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 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-14 09:51:00 | 只看该作者



 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-14 09:57:00 | 只看该作者

GWD3-Q5 to Q7:

      In 1994, a team of scientists led

       by David Mckay began studying the

       meteorite ALH84001, which had been

Line       discovered in Antarctica in 1984.

  (5)      Two years later, the McKay team

announced that ALH84001, which

scientists generally agree originated

on Mars, contained compelling evi-

dence that life once existed on Mars.

 (10)      This evidence includes the discovery

of organic molecules in ALH84001,

the first ever found in Martian rock.

Organic molecules—complex, carbon-

based compounds—form the basis for

 (15)      terrestrial life.  The organic molecules

found in ALH84001 are polycyclic aro-

matic hydrocarbons, or PAH’s.  When

microbes die, their organic material

often decays into PAH’s.

这一段说Mck对来自于火星的ALH的研究发现找到了火星上有生命的证据,证据就是发现organic molecules PAH的形式存在在 ALH


 (20)            Skepticism about the McKay team’s

       claim remains, however.
转折强烈注意新观点出现 For example,(开始列举)

       ALH84001 has been on earth for

13,000 years, suggesting to some

scientists that its PAH’s might have

 (25)      resulted form terrestrial contamination.

However, McKay’s team has demon-

strated that the concentration of PAH’s

increases as one looks deeper into

ALH84001, contrary to what one would

 (30)      expect from terrestrial contamination.

The skeptic’s strongest argument,

however, is that processes unrelated

       to organic life can easily produce all

the evidence found by McKay’ steam,

                   including PAH’s.  For example, star

formation produces PAH’s.  Moreover,

PAH’s frequently appear in other

meteorites, and no one attributes

      their presence to life processes.

 (40)     Yet McKay’s team notes that the

particular combination of PAH’s

in ALH84001 is more similar to the

combinations produced by decaying

organisms than to those originating

form nonbiological processes.


PAH源于terrestrial contamination,反驳PAH从外到里增多;
organic life 不相关的过程也能产生PAH,反驳combination不一样



The passage asserts which of the following about the claim that ALH84001 originated on Mars?


  1. It was initially proposed by the McKay team of scientists.
  2. It is not a matter of widespread scientific dispute.
  3. It has been questioned by some skeptics of the McKay team’s work.
  4. It has been undermined 破坏by recent work on PAH’s. 
  5. It is incompatible
    矛盾的 with the face that ALH84001 has been on Earth for 13,000 years.


ALH84001, which
scientists generally agree

on Mars,




The primary purpose of the passage is to


  1. describe new ways of studying the possibility that life once existed on Mars
  2. revise a theory regarding the existence of life on Mars in light of new evidence
  3. reconcile conflicting viewpoints regarding the possibility that life once existed on Mars
  4. evaluate a recently proposed argument concerning the origin of ALH84001
  5. describe a controversy concerning the significance of evidence from ALH84001




The passage suggests that the fact that ALH84001 has been on earth for 13,000 years has been used by some scientists to support which of the following claims about ALH84001?


  1. ALH84001 may not have originated on Mars.
  2. ALH84001 contains PAH’s that are the result of nonbiological processes.
  3. ALH84001 may not have contained PAH’s when it landed on Earth.
  4. The organic molecules found in ALH84001 are not PAH’s.
  5. The organic molecules found in ALH84001 could not be the result of terrestrial contamination.


that its PAH’s might have
resulted form terrestrial contamination.

 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-14 09:57:00 | 只看该作者

GWD3-Q12 to Q15:

      In its 1903 decision in the case

       of Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock, the United

       States Supreme Court rejected the

Line       efforts of three Native American tribes

  (5)      to prevent the opening of tribal lands

to non-Indian settlement without tribal

consent.  In his study of the Lone

Wolf case, Blue Clark properly

emphasizes the Court’s assertion

 (10)      of a virtually unlimited unilateral power

of Congress (the House of Represen-

tatives and the Senate) over Native

American affairs.  But he fails to note

the decision’s more far-reaching

 (15)      impact:  shortly after Lone Wolf, the

federal government totally abandoned

negotiation and execution of formal

written agreements with Indian tribes

as a prerequisite for the implemen-

 (20)      tation of federal Indian policy.  Many

commentators believe that this change

had already occurred in 1871 when—

following a dispute between the

       House and the Senate over which

 (25)      chamber should enjoy primacy in

Indian affairs—Congress abolished

the making of treaties with Native

American tribes.  But
(文章观点)in reality the

federal government continued to nego-

 (30)      tiate formal tribal agreements past

the turn of the century, treating these

documents not as treaties with sover-

       eign nations requiring ratification by the

Senate but simply
                as legislation to be

 (35)      passed by both houses of Congress.

