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OG10 - 123 问一个好像之前没有问过的问题

发表于 2007-5-8 16:16:00 | 只看该作者

OG10 - 123 问一个好像之前没有问过的问题

123. Advertisement: Today’s customers expect high quality. Every advance in the quality of manufactured products raises customer expectations. The company that is satisfied with the current quality of its products will soon find that its customers are not. At MegaCorp, meeting or exceeding customer expectations is our goal.


Which of the following must be true on the basis of the statements in the advertisement above?


(A) MegaCorp’s competitors will succeed in attracting customers only if those competitors adopt MegaCorp’s goal as their own.

(B) A company that does not correctly anticipate the expectations of its customers is certain to fail in advancing the quality of its products.

(C) MegaCorp’s goal is possible to meet only if continuing advances in product quality are possible.

(D) If a company becomes satisfied with the quality of its products, then the quality of its products is sure to decline.

(E) MegaCorp’s customers are currently satisfied with the quality of its products

提干中说customers expect high quality; quality advance --> higher expectations; the goal is to as least meet expectation.

正确选项是meet goal --> quality advances is possible.

我的问题是,提干中并没有说除了quality之外没有其他办法让customer 满意,只说了他们expect quality并且quality上升他们能满意。为什么答案说,只有improve quality,才能让他们满意呢?用它因的话,我可以说价格下降,质量不变,说不定也能meet他们的expectation啊,也能meet goal了。


 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-10 22:14:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-5-11 16:21:00 | 只看该作者


--Today’s customers expect
        high quality

--At MegaCorp, meeting or exceeding customer expectations is our goal.

所以:通过 expect/expectations“架桥”,将 goal 和 high quality 连接起来,因此 C 正确。

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