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关于Health Management and Policy @ U-Mich,了解的来支一声哈

发表于 2008-1-24 10:44:00 | 只看该作者

关于Health Management and Policy @ U-Mich,了解的来支一声哈

大家好呀!我现在在美国读生物,不想一辈子在实验室跟试剂打交道了,看到Health Management and Policy @ U-Mich 好像很不错的样子,一直排第一? 不过它有三个master:  Master of Public Health (MPH), Master of Health Services Administration (MHSA),Master of Science in Health Services Research (MS).不知道哪个比较好呢?各个专业的就业前景在哪里呢?


如果你知道一些相关的消息一定在这里留下脚印哈!  先谢谢咯!

发表于 2008-5-13 21:17:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2008-5-14 10:34:00 | 只看该作者

Based on my understanding, US healthcare is facing many difficult issues now. In essence, the 16% GDP healthcare expediture is heading towards 18% or 20% very soon, To make the healthcare system more efficient, they need expert. My question to you will be "are you an expert?" If no, the next question "Is your English good enough for you to learn and compete with other native speakers? If no again, you need to take a second thought. If yes, you may need to prepare at least few years to surface yourself from the crowd.

Eventually, dealing with healthcare system and adeministration need a very strong backgroud to perform well. You hardly see a politician with poor language skills and plain background.

My two cents worth.

发表于 2008-5-15 22:57:00 | 只看该作者
It will be easy to apply if you are in US because it isn't professional schoool - you will find difficult to find job or just find a low pay job after school ( lower than a MS in biochemsitry unless you move to biostatistics).  Check job placement in school's website, I won't be surprised that you cannot find anything.

So called "healthcare management" or MPH, it is "designed" for professional with MD, Ph.D, or RN.  For example, an MD who want to do management in hospital or policy.  A nurse who want to move up. 

For Lz, you have several choices: 1) finish your PhD, also take classes in biostatics or computer science or accounting or anything you like; if your school allows you take classes for free, it is your best choice: you can continue on postdoc to get greencard or switch to CS or biostatics, etc;  2) finish your PhD; working as postdoc in school/industry to get greencard (2~3 y), then apply Top20 MBA program; 3) Get your master, then try to find a job in industry; 4) get your MS/MA, if you cannot find job in US, find a job in China with big Pharm; then apply top20 MBA in the future; 5) quit and switch to other MS programs assuming you have enough money.

发表于 2008-5-20 23:29:00 | 只看该作者
that is right
发表于 2008-6-23 03:03:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用mitr_sg在2008-5-14 10:34:00的发言:

Based on my understanding, US healthcare is facing many difficult issues now. In essence, the 16% GDP healthcare expediture is heading towards 18% or 20% very soon, To make the healthcare system more efficient, they need expert. My question to you will be "are you an expert?" If no, the next question "Is your English good enough for you to learn and compete with other native speakers? If no again, you need to take a second thought. If yes, you may need to prepare at least few years to surface yourself from the crowd.

Eventually, dealing with healthcare system and adeministration need a very strong backgroud to perform well. You hardly see a politician with poor language skills and plain background.

My two cents worth.

I totally agree with you because I'm study in Health Services administration program in the department of health policy and management and do a internship for free now. These is no scholarship for international student, and hard to get a job. Any way, if you will transfer to this program, welcome!

发表于 2008-8-20 00:14:00 | 只看该作者

Dear Guys:

This is Ben Wang in Shanghai. I do want to apply for top MBA programs in the direction of healthcare management. Could any friend kindly offer me some advice on schools with this kind of MBA programs?

With background as a surgeion in the hospital, and in the sales and marketing in two international enterprise, I ve been striving to approach the dream. Hope to get your support on the way.

My contact: bigben_wcx(A)




发表于 2009-2-24 02:06:00 | 只看该作者
I want to apply for heathcare management major; the question is I having no background for medicine;my background is business.Is that O.K??
发表于 2009-4-18 18:40:00 | 只看该作者
want to apply for heathcare management major; the question is I having
no background for medicine;my background is business.Is that O.K??

It's okay in the sense that you'll likely get accepted. Competition for these programs are less fierce as long as you have the innate PASSION to improve healthcare in China! This is the most important thing schools look for

It's doubtful if you would be interested in careers typically pursued by MPH grads. though. Many go to work in hospital administration, i.e. improving efficiency, operations scheduling, managing utilization of equipment such as MRI, etc. The more socially oriented go work for governments, such as FDA in the US, PMDA in Japan and MoH in China handling drug approvals, hospital regulations, public healthcare financing schemes (like BMI in China). In the second track expect lots of temptation, aka. red pocket $$$

Medical background helps a lot in these professions. What kind of business background do you have? Employers also like chemists or pharmacists as their professional knowledge compensate for what MDs don't know
发表于 2009-11-10 10:34:18 | 只看该作者

I'm currently applying University of Michigan

I am applying University of Michigan, Ann Harbor right now for MHSA. You don't need any medical background and a business background is okay since it is related to businesses (as long as the program accept GMAT, then any business background is okay).

I have contacted with one of the admission advisor and she told me that the admission is quite competitive. But I believe that if you do well on your GMAT, have a solid GPA, and have a good working experience, then you should be all set. I am taking GMAT in November 21, 2009. Wish me luck folks!
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