008. which of the following fraction has decimal equavelent to what is terminating decimal? a,10/189, b,39/182, other two都是无穷小数, and e,25/144.答案E。 ----关于terminating decimal的问题,掌握一个思路,分母是否只含2与5的因子,如果是,则能够terminating decimal,否则为否。 问题:144 的因子也不只是2和5呀?是2^4*3^2呀怎么也是答案呢? 017. jj:A B C D on number line, not in the order. AC= 20, CD= 7, AB=3. which of the following can be BD? (1) 30. (2) 10. (3)24. asnwer is all. . ----参见上月JJ 怎么做的?上月的第几题? 020. jj93.正方形ABCD,边长点E在AD上,点F在AB上,点G在BC上,点H在DC上,FG平行于EH,DE=DH=BF=BG=6,然后AFGCHE围成的图形被shadowed了,问shadowed area占ABCD总面积的百分比 answer: I choose 70% ----参见上月JJ 是不是少条件?上月的哪题?70%怎么得的? |