       The Lone Wolf decision ended this

era of formal negotiation and finally

did away with what had increasingly

become the empty formality of obtain-

ing tribal consent.


文章主要说LW这个case的最高法院驳回了prevent the opening of tribal lands
to non-Indian settlement without tribal
BC这个人研究了这其中没有发现federal government totally abandoned
negotiation and execution of formal
written agreements with Indian tribes
as a prerequisite for the implementation of federal
Indian policy.
,这一点一些评论家认为之前就发生了,实际上,只是not as treaties by Senate but as legislation by houses of congress ,真正结束了那种只是obtain tribal consent的一种形式化的东西



The author of the passage is primarily concerned with


  1. identifying similarities in two different theories
  2. evaluating a work of scholarship
  3. analyzing the significance of a historical event
  4. debunking揭穿 a revisionist修正主义者 interpretation
  5. exploring the relationship between law and social reality




According to the passage, which of the following was true of relations between the federal government and Native American tribes?


  1. Some Native American tribes approved of the congressional action of 1871 because it simplified their dealings with the federal government.
  2. Some Native American tribes were more eager to negotiate treaties with the United States after the Lone Wolf decision.
  3. Prior to the Lone Wolf decision, the Supreme Court was reluctant to hear cases involving agreements negotiated between Congress and Native American tribes.
  4. Prior to 1871, the federal government sometimes negotiated treaties with Native American tribes.
  5. Following 1871, the House exercised more power than did the Senate in the government’s dealings with Native American tribes.


federal government totally abandoned
negotiation and execution of formal
written agreements with Indian tribes
as a prerequisite for the implementation of federal
Indian policy. Many
commentators believe that this change
had already occurred in 1871




As an element in the argument presented by the author of the passage, the reference to Blue Clark’s study of the Lone Wolf case serves primarily to


  1. point out that this episode in Native American history has received inadequate attention from scholars
  2. support the contention of the author of the passage that the Lone Wolf
                        decision had a greater long-term impact than did the congressional action of 1871
  3. challenge the validity of the Supreme Court’s decision confirming the unlimited unilateral power of Congress in Native American affairs
  4. refute the argument of commentators who regard the congressional action of 1871 as the end of the era of formal negotiation between the federal government and Native American tribes
  5. introduce a view about the Lone Wolf decision that the author will expand upon


But he fails to note
the decision’s more far-reaching




According to the passage, which of the following resulted from the Lone Wolf decision?


  1. The Supreme Court took on a greater role in Native American affairs.
  2. Native American tribes lost their legal standing as sovereign nations in their dealings with the federal government, but their ownership of tribal lands was confirmed.
  3. The federal government no longer needed
                        to conclude
                        a formal agreement with a Native American tribe in order to carry out policy decisions that affected the tribe.
  4. The federal government began to appropriate tribal lands for distribution to non-Indian settlers.

  5. Native American tribes were no longer able to challenge congressional actions by appealing to the Supreme Court.


The Lone Wolf decision ended this
era of formal negotiation and finally
did away with what had increasingly
become the empty formality of obtaining tribal consent.


 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-14 09:58:00 | 只看该作者

GWD3-Q23 to Q26:

      Why firms adhere to or deviate

       from their strategic plans is poorly

       understood.  However, theory and

Line       limited research suggest that the

  (5)      process through which such plans

emerge may play a part.  In particular,

top management decision-sharing

consensus-oriented, team-based

decision-makingmay increase the

 (10)      likelihood that firms will adhere to their

plans, because those involved in the

decision-making may be more com-

mitted to the chosen course of action,

thereby increasing the likelihood that

 (15)      organizations will subsequently adhere

to their plans.

