再次感谢MM的回答。我想了想,实在是不知道要选什么题目才能比较具有代表性地体现我的问题... 刚刚做了最后的OG Verbal新题,做完整本OG的Verbal,正确率总是稳定地错20%... 但其实做的时候我觉得自己的水平还不到80%,因为有时候题目没能太看懂,有时候看懂了题目但猜不出来答案大概长什么样子,这些问题有时候是通过看了选项并比较选项之后解决的... 因为实在不知道要选什么题,我就随机拿刚刚做错的题目来分析一下... A discount retailer of basic household necessities employs thousands of people and pays most of them at the minimum wage rate.Yet following a federally mandated increase of the minimum wage rate that increased the retailer's operating costs considerably, the retailer's profits increased markedly. Which of the following , if true, most helps to resolve the apparent paradox? (A) Over half of the retailer's operating costs consist of payroll expenditures;yet only a small percentage of those expenditures go to pay management salaries. (B) The retailer's customer base is made up primarily of people who earn,or who depend on the earnings of others who earn,the minimum wage. (C) The retailer's operating costs,other than wages,increased substantially after the increase in the minimum wage rate went into effect. (D) When the increase in the minimum wage rate went into effect,the retailer also raised the wage rate for employees who had been earning just above minimum wage. (E) The majority of the retailer's employees work as cashiers,and most cashiers are paid the minimum wage. Argument Evaluation Situation A discount retailer of household necessities pays the minimum wage to most of its employees.When the minimum wages goes up,the retailer's operating costs rise.However, its profits also rise. Reasoning What information helps resolve this paradox? The retailer’s profits paradoxically rise as its costs rise.What can be happening to account for this? Consider the nature of the cost increase:wages have gone up.If the retailer’s customer base includes many people who earn minimum wage.Their buying power has risen、衍th the minimum wage and they can spend more.When customers spend more,the retailer’s profits are likely to rise,and the seeming paradox is explained. A This statement emphasizes how substantially operating costs have risen.It does not suggest how rising costs could possibly lead to profits. B Correct.This statement properly explains the apparent paradox. C If the retailer’s other costs also rose,then the paradox of the retailer’s profits is even more mysterious. D Increasing other wages contributes to even higher operating costs;there is no information to explain how higher costs could lead to profits. E This detail about minimum-wage jobs does not explain how the retailer could be gaining profits when costs are rising. The correct answer is B. 当场做题的步骤: 1,我是先看完题目再看题干的,因为听前辈说这样比较好… 2,我每次看完题干都会强迫自己复述一遍题目的主要意思,这题复述为“当retailer很大程度提升了它的最低工资成本的同时却反而增加了它的利润” 3,题干要求解释矛盾,想要说明的是如果我在当场能够基本看明白原文的意思,我基本都能猜对题干会怎么问 4,求得一个能让工资成本增加但利润也同时增加的理由,使两方面都合理存在 5,要求得这样的结果,答案可能会说明工资成本的增加不影响利润增加。至于怎么样不影响我在当场一下子是想不出来的,而且觉得与其自己乱想,不如看选项来得直接,不知这个想法正确与否? 这是我做的时候的步骤,非事后仔细分析的想法,结果我选了A。 分析: 1.在看答案前把原文再做一遍,发现还是做错 2.看了OG的解释和答案,发现解释中“…wages have gone up.”后直接就说了“If the retailer’s customer base includes…”我觉得这个跨度我没能做到,就如同我在做题的时候只能做到预测结果必须说明不影响的问题,而不能预测怎么样做会是不影响 3.我把每个选项都仔细看一遍,CDE和我所排除的原因相同,A事后仔细看觉得很没道理…A只说明了成本增加,但没有说明成本增加不影响利润增加的关系;但当时之所以选A是因为觉得其他都不怎么对,且当时没怎么看懂A… 先暂贴一道Explanation题…谢谢! |