scientist did not know of a close vertebrate analogue to the extreme form of altruism know 是谓语 + of 介词短语+a close vertebrate介词的宾语+ analogue to the extreme form of altruism observed in eusocial insects like ants and bees 宾语的修饰语。其中observed in eusocial insects like ants and bees修饰altruism 翻译: 直到最近,科学家没有发现一种具有(类似于在蚂蚁和蜜蜂等群居性昆虫中所表现出来极度利他主义的社会组织)的脊椎动物。 翻译出来还是很绕口,请那位NN 再来补充吧。。。。 The division of labor within social groups is less pronounced among other vertebrates than among naked mole rats, colony size is much smaller, and mating by subordinate females may not be totally suppressed, whereas in naked mole rat colonies subordinate females are not sexually active, and many never breed. 这里是三个句子并列,即所谓的 A, B , and C 的结构。没有问题。 Open to discuss, 请大家继续拍砖。。。。。
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[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-9 15:40:27编辑过] |