Mass 州。 V2
第一段:是说美国在以前的某个时期,妇女结婚后财产就归丈夫所有了。 第二段:讲从某个时期起,不少州开始立法保护已婚妇女的财产权。(注意:说的是银行大批倒闭的时期,不少丈夫破产把妻子的财产也陪进去了,这个在后面的题里面考了这些州立法的原因是什么。)还讲了一个具体的法律(这个法律是什么年代,在后面也是考点)。 第三段:讲了不同学者间的评价。忘了讲了2个人还?个。但是考了两个人,第一个人认为法律的转变起到了积极作用。第二个人认为并没有起到什么作用,举了好多例子:很多州,像康涅狄可州,和很多传统保守实力,反对这种社会、法律发展的趋势。(后面有道题考这些法律你能infer出什么,我选了not universal in all states,我觉得universial这个改写还soso。反正请大家读的时候,注意这种法律变化有什么社会影响,该怎么评价)最后一句话,讲了有些人愿意接受这种法律,也是为了破产的丈夫把财产转移给妻子,赖债权人的钱。除了上述出题点,还有主旨题:我认为应该选提到了“讲述社会变化,对比学者观点”的那个选项,事实上,文章的重心是在第二个学者的言论,应该属于present观点的文章,一定要突出这个。里面还有一题,是说N的实施并不普遍,并且对它的接受不大好。