原文:食物(进行)放射(处理)可以杀灭细菌从而延迟腐坏(陈述客观事实,无观点)。HOWERVER, 食物放射也降低了食物的营养价值(有了很清晰的主题态度:对食物放射有负面tone)。(紧接着举例来证明食物放射的缺点来spport主题态度)举例来说,放射会破坏一大部分的维他命B1。食物放射的支持者说放射处理不比cooking破坏的维生素B1多(言外之意就是放射没事,因为cooking会造成同样的损害)。 HOWEVER(反对食物放射的言外之意):1、beside the point:很多被放射过的食物是用来生吃的。(也就是说,生吃都可以,没有cooking流失营养,那放射食物岂不是多此一举?---正好和整体段落对放射食物的tone一致,即,反对它)。2、misleading,since(如果食物被irradiated过后再被cook,那么流失的营养物质是两者的总和,你irradiation不是对流失营养雪上加霜吗?---正好和整体段落对放射食物的tone一致,即反对它)。
我同意9楼的说法,老外很喜欢irradiation一下事物,为了可以延长保质期,那么针对题中说在流失B1方面,i和c都会有此弊端,然后proponent为了要支持i的好处,就说其实c也会流失B1,后面接着说这个事实是离题的,因为支持者说这句话是为了证明i和c的危害一样,可是argument讨论的是i的好处和坏处,所以题目最后一句说proponent的这句话是beside the point,point不是比较谁更坏,而是看irradiation到底有没有坏处;而misleading是因为,proponent故意降低了i的危害程度,因为compond的效果更坏,所以不能单纯从i和c的比较中看出irradiation的危害是不大的。 这样看呢?
when you get one of these questions, you should try to simplify the argument as much as you can. once you do that - get rid of as much "noise" and verbiage as possible - you should be able to answer the questions more readily.
in this case, here's a more "noise-free" version of the argument:
People have compared irradiation to cooking and found that they're about the same (in terms of leaching nutrients). Why is this comparison misleading?
(note that you're ONLY concerned with the "misleading" part, since that's where the blank is. the "beside the point" part DOESN'T MATTER AT ALL.)
so, you're looking for a reason why it's MISLEADING to COMPARE IRRADIATION TO COOKING.
when you COMPARE two things, the assumption is that they are ALTERNATIVES.
therefore, if a comparison is "misleading", we need a choice that shows that they aren't simply alternatives.
this is what choice (e) does: it shows that some food is irradiated AND cooked. they're not alternatives, so you can't settle the issue with a comparison.
analogy: let's say that dieting burns MORE body fat than does exercise, all other things equal.
if i say "you should just diet, since exercise is no better than dieting", then that's MISLEADING.
why is it misleading? because ... you can do both, compounding the effects.
首先,作者的观点是不支持IR的; 其次,支持IR人说irradiation is no worse in this respect than cooking。可不可以理解为:IR和cooking的结果差不多,反正也是要cooking的,IR一下无所谓啦~~ 再次,作者对上述观点进行反驳:一呢,并不是所有事物都要cooking的,有的要生吃,所以IR就有所谓了;二呢,IR+cooking,二者混合后的结果就更惨了(因为二者都会减少B1是毋庸置疑的),综上呢,支持IR是没有理由的~~