请问LZ or 牛人 能告诉我60题是怎么做出来的?能说一下具体的原因和过程么? Q60 Ver1. 60. profit=revenue-expense. profit margin=profit/revenue. A company今年的profit margin 是0.4。今年的revenue 比去年上升了10个点,expense 下降了10个点。问今年的revenue(还是profit?)比去年: A.下降了10% B.增加了4% C D 不记得了。 貌似我当时算出来是选A(懒的重算了,大家慎用) Ver2. 60. Profit is revenue-cost, profit margin is the profit divided by cost. A company has profit margin of 40% last year. Over the time, its profit has increased by 10 percent but cost decreased by 10 percent, what is the change in revenue? ANS: -2% (A) -2% (D) 2% (B) 0% (E) 3% (C) 1% 为什么答案 = -2?我不明白。 谢谢 -- by 会员 mbacomplete (2010/2/18 0:53:09)
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