以下是引用sm1在2008-4-11 18:25:00的发言: I am sorry to know this meaningless dispute. In my opinions, judy does not know much about job hunting for assistant professors. The first priority is published papers. A graduate from 3 or 4 tier universities can also get his or her work published in top tier journal and then find a job at a top tier university. It is possible. Of course, the chance is low. However, a person can do this. Moreover, the supply and demand for accounting is imbalance. Accounting graduates have higher chance to work at higher ranking universities. 我哪里有说过不是按照publication找教职的!sm1好好看看帖子,他们的意思是随便毕业个lsu的人就可以去厦大当老师.是你的话,你没想法啊!而且国内的高校还是很认牌子的。这是不得不承认的事实。 而且我也在之前的发言里说了如果发了top的journal是可以的!
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-4-19 4:25:30编辑过] |