逻辑题小结:集合的陷阱 很多时候,什么是无关,通过关键词,很容易看出来是out of scope,因为关键词很明显不一样。 但有的题,把 非关键词混在关键词一起,导致掉进陷阱。 这个陷阱,常见的是集合陷阱。你说“孙悟空”,他说“师徒四人”,但“孙悟空”是“师徒四人”的子集。 “师徒四人”看起来与“孙悟空”非常有关联,但正好把你绕进去,因为题目说的一直是“孙悟空”的个人问题,与“师徒四人”并不能直接划等号。 类似于:A是引起C的原因,B也是引起C的原因。 C=A+B(B=非A),B是真正的他因。 迷惑选项:D=C+ others(其他子集),因此D大于C,超出了C的范围(真正是out of scope),所以无关,是错误选项。 GWD-2-11 Assumption喝酒过敏Many people suffer an allergic reaction to certain sulfites, including those that are commonly added to wine as preservatives. However, since there are several wine makers who add sulfites to none of the wines they produce, people who would like to drink wine but are allergic to sulfites can drink wines produced by these wine makers without risking an allergic reaction to sulfites.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
A. These wine makers have been able to duplicate the preservative effect produced by adding sulfites by means that do not involve adding any potentially allergenic substances to their wine. B. Not all forms of sulfite are equally likely to produce the allergic reactions. C. Wine is the only beverage to which sulfites are commonly added. D. Apart from sulfites, there are no substances commonly present in wine that give rise to an allergic reaction. E. Sulfites are not naturally present in the wines produced by these wine makers in amounts large enough to produce an allergic reaction in someone who drinks these wines.
分析:集合问题 过敏> 对S过敏 引起过敏的物质 > 引起过敏的S物质(certain sulfites) > 添加进酒里的S物质(including added) 他因:(对S取了非,S的补集)非添加进酒里的S物质 = 答案:酒里自然天生的S物质 迷惑选项D:引起过敏的其他物质(不等于引起过敏的S物质(certain sulfites),所以错!)
结论:会对S物质过敏的人,可以喝没有添加S物质的酒,避免对S过敏; A,复制防腐剂的效果,无关; B,不是所有S会引起过敏,无关; C,S的添加对象,无关; D,除了S外,酒里没其他物质会引起过敏; 超级迷惑选项,我就选了这个! 注意题目结论里限定的很清楚:without risking an allergic reaction to sulfites. 结尾单词不是说的 without risking an allergic reaction to these wines 题目结论限定了是:不会因此对S过敏了;对S的反应才是讨论的范围; 而不是说:不会因为喝酒而过敏; 对D取非的话:如果除了S外,酒里还有其他引起过敏的物质; 结论就是:那这些人还是会对这些wine过敏; 削弱的只能是:without risking an allergic reaction to these wines 而不能削弱:without risking an allergic reaction to sulfites. 因此D是无关选项!讨论对象错误!
E,那些酒里不会自然带有S物质; 正确。取非后 WEAKEN原来的结论。