Thank you for your detailed information. However, I believe you misunderstood the whole context. I think the basic point is to find what's missing. In order to evaluate whether ppl should change to the new seed, we need to know the groundtruth. Here, we know group A uses similar amount of insectcide as group B NOW, but if A had to use much more than B previously, it's clear that the new seed works. Ok, furthermore, I think your explanation was not accurate.   lease see following in CAPITAL as my correction. Feel free to let me know what you think. Actually I am pretty sure E is the right answer and I just don't understant why so many ppl choose B. if E is true, most of the farmers tried the modified seed because they had previously had to use exceptionally large quantities of insecticide. AND RIGHT NOW, THE CONSUMPTION OF THE INSECTICIDE IS SLIGHTLY LOWER THAN OTHERS, which means it reduced a lot compared with the consumption used before by those people. HENCE, it's important to use the new seeds.
以下是引用gonghao在2006-9-26 13:08:00的发言:
From my point of view,the conclusion was drawn beacuse of two reasons.First is the slightly reduction of the insecticde consumption.Second ,the profits new seed made is no more than the older one. If E is the answer ,let's give it a test. If E is true,most of the farmers tried the modified seed because they had previously had to use exceptionally large quantities of insecticide.And right now,the consumption of the insecticide reduced slightly ,hence the conclusion that there is no need to turn to new seed is absolutely right. If E is wrong,most of the farmers tried the modified seed but they did not previously use exceptionally large quantities of insecticide.Combined with the truth discussed in the argument,the conclusion will be probably drawn again since the consumption of insecticide reduced slightly and no more profits were created by the new seed. So no matter choice E is right or wrong ,it always gives conclusion a support.Hence,I think E is not the best answer. --------------------------------- Choice B has been discussed very clear by lawyer in the discuss thread listed above. Open to discuss...