Adhere/deviate 那个strategic plan是受process作用的,特别是top management decision sharing


      However, the relationship between

top management decision-sharing and

adherence to plans may be affected

 (20)      by a firm’s strategic mission (its fun-

       damental approach to increasing

       sales revenue and market share, and

generating cash flow and short-term

profits).  At one end of the strategic

 (25)      mission continuum, “build” strategies

are pursued when a firm desires to

increase its market share and is willing

to sacrifice short-term profits to do so.

At the other end, “harvest” strategies

 (30)      are used when a firm is willing to

sacrifice marked share for short-term

profitability and cash-flow maximiza-

       tion.  Research and theory suggest

that top management decision-sharing

                   may have a more positive relationship

with adherence to plans among firms

with harvest strategies than among

firms with build strategies.  In a study

      of strategic practices in several large

 (40)     firms, managers in harvest strategy

scenarios were more able to adhere

to their business plans.  As one of the

managers in the study explained it,

this is partly because “[t]ypically all a

 (45)      manager has to do [when implementing

a harvest strategy] is that which was

done last year.”  Additionally后边递进略读, man-

agers under harvest strategies may

have fewer strategic options than do

 (50)      those under build strategies; it may

therefore be easier to reach agree-

ment on a particular course of action

through decision-sharing, which will

in turn tend to promote adherence

 (55)      to plans.  Conversely, in a “build”

strategy scenario, individual leader-

ship, rather than decision-sharing,

may promote adherence to plans.

Build strategies—which typically

 (60)      require leaders with strong perso-

nal visions for a firm’s future, rather

than the negotiated compromise

of the team-based decision—may

be most closely adhered to when

 (65)      implemented in the context of a clear

strategic vision of an individual leader,

rather than through the practice of



这一段主要The relationship between
top management decision-sharing and
adherence to plans may be affected
by a firm’s strategic mission.
Build S, Harvest S

Top management decision-sharing
may have a more positive relationship
with adherence to plans among firms
with harvest strategies than among
firms with build strategies



Which of the following best describes the function of the first sentence (lines 17-24) of the second paragraph of the passage?


  1. To answer a question posed in the first sentence of the passage about why firms adopt particular strategic missions
  2. To refute an argument made in the first paragraph about how top management decision-making affects whether firms will adhere to their strategic plans
  3. To provide evidence supporting a theory introduced in the first paragraph about what makes firms adhere to or deviate from their strategic plants
  4. To qualify an assertion made in the preceding sentence (lines 6-16) about how top management decision-making affects the likelihood that firms will adhere to their strategic plans
  5. To explain a distinction relied on in the second paragraph (lines 17-68) regarding two different kinds of strategic missions

However, the relationship between
top management decision-sharing and
adherence to plans may be affected
by a firm’s strategic mission


觉得所有选项都不对,为什么选D ?



The passage cites all of the following as differences between firms using build strategies and firms using harvest strategies EXCEPT


  1. their willingness to sacrifice short-term profits in order to build market share
  2. their willingness to sacrifice building market share in order to increase short-term profitability
  3. the number of strategic options available to their managers
  4. the relative importance they assign to maximizing cash-flow
  5. how likely they are to employ decision-sharing in developing strategic plans


its fundamental approach to increasing
sales revenue and market share, and
                cash flow and short-term


Additionally, managers under harvest strategies may
have fewer strategic options than do
those under build strategies





The primary purpose of the passage is to


  1. identify some of the obstacles that make it difficult for firms to adhere to their strategic business plans
  2. compare two different theories concerning why firms adhere to or deviate from their strategic plans
  3. evaluate the utility of top management decision-sharing as a method of implementing the strategic mission of a business
  4. discuss the respective advantages and disadvantages of build and harvest strategies among several large firms
  5. examine some of the factors that may affect whether or not firms adhere to their strategic plans


找出本篇文章主要探讨的中心词,不是Build S & Harvest S,也不是top management 而是adhere to their strategic plans



The author includes the quotation in lines 44-47 of the passage most probably in order to


  1. lend support to the claim that firms utilizing harvest strategies may be more likely to adhere to their strategic plans
  2. suggest a reason that many managers of large firm prefer harvest strategies to build strategies
  3. provide an example of a firm that adhered to its strategic plan because of the degree of its managers’ commitment
  4. demonstrate that managers implementing harvest strategies generally have better strategic options than do managers implementing build strategies
  5. give an example of a large firm that successfully implemented a harvest strategy


managers in harvest strategy
scenarios were more able to adhere
to their business plans


