大家请留意ets的解释是“have a disinclination ......while willing is grammatically incomplete”,并不是单独说while willing is grammatically incomplete。这里单单看while willing是没有问题的,问题是跟have a disinclination一起就出现问题:while willing 和while being willing 是否应该省略be或being,原因就是大家讨论的while表转折应与have形成平行比较,不能省略谓语动词;至于应该是be还是being,个人比较倾向于are与have对应,不知是否正确。
当然假如E改成many people are disinclined to recognize the weakness of their analytical skills while are willing to admit to their lack of computer skills or other technical skills.我认为就应该没有问题。(请留意画线部分修改)这里有三个改动,第一、二个改动是为了解决have a disinclination....while willing产生的语法缺失;第三个改动参考了这个连接http://forum.chasedream.com/dispbbs.asp?boardid=23&replyid=54374&id=54374&page=1&skin=0&Star=1。
以下是引用tulipmontreal在2004-6-10 16:30:00的发言: admit their lack should be admit to their lack 请看: transitive senses 1 a : to allow scope for : PERMIT <admits no possibility of misunderstanding> b : to concede as true or valid <admitted making a mistake> 2 : to allow entry (as to a place, fellowship, or privilege) <an open window had admitted rain> <admitted to the club> intransitive senses1 : to give entrance or access 2 a : ALLOW, PERMIT <admits of two interpretations> b : to make acknowledgment -- used with to 这里现在可以看出用ADMIT TO了.
这里是否可以认为除了几个比较固定的搭配如admit mistake/defeat等外,ets可能认为其他情况加上to比较清晰吧。
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-7 22:52:07编辑过] |