以下是引用crispypeach在2009-6-21 20:24:00的发言:Several questions~ 1 Chicago's courses are known for its quantative rigor, wondering whether students without former strong mathematics background can handle it? And how? 2 Booth's flexibility reflected by its curriculum setting is attractive but also demanding for those who have not totally decided which career / industry to seek. So how do you manage to figure out which course fit yourself? 3 What's the school's attitude toward young applicant(3-4yr WE) who is not in IB/Consulting industry. Any particular samples to share? Thanks a lot! 1) yes, we have a lot of students without math backgroud. There are basic or advanced course for your situation, you can choose it by yourself. 2) the first year you can take some base courses. After deciding your career at the summer intern, you can pursue the course at 2nd year 3) 3-4 years W/E is ok for application. In this way you can get involved into the discussion with other classmates. |