这周很多同学都在trek中,希望Prospective students 积极参加各地的活动to get more information about the school. The best part of GSB I think is that people do care about each other. Here I can pick up a few questions. 1)请教一下,我的背景是计算机。现在在一家financial institution做risk management. 以后打算在buy side做portfolio management的工作。请问Chicago有那些牛课是可以提高quantative skill and analytical skill的呢?还有,我想提高一些soft skill来为portfolio management做准备。能推荐一下有用的课程和好的教授吗? Yes. You can take as many quantitive courses as you wish. Booth has an analyical finance concentration. The school offers classes on financial instruments such as fixed income and derivatives, econometrics and so on. If you still find it not challenging enough, you may take classes with Phd students depending on your background. The fellow students are very smart. And every year there are people going to buy side. Booth should be one of the best places to go if you want to do investment management. 2)请perspective师兄师姐们谈一下自己的理解,为什么Booth将LEAD这个课程单独作为一个必修课程呢? My personal take is that LEAD is a great venue for you to know your fellow students, build long term relationships. And it is a place where you can test your leadership potentials.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-16 6:43:04编辑过] |