14.A significant number of Qualitex Corporation’s department heads are due to retire this year. The number of employees other than current department heads who could take on the position of department head is equal to only about half of the expected vacancies. Oualitex is not going to hire department heads from outside the company or have current department heads take over more than one department, so some departments will be without department heads next year unless Qualitex ______.
A. promotes some current department heads to higher-level managerial positions B. raises the salary for department heads reduces the number of new employees it hires next year D. reduces the average number of employees per department E. reduces the number of its departments 注意是变题。结论是:So Qualitex will reduce some of its departments since___ 我选E, Qualitex corporation will not 用higher pay来挽留那些准备retire的head continue to work. 12.有个商业模拟实验,凡是桌面上摆有什么东西的小组,更加具有竞争精神,而没有摆的某个东东的小组呢,不太具有竞争精神,因此认为是那个东东使得小组成员更具有竞争精神。问加强: 选:那些没有摆什么东东小组的成员,在其他场合,跟摆了东东小组成员一样,具有竞争精神;就是保证样本的一致性。
1.某人的尸体在某个地方被发现了,然后用什么烧了,然后庄家后来检查尸体后说这人可能是毒死的,因为他体内有什么超标,然后问削弱。 我记得有两个,一个是说用来烧他尸体的那个油里面有什么,然后被尸体吸收了;还有一个是说那时的很多人都用含有这种超标的什么药来治疗什么。我选第一个。
2.某城市发现水管里的自来水的铅含量超标,然后邻居什么什么的,然后说政府就采用了一些方法,但是后来数据显示用水量居然还更高了,问支持。 我选的好像是:加大水管流量来冲走铅是一种有效地方法。
补充几个,看到前面的TX写的。 |