 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-14 09:58:00 | 只看该作者

GWD3-Q35 to Q37:

      Historians who study European

       women of the Renaissance try to mea-

       sure “independence,” “options,” and

Line       other indicators of the degree to which

  (5)      the expression of women’s individuality

was either permitted or suppressed.(猜词,如果万一两个词中有一个不认识,or要想到另一个是对立意思的)

Influenced by Western individualism,

these historians define a peculiar form

of personhood:  an innately bounded

 (10)      unit, autonomous and standing apart

from both nature and society.  An

anthropologist, however,对立观点提出)would contend

that a person can be conceived in ways

other than as an “individual.  In many

 (15)      societies a person’s identity is not

intrinsically unique and self-contained

but instead is defined within a complex

web of social relationships.



      In her study of the fifteenth-century

 (20)      Florentine widow Alessandra Strozzi, a

historian who specializes in European

women of the Renaissance attributes

individual intention and authorship of

       actions to her subject.  This historian

 (25)      assumes that Alessandra had goals

and interests different from those of her

sons, yet much of the historian’s own

research reveals that Alessandra

acted primarily as a champion of her

 (30)      sons’ interests, taking their goals as

her own.  Thus Alessandra conforms

more closely to the anthropologist’s

       notion that personal motivation is

embedded in a social context.  Indeed,

 (35)      one could argue that Alessandra did

       not distinguish her personhood from

that of her sons.  In Renaissance

Europe the boundaries of the con-

ceptual self were not always firm

 (40)      and closed and did not necessarily

coincide with the boundaries of

the bodily self.


这段举例论证文艺复兴时期来说明were not always firm
and closed and did not necessarily
coincide with the boundaries of
the bodily self.




The passage suggests that the historian mentioned in the second paragraph (lines 19-42) would be most likely to agree with which of the following assertions regarding Alessandra Strozzi?


  1. Alessandra was able to act more independently than most women of her time because she was a widow.
  2. Alessandra was aware that her personal motivation was embedded in a social context.
  3. Alessandra had goals and interests similar to those of many other widows in her society.
  4. Alessandra is an example of a Renaissance woman who expressed her individuality through independent action.
  5. Alessandra was exceptional because she was able to effect changes in the social constraints placed upon women in her society.


Florentine widow Alessandra Strozzi, a
historian who specializes in European
women of the Renaissance

individual intention and authorship of
actions to her subject




It can be inferred that the author of the passage believes which of the following about the study of Alessandra Strozzi done by the historian mentioned in the second paragraph (lines 19-42)?


  1. Alessandra was atypical of her time and was therefore an inappropriate choice for the subject of the historian’s research.
  2. In order to bolster her thesis, the historian adopted the anthropological perspective on personhood.
  3. The historian argues that the boundaries of the conceptual self were not always firm and closed in Renaissance Europe.
  4. In her study, the historian reverts to a traditional approach that is out of step with the work of other historians of Renaissance Europe.
  5. The interpretation of Alessandra’s actions that the historian puts forward is not supported by much of the historian’s research.



In Renaissance
Europe the boundaries of the conceptual self, were not always firm
and closed and did not necessarily
coincide with the boundaries of
the bodily self


This historian assumes that Alessandra had goals and interests different from those of her sons, yet
much of the historian’s own research reveals that Alessandra acted primarily as a champion of her sons’ interests, taking their goals as her own.



In the first paragraph, the author of the passage mentions a contention that would be made by an anthropologist most likely in order to


  1. present a theory that will be undermined in the discussion of a historian’s study later in the passage

B.     offer a perspective on the concept of personhood that can usefully be applied to the study of women in Renaissance Europe

  1. undermine the view that the individuality of European women of the Renaissance was largely suppressed
  2. argue that anthropologists have applied the Western concept of individualism in their research
  3. lay the groundwork for the conclusion that Alessandra’s is a unique case among European women of the Renaissance whose lives have been studied by historians


anthropologist, however, would contend
hat a person can be conceived in ways
other than as an “individual.”  In many
societies a person’s identity is not
intrinsically unique and self-contained
but instead is defined within a complex
web of social relationships.


