以下是引用onthetopo在2008-4-7 1:52:00的发言:Let's please stick to the matter at hand. What do you think about my argument about the Chinese accounting standard? Also, when you are age 50, do you really want to be called an accounting professor? I don't think it is of no use getting a US Acct PhD and going back to China. If you are talking about PRC GAAP, it is definitely improving and becoming more and more similar to US GAAP. I was once in the acct/auditing industry and I should say I can tell this trend pretty obviously. Also, the whole financal regulation system is getting better and better in China. Besides, you don't have to deal with much GAAP in your research. There are plenty of acct professors doing sth. that is pretty close to what corp. fin. professors do. About your second question, the important thing is whether YOU want to be called an acct professor. If you are applying for acct phd programs, you must know what this field is about and you must love it. Personally I can't see why you are asking this kind of question when you got admiited to an acct program. I mean, what is wrong with being called an acct professor? |