A greater number of newspapers are sold in Town S than in Town T. Therefore, the citizens of Town S are better informed about major world events than are the citizens of Town T. Each of the following, if true, weakens the conclusion above EXCEPT: (A) Town S has a larger population than Town T. (B) Most citizens of Town T work in Town S and buy their newspapers there. (C) The average citizen of Town S spends less time reading newspapers than does the average citizen of Town T. (D) A weekly newspaper restricted to the coverage of local events is published in Town S. (E) The average newsstand price of newspapers sold in Town S is lower than the average price of newspapers sold in Town T. 這個討論串綿延很久了,感謝lawyer及CD提供的各種資訊,這邊貢獻一點個人的看法,希望拋磚引玉。為了方便敘述,故把整個題目再重複一次。 首先,原題的邏輯簡化為 因:A greater number of newspapers are sold(S>T) 果:people are better informed about major world events(S>T) 題目問:weakens the conclusion above EXCEPT 重點在conclution,也就是focus在[果:people are better informed about major world events]的部分就可以答題。 選項A,B都是在講人,也就是weaken conclution中的people 選項C提到閱讀時間長短,也就是weaken conclution中的better informed 選項D提到local events,也就是weaken conclution中的major world events 選項E提到price,可以把它視為對[因:A greater number of newspapers are sold]的說明/解釋,也可以單純把它當成無關選項;無論如何他對應不到conclution中的任何內容。符合EXCEPT的要求,故是正確答案。結語:從這個題目,可以發現AT出題非常嚴謹。這樣的嚴謹對於考生而言非常有利,因為嚴謹也代表了有跡可循、有規律。能參透多少規律與ETS的出題邏輯,就能夠提高正確率,也是牛人所說,能在完全看不懂的情況下,把答案選出來,是拿高方的關鍵。因為這樣的規律,不只在邏輯中,也在閱讀和修辭中有其規律。這也是牛人所說,整個AT考試雖然分三個部分,但其實是一個整體。 感謝前輩披荊斬棘,如今擔子在我們的肩上,換我們為後人鋪路,薪火相傳,總有一天會把GMAT給破解的! 錯漏之處請指教! |