40.After graduating form high school, people rarely multiply fractions or discuss ancient Rome, but they are confronted daily with decisions relating to home economics. Yet whereas mathematics and history are required courses in the high school curriculum, home economics is only an elective, and few students choose to take it. Which of the following positions would be best supported by the considerations above? (A) If mathematics and history were not required courses, few students would choose to take them. (B) Whereas home economics would be the most useful subject for people facing the decisions they must make in daily life, often mathematics and history can also help them face these decisions. (C) If it is important to teach high school students subjects that relate to decisions that will confront them in their daily lives, then home economics should be made an important part of the high school curriculum. (D) Mathematics, history, and other courses that are not directly relevant to a person's daily life should not be a required part of the high school curriculum. (E) Unless high schools put more emphasis on nonacademic subjects like home economics, people graduating from high school will never feel comfortable about making the decisions that will confront them in their daily lives. 这题也就是说:平时人们用不到multiply fractions(mathmatics)&discuss ancient rome(history),但在学校里math&history确是必修课;而人们平时会经常用到decisions relating to home ecnomics,但在学校里home ecnomics却只是选修课,而且很少有人选。 我再来说说A DJungle:A说如果历史和数学不是必修课,那么很少会有人选。这个也正是第一点和第二点结合推出来的东西呀 这个就不太对了:题干里只说Yet whereas mathematics and history are required courses in the high school curriculum, home economics is only an elective, and few students choose to take it. 题干中并没有如下的逻辑关系:选修课->很少人选. 题干中只是说home economics是很少人选的。 对于答案:题干中很清楚有着decision对应H E地~~ 不知道说得清楚不清楚呢~~我觉得做这种类型的题目,就看题干中的信息能直接推出来什么~~有时还要除去我们的一些定时思维呢`~ |