453.the age of T is 4 times than B WAS 4 years ago。我考到的时候有WAS,所以答案不一样的,没9这个答案的。 应该是T现在的年龄是B四年前的4倍,然后T五年后的年龄是B现在的3倍,答案没记错的话,应该是17。我第一道题目是这个,我按照原来的那个答案做,死活没看到9,我算了4遍确认我不是算错后,再看了几次题目发现WAS这个词。。。不过还好答案没9,不然就选错了。
477. DS:o<x<y<z, x,y,and z are consecutive integers, is X even? (1) xz is even (2) xyz can be divided by 4 选D (应为A,因为y有可能是4的倍数。)
480. 补充一个原有机经: PS: 政府收的个人所得税的组成是:20% of the first 20,000 income, 25% of the income between 20,000 and 50,000, 35% of the income exceeded 50,000. 问收入是多少时,交的税相当于30% of the income. A 75,000 B 100,000 ...D 200,000 E 230,000 选B (算出来是12000)