发表于 2007-9-14 22:11:00 | 只看该作者
很好 加油 我刚好开始GWD 跟住你的步伐 呵呵
发表于 2007-9-16 20:43:00 | 只看该作者
着两天没有更新 不会是放弃了吧 都等着看呢
发表于 2007-9-17 08:02:00 | 只看该作者



 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-17 10:20:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用нандин在2007-9-16 20:43:00的发言:
着两天没有更新 不会是放弃了吧 都等着看呢



 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-17 10:22:00 | 只看该作者

Q5-Q7: GWD-4-5~7

Many scholars have theorized that

       economic development, particularly

       industrialization and urbanization, con-

Line       tributes to the growth of participatory

  (5)      democracy;  according to this theory, it

would seem logical that women would

both demand and gain suffrage in ever

greater numbers whenever economic

development expanded their economic

 (10)      opportunities.  However, the economic

development theory is inadequate to

explain certain historical facts about the

implementation of women’s suffrage.

For example(举例论证), why was women’s suf-

 (15)      frage, instituted nationally in the United

States in 1920, not instituted nationally

in Switzerland until the 1970’s?  Indus-

trialization was well advanced in both

countries by 1920:  over 33 percent

 (20)      of American workers were employed

       in various industries, as compared

       to 44 percent of Swiss workers.

Granted, Switzerland and the United

States diverged in the degree to

 (25)      which the expansion of industry coin-

cided with the degree of urbanization:

only 29 percent of the Swiss population

lived in cities of 10,000 or more inhabi-

tants by 1920.  However, urbanization

 (30)      cannot fully explain women’s suffrage.

Within the United States prior to 1920,

for example, only less urbanized

       states had granted women suffrage.

Similarly, less urbanized countries

(35)          such as Cambodia and Ghana had

voting rights for women long before

Switzerland did.  It is true that Switzer-

land’s urbanized cantons (political

subdivisions) generally enacted

(40)          women’s suffrage legislation earlier

than did rural cantons.  However,

these cantons often shared other

characteristics—similar linguistic back-

grounds and strong leftist parties—that

may help to explain this phenomenon.


经济发展和妇女参政权的关系,按。。。理论,经济发展了,women would both demand and gain suffrage in ever greater numbers whenever economic development expanded their economic opportunities.但是,实际上,这个理论不能充分解释,举例论证,US, Switzerland,工业城市化程度很高但是suffrage却发展得很慢,寻找原因,urbanization
不是,Switzerland的原因是cantons often shared other characteristics


Q5: GWD-4-5

The passage states which of the following about Switzerland’s urbanized cantons?


  1. These cantons shared characteristics other than urbanization that may have contributed to their implementation of women’s suffrage.

  2. These cantons tended to be more politically divided than were rural cantons.

  3. These cantons shared with certain rural cantons characteristics such as similar linguistic backgrounds and strong leftist parties.

  4. The populations of these cantons shared similar views because urbanization furthered the diffusion of ideas among them.

  5. These cantons were comparable to the most highly urbanized states in the United States in their stance toward the implementation of women’s suffrage.


these cantons often shared other
characteristics—similar linguistic backgrounds and strong leftist parties—that
may help to explain this phenomenon


Q6: GWD-4-6

The primary purpose of the passage is to


  1. contrast two explanations for the implementation of women’s suffrage

  2. demonstrate that one factor contributes more than another factor to the implementation of women’s suffrage

  3. discuss the applicability of a theory for explaining the implementation of women’s suffrage(一定要围绕文章中心)

  4. clarify certain assumptions underlying a particular theory about the implementation of women’s suffrage

  5. explain how a particular historical occurrence was causally connected to the implementation of women’s suffrage



Q7: GWD-4-7

The passage suggests which of the following about urbanization in Switzerland and the United States by 1920?


  1. A greater percentage of Swiss industrial workers than American industrial workers lived in urban areas.

  2. There were more cities of 10,000 or more inhabitants in Switzerland than there were in the United States.

  3. Swiss workers living in urban areas were more likely to be employed in industry than were American workers living in urban areas.

  4. Urbanized areas of Switzerland were more likely than similar areas in the United States to have strong leftist parties.

  5. A greater percentage of the United States population than the Swiss population lived in urban areas.


Switzerland and the United
diverged in the degree to
which the expansion of industry coincided with the degree of urbanization:
                only 29 percent of the Swiss

lived in cities of 10,000 or more inhabitants by 1920.

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