这两天都在练习数学,直到今天才有机会再练一篇作文。我选了一篇环保题材的,正好最近看了不少环保题材的纪录片,肚子里自觉有些戏码,也举了一些例子。分了两个论点来写的。Mimi姐,不知道这样写是否合格? 题目:“It is unrealistic to expect individual nations to make, independently, the sacrifices necessary to conserve energy. International leadership and worldwide cooperation are essential if we expect to protect the world’s energy resources for future generations.” What will be the effective and necessary approach to conserve the world’s energy resources? The issue at hand is truly complex and controversial one. On one hand, as is well-known and has been advocated, the inernational leadership and cooperations is necessary. On the other hand, however, other prople may insist that individual nations should make sacrifice independently as well. The author shows strong preference to the former opinion based on the understanding that it would be too challenging for individual nations to make such sacrifice. 立论一:(当支持前者时使用) I strongly agree with the author by recognizing the much more impacts that the international leadership and worldwide cooperation can achieve than the individual countries do. 立论二:(当两者都支持时使用)From my personal perspective, I would say both of the efforts from individual nations and worldwide cooperations are essential to conserve energy.
论据一:(都可以用)The primary reason for me to advocate the international coorperations is the problem of uneven distribution. There’s an old saying that the world is round. But as we all know, the world’s deposits of energy resources are not evenly distributed to every part of the earth. Because of the uneven distribution of the world’s resources, there is not a single country in the world that is entirely self-sufficient. Thus, every country has to rely on other countries while being relied on by others for different energy resources. This fact along with different economic levels that exist in different countries, has made the problem of energy resourses more intricate. For example, Nigeria is the biggest oil export country in Africa, and yet 70% of the population lives under the poverty line. The same is true all over the globe: half the world’s poor live in resource-rich countries. Like many other major oil export countries, Nigeria does not consume so much oil, but it provides energy to millions of vehicles all around the world. Can we expect the countries like Nigeria will solve the problem independently? Obviously not, at least those major oil consume countries like The US and China should involve in those conservation plans and give support to poor countries. Consequently, the international cooperation will be definitely important.
论据二:(支持论点一的时候使用)In the second place, conserving one kind of energy resource has to be complemented with exploring another renewable new energy. But exploring new energy is a complex work that needs huge amount of financial, technical and social resources. For example, the lately built wind farms off the Denmark that produce 20% of the country’s electricity, is funded by several countries, such as The US, China, India, Germany and spain… For my informations, these huge investments in renewable energy have already created over 2.5 million jobs in the world. And only with the help of these new technologies, countries will have more solid foundation to literally solve the resources problems. Conspicuously, without worlwide cooperations, these plans will never be accomplished.
论据三:(支持论点二的时候使用)But even the smallest country should not to ignore the individual efforts of conserving resources from every country itself, as most of the imortant natural energy resources are unrenewable. Each government has to act more positive and effective to protect their own resources from overexploitations. For example, the forests in South Korea have been devastated by war. But by implementing their national reforestation program, they once more cover 65% of the country. More than 75% of paper is recycled. Furthermore, it is not only the governments that should face and resolve the prolems of energy, but also each one of us as a human being should fight this problem. Because we are the people that cosume energies and we have the right to be a wiser consumer. If only we can reduce our fossil energy consumptions, economize on our daily resources, and choose energy efficient appliance, the chances for conserving energy resources will be much greater.
结论一:(支持论点一的时候使用)To summarize my opinion based on the above reasons, we may safely arrive in the conclusion that the approach of international leadership and cooperation is much more preferable. And it is not just a personal assumption, it is what the whole world is doing now. Most of the countries in the world have ratified the Kyoto Protocol to form a united nation framework convention on environmental protection.
结论二:(支持论点二的时候使用)To summarize my opinion based on the above reasons, we may safely arrive in the conclusion that the efforts from international cooperations and independent countries are equally important for conserving the energy resources.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/9/12 1:12:28编辑过] |