以下是引用hill1005在2008-11-19 0:15:00的发言: for admission rate in interview round, I think the ration should be 25%. Good luck Yo, Hill, just to play devil's advocate, I think the admission rate from interviewee pool might be less than 25% at around 10% - 15% last year in mianland China. For Round 2, Chicago GSB conducted at least 60 adcom interviews in Shanghai together with a number of alumn interviews we don't have public info to. And 8 students was admitted (7 of them enrolled) from Shanghai in R2. Admittedly, this rough estimate can not rule out the possibility that we have students interviewed in Shanghai but admited as applicants elsewhere, say, HK or BJ. Yet, it can still serve a proxy of the admission rate. I believe that for any top tier business school, admission rate for Chinese/Indian students is MUCH MUCH lower than what it's claimed by the school. Yet, this is something we cannot change in the short run. Just wish everyone good luck with